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Performance Measurement: A Brief Introduction For Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Measurement: A Brief Introduction For Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Measurement: A Brief Introduction For Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services

2 Outline What is performance measurement? A proposed framework to measure performance What are indicators and how are they used to measure performance? Finessing KCFS’ draft Performance Measurement Framework 2

3 What is performance measurement? Performance measurement for Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services : what we want to achieve - to ‘make a difference’ the steps - how the program will achieve its objectives how we know the project is on track to achieve its objectives identifying the quantity and quality of identifying outcomes/impacts linking actions and processes to inputs It isn’t: –Activities –Managing –Auditing –Directional 3

4 Current Performance Measurement Framework Context Goals and Activities taken from Kunuwanimano Strategic Plan IOG drafted some performance indicators, outputs and outcomes. To be reviewed and revised with Kunuwanimano. Our focus now will be on developing with staff and board members key performance indicators as reporting mechanisms that meet the needs of the Board and MCYS. 4

5 Performance Measurement Framework: A model 5 Performance Components Performance Indicators Performance Monitoring and Reporting Continuous Quality Improvement 1. Quality Prevention Services 2. Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency 3. Readiness for Protection Services Measures (Quantitative & Qualitative) Data Collection Monitoring Accreditation Assessments Public Reporting Analysis & Learning Revision& Adjustment Foundations for the Performance Measurement Framework Funding, Human Resources, Integrated Data Systems

6 Developing Indicators Specific, Measurable, Attributable, Robust, Timely (SMART) Attractiveness / Feasibility Linked to existing data collection where possible –Reduce data collection burden as much as possible Aimed at particular levels of impact (Macro/Meso/Micro) 6

7 Performance Management example Goal/Strategic Priority: Improve operational effectiveness and efficiency Activities: e.g. gap identification, staff trainingInputs: e.g. $, learning plans, Key Performance Indicators: knowledge, greater understanding responsibilities Outputs & Outcomes: e.g. staff have greater capacity to accomplish their work 7

8 KCFS – Draft Performance Measurement Framework Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services - Performance Measurement Framework GoalsTactics (Activities) Key Performance IndicatorsOutputsOutcomes Kunuwanimano Outcomes: identifies the intended result(s) of the agency, with the level of achievement against the intended result(s) capable of being measured 0. Client-focused prevention services 0.1 Develop and implement a community prevention services program plan for each First Nation (old tactic 6.3) By program type: program hours, number of children, number of parents, number of program completions (where applicable), number of clients in one-on-one counselling, number of referrals to other other organizations Client-focused programs and services High quality Prevention Services per legal and MCYS parameters 8

9 Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services - Performance Measurement Framework GoalTactics (Activities)Key Performance IndicatorsOutputsOutcomes 9 1. Improvements to Board performance 1.1 Review the Board attendance policy and procedures to clarify attendance requirements and consequences for lack of attendanceBoard attendance Sound Board Management Board Effectiveness 1.2 Re-establish regular Board meetings (e.g. every two months)Frequency of meetings 1.3 Review the Terms of Reference for the Board members Evaluate Board members understanding of roles and responsibilities 1.4a Update Board Orientation manual Completed Manual available on-line; nuber of Directors who have reviewed tracked and up to date; sign-off sheets on file 1.4b Develop and implement a board training plan Evidence of plan, tracking of implementation documented; minutes of Board meetings reflect progress 1.5 Actively engage Chiefs of represented First Nations to appoint Board members Representation, attendance, level of participation 1.6 Enhance Board role in setting policy for the agency Evidence of plan, tracking of implementation documented; minutes of Board meetings reflect progress 1.7 Establish and activate key Board Committees (Finance, Personnel, Executive) Evidence of plan, tracking of implementation documented; minutes of Board meetings reflect progress 1.8 Evaluation of the Executive Director Annual 360 review; Documented Board evaluation of ED; training plan for ED; compensation consideration documentation linked to performance

10 10 Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services - Performance Measurement Framework GoalTactics (Activities)Key Performance IndicatorsOutputsOutcomes 2. Enhance Management and Staff Capacity to deliver program and services 2.1 Enhance internal communication and support for staff Usage and effectiveness of a centralized information tool or mechanism Sound operational management Capacity to deliver within resources Frequency of all staff meetings 2.2 Survey staff to identify training and support needs Training hours, training costs, implemented staff support decisions Documentation of staff and management training in policy, key processes, current role of prevention, future goals of protection, and processes to achieve designation 2.3 Expand participation in case conference to provide peer support for all staff Hours projected, hours completed (on case conferences); representation from each First Nation

11 11 Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services - Performance Measurement Framework GoalTactics (Activities)Key Performance IndicatorsOutputsOutcomes 3. Communication and engagement with Stakeholders and Partners 3.1 Develop an external communications strategy Documented plan and tracking of achievements against the plan Effective Relationships with all stakeholders Reputation and credibility Old Goal #4. 3.2 Re-build relationships with MCYS (old tactic 4.1) Frequency of meetings; MCYS feedback; MCYS support for agency plans and MCYS evaluation against Service Agreement Revised Service Agreement with MCYS and performance against agreement approved by BoD (0ld tactic 6.2) Revised Service Agreement There are 631 Service agreement data elements in Service Contract; indicators competed per requirements Quarterly Reports to MCYS

12 12 5. Build a sustainable financial management plan 5.1 Establish Finance Committee (see 1.7) Minutes of Board meetings reflect progress The financial management plan approved by Board and MCYS Reputation, credibility,stabi lity 5.2 Review audit recommendations and revise financial procedures Minutes of Board meetings reflect progress Revised procedures approved by Board 5.3 Review of finance policies and procedures Minutes of Board meetings reflect progress Revised procedures approved by Board 5.4 Increase revenues in Foster Care budget to enhance Foster Care programsBudget reports Sustainable foster care program 5.5 Undertake expense reduction initiatives Minutes of Board meetings reflect progress budget expense line trend comparisons Efficiency in operations 5.6 Explore revenue-generating optionsBudget reports (revenue) Sustainable program Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services - Performance Measurement Framework GoalTactics (Activities)Key Performance IndicatorsOutputsOutcomes

13 6. Re-structure Policies and Procedures 6.1 Complete and re-submit policy document corrections to MCYS based on a successful model Timeframes, records of feedback or approvals, Board decisions MCYS approved Policy Documents MCYS accredited Policy Framework 13 Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services - Performance Measurement Framework GoalTactics (Activities)Key Performance IndicatorsOutputsOutcomes

14 14 Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services - Performance Measurement Framework GoalTactics (Activities)Key Performance IndicatorsOutputsOutcomes 7. To Deliver Protection Services A7.1 Establish a Designation Committee to oversee, manage and implement the Designation process Terms of Reference, membership, governance, frequency, minutes Achieve Phase I, Step II of capacity development: on- site review Readiness for Designation note: A series takes place between July 2012 and July 2013A7.2 Regular Communication with MCYS Frequency of meetings, timely follow- up on correspondence A7.2 Build relationship with NEOFACSMemorandum of Understanding A7.3 Build partnership with mentoring agency AAFS (Anishanaabe Abinooji Family Services)Memorandum of Understanding A7.4 Communication Strategy for designation Implementation against plan and timelines note: B series starts July 2012 B7.5 Establish service agreements with six First Nations to provide services Metrics on service delivery per agreements (see 0.1 above) B7.6 Secure Capacity Building funding from MYCSBudget documents B7.7Confirm statistics with NEOFACS and calculate impact of transfer to KCFS Stats (before and after) on cases under maagement B7.8 Prepare a Financial Plan for Designation Budget documents: expenditures against plan NOte: after policies are approved, an on-site review by MCYS will be required B7.9 Establish Policies and Procedures specific to Designation & obtain Board and MCYS approval Board review and approval, MCYS review and approval B7.10 Finalize the Care Model for Protection services Board review and approval, MCYS review and approval Note: Mentorship cannot start until Phase 1, Steps I & II have been successfully completed.B7.11Mentorship and Staff Training MOU with mentor; hours of training per staff member against plan; Documented completion of staff training with mentoring agency note: C series starts July 2013 C7.12 Recruit new Protection Services staff through the mentoring agency Budget plan; staffing plan; number of new staff on strength against plan and budget; Transfer staff from mentoring agency back to KCFS C7.13 Community Education Board approval of plan; number of events, number of publications; community feedback; C7.14 Ministry Evaluation of KCFS On-site review results; start of Phase II of MCYS designation process

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