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Tulane University Emergency Management Art Kirkland Director Office of Emergency Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Tulane University Emergency Management Art Kirkland Director Office of Emergency Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tulane University Emergency Management Art Kirkland Director Office of Emergency Management

2 Tulane University What is Emergency Management? The objective of all dedicated employees is to thoroughly analyze all situations, anticipate all problems prior to their occurrence, have answers for these problems, and move swiftly to solve these problems when called upon. However, when you are up to your arms in alligators, it is difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp. 2

3 Tulane University Phases of Emergency Management Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery 3

4 Tulane University Phases of Emergency Management 4

5 Tulane University Mitigation Attempts to prevent disasters or Reduce the effects of disasters Risk Assessment Catastrophe Modeling 5

6 Tulane University Preparedness Continuous cycle of: Planning Organizing Training Equipping Exercising Evaluation Improvement activities 6

7 Tulane University Agenda What is emergency management? Phases of emergency management Principles of emergency management Hurricane plan specifics Where do you fit in? Questions 7

8 Tulane University Preparedness at Tulane Emergency Plans EOP Hurricane Plan Emergency messaging system Exercises Annual hurricane table top Joint exercises with NOPD, NOFD, TEMS 8

9 Tulane University Response 9

10 Recovery Goal: To put it back like it was Build back better Begin the mitigation process again Learn from where damage occurred 10

11 Tulane University Principles of Emergency Management Emergency management should be: Comprehensive Progressive Risk-driven Integrated Collaborative Coordinated Flexible Professional 11

12 Tulane University Hurricane Plan Specifics 12 Mitigation Preparation Response Recovery

13 Tulane University Hurricane Plan Specifics Mitigation You can’t prevent it so…. Risk assessment What could go wrong? How likely is it? What is the damage if it does? 13

14 Tulane University Hurricane Plan Specifics Planning Compare last year’s plan to template How does shelter in place (SIP) affect you? Have you planned for extended closure? Do you have a personal plan? Do you have adequate supplies on hand? Have you identified a reopening team? 14

15 Tulane University Where Do You Fit In? Risk assessment You know your environment You are among the first aware of changes Education Conduit of information Leading by example Sanity check 15

16 Tulane University Questions 16

17 Tulane University Art Kirkland, Director Office of Emergency Management (OEM), 862-8370 If unable to proceed to quiz, type the link below into your browser Proceed to Quiz

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