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By Bldr. Anthony A. Okwa (fniob) & Bldr. Jibrin Musa (Mniob)

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Presentation on theme: "By Bldr. Anthony A. Okwa (fniob) & Bldr. Jibrin Musa (Mniob)"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Bldr. Anthony A. Okwa (fniob) & Bldr. Jibrin Musa (Mniob)

2 INTRODUCTION  What is NVQF?  The NVQF is a system for  The development, classification and recognition of skills, knowledge and competencies acquired by individuals, irrespective of where and how the training or skill was acquired.  NVQs are work-related, competence- based qualifications, that reflect the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for entry and progression in employment  NVQs are based on national standards for various occupations.  The standards describe what a competent person in a job should be able to do well.

3 OBJECTIVES OF THE NVQF  The main objective is to;  Enhance quality  Accountability  Transparency  Access  progression  And comparability of qualifications in relation to existing and future labour market human capital needs.

4 HOW NVQs ARE ACHIEVED  To achieve an NVQ, a candidate must prove that he has the ability (competence) to perform the stipulated skills tasks at the appropriate level, to the required standard.  Nigeria has identified the key sectors with sizable demand for vocational trades as initial focus areas. These include;  Construction  Hospitality - hotel and tourism  Power  Oil and gas  Health  Clothing Textiles and Leather works

5 ADVANTAGES OF NVQF  Provides the criteria against which standards for graduation, job entry, career progression and remuneration could be gauged easily and fairly;  Standardizes learning outcomes, competencies to be attained and demonstrated;  Strengthens the linkage between skills training provider on the one hand, and industry on the other;  Determines convenient systems for recognition of prior achievement;  Expands access to education particularly lifelong learning;  Provides a system for upskilling, reskilling etc. of Nigerian youth and working adult.


7 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THE NVQF  The NVQ code of practice, guidelines, roles and responsibilities, identifies and spells out four key players in the NVQ hierarchy:  The Training Provider  The Awarding Body  The Sector Skills Council  The Regulatory Body

8 REQUIREMENT TO OPERATE NVQ TRAINING CENTRES  One NVQ assessor for every six NVQ candidates  One internal verifier for every ten assessors  A centre co-ordinator to manage the registration of NVQ candidates and to request certificates.  A placement officer who manages relationship with industries  The required financial resources,  The required structures. (Lesson rooms, offices, counselling rooms, library, record room, etc.)  ICT facilities.  Agreement with industries for candidates work placement (industry Bank)

9 REQUIREMENT FOR AN AWARDING BODY  Adequate and qualified human resources (external verifiers, monitoring officers, information officers, industry liaison officers, etc)  Robust certification system  Robust Data base  iv.Standards and Qualification.  v.Effective governance, leadership and management, which will support the delivery of NVQs  vi.A robust quality framework that ensures quality product is delivered to the candidate  vii.Approved governance structure.

10 REQUIREMENT FOR A SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL  Research Officers  Quality Assurance Managers  Master Trainers  Industrial Liaison Officers  Robust Data Base  ICT personnel  Effective leadership and Governance Structure  Required financial resources.

11 REQUIREMENTS OF A REGULATORY BODY  Adequate and qualified human resources (external verifiers, monitoring officers, information officers, Statisticians, qualification officers, etc.)  Robust Data base  National Occupational Standards (NOS)  Effective governance, leadership and management, which will support the delivery of NVQs  A robust quality framework that ensures quality product is delivered to the candidate  Approved governance structure.

12 CONCLUSION  The NVQ offers a new vista of opportunities for the professional builder to work as  Trainers  Master Trainers  Assessors  Verifiers  Moderators  Research Officers  Quality Assurance Managers  Center Managers, etc


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