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Proposal to Increase the 2015 – 2016 Student Services and Activities (SS&A) Fee Presented by: Konstantin Grinev - Minister of Treasury.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal to Increase the 2015 – 2016 Student Services and Activities (SS&A) Fee Presented by: Konstantin Grinev - Minister of Treasury."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal to Increase the 2015 – 2016 Student Services and Activities (SS&A) Fee Presented by: Konstantin Grinev - Minister of Treasury

2 WHAT IS THE SS&A FEE ? WHAT IS THE SS&A FEE ? Students Services and Activities Fee; Students Services and Activities Fee; Primary source of funding for extracurricular activities; Primary source of funding for extracurricular activities; Provides support for student’s retention and success; Provides support for student’s retention and success; Aligns with the college’s core themes and strategic initiatives; Aligns with the college’s core themes and strategic initiatives; It supports over 21 programs and 43 clubs; It supports over 21 programs and 43 clubs; Funds are generated equally on a per student basis and dependent on the number of full time enrolled students; Funds are generated equally on a per student basis and dependent on the number of full time enrolled students;

3 RATIONAL FOR INCREASING THE FEE The allocation was $ 1.2 million for the 2014-2015 year. The allocation was $ 1.2 million for the 2014-2015 year. Is it enough for a college with total annual headcounts of 10, 200 students? Is it enough for a college with total annual headcounts of 10, 200 students? The Committee believes that the current budget and fee rate are insufficient; The Committee believes that the current budget and fee rate are insufficient; The fee has not been adjusted for several years; The fee has not been adjusted for several years; It doesn’t correlate with the current costs of goods and services; It doesn’t correlate with the current costs of goods and services; It doesn’t correspond to the current level of natural inflation in the economy. It doesn’t correspond to the current level of natural inflation in the economy.

4 RATIONAL FOR INCREASING THE FEE SCC has one of the lowest fees in the state; SCC has one of the lowest fees in the state; The majority of schools implement the state maximum for SS&A fees (set by the Washington State Board for Community &Technical Colleges). Please see table 3 in your handout. The majority of schools implement the state maximum for SS&A fees (set by the Washington State Board for Community &Technical Colleges). Please see table 3 in your handout.

5 THE 2015 – 2016 FEE INCREASE PROPOSAL SUMMARY The Committee, with the approval of Student Parliament, proposes to increase the fee by $ 0.80 per 1 credit for 1-10 credits and by $ 1.20 per 1 credit for 11-18 credits. The Committee, with the approval of Student Parliament, proposes to increase the fee by $ 0.80 per 1 credit for 1-10 credits and by $ 1.20 per 1 credit for 11-18 credits. $/1cr 1-10 credits$/1cr 11-18 creditsTotal/qtr (full-time) Max. state’s rate$ 10.58$ 6.15$136.55 Current fee rate$ 8.20$ 1.97$ 97.76 Proposed fee rate$9.00(.80 increase)$ 3.17 (1.20 increase)$115.36

6 THE 2015 – 2016 FEE INCREASE PROPOSAL SUMMARY This amounts to an additional $17.60 per quarter for a student enrolled full time; This amounts to an additional $17.60 per quarter for a student enrolled full time; It is estimated that this increase will generate additional revenue of $216,000, increasing the total SS&A Budget to $1,416,000; It is estimated that this increase will generate additional revenue of $216,000, increasing the total SS&A Budget to $1,416,000; This would allow programs and organizations to be funded adequately; This would allow programs and organizations to be funded adequately; This aligns with the College’s core themes and strategic initiatives (students success and retention); This aligns with the College’s core themes and strategic initiatives (students success and retention); This will expand and extend the level of student engagement; This will expand and extend the level of student engagement;

7 WHAT WOULD IT GIVE US? More activities in music and arts programs; More activities in music and arts programs; Great support to Athletics; Great support to Athletics; Additional full time position in the Student Leadership Center which is significantly understaffed; Additional full time position in the Student Leadership Center which is significantly understaffed; Enhance student engagement; Enhance student engagement; Increased employment opportunities for students; Increased employment opportunities for students;


9 RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS (RSO) What is an RSO? What is an RSO? Why are they important? Why are they important? Where does the money go? Where does the money go? Baseline budget ($500) Baseline budget ($500) Advisors Advisors

10 2014-15 RECOGNIZED STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS (43) Alliance of Latin American StudentsFirst NationsSci-Fi Club Art Club Golf ClubShoreline's Field of Justice (League of Legends Club) Asian Student Association Hall of WorthiesSwing Dance Club Black Student Union Heroes ClubTaiwanese Club Board Game Club (Draeger's Trick) Hong Kong Student AssociationUkelele Club CEO Club Indonesian Student CommunityVietnamese Club Chinese Culture Club Just Dance ClubVisual Comm. Tech. Club Christian Open Door Fellowship Kung Fu ClubWordsmithies Clay Club MIDI Engineering ClubWorldly Philosophers & Dismal Scientists Dental Hygiene Club Muay Thai ClubFilm Club Disability Awareness Society Muslim Student AssociationUnited Science Club Disciple Makers of Christ Piano Club Engineering & Technology Society Pre-Medical Science Club Ethiopian-Eritrean Student Assoc. Project Pride F-Stop Photo Club SCC Cheer Club Feminists United SCC Economics Research Team (SCCERT)

11 PROGRAMS (21) What is a Program? What is a Program? Supervisor/Advisor – Overseen by the Dean of the respective department Supervisor/Advisor – Overseen by the Dean of the respective department Annual budget proposals with an on-going lifespan Annual budget proposals with an on-going lifespan Provides services to campus Provides services to campus

12 ALLOCATIONS OVERVIEW (2) Programs 2015-2016 Request Scenario with the 2015-2016 Fee Increase Athletics$316,748 Contigency$50,000 DECA$22,682$20,682 Ebbtide$50,461$32,670 Fine Arts$184,947$182,362 Intramurals$35,418 Mini-Grants$50,000$45,000 Phi Theta Kappa$5,607 Student Clubs$42,270 Student Engagement$52,254$36,177 Student Life Center$509,479$499,915 Student Support$149,229 Total$1,469,095$1,416,078

13 GENERAL ALLOCATION CONSIDERATIONS Necessity of newly requested expenses Necessity of newly requested expenses Implicit cost increases (minimum wage, inflation, etc.) Implicit cost increases (minimum wage, inflation, etc.) External revenue sources (fundraising, ticket sales, etc.) External revenue sources (fundraising, ticket sales, etc.) Quantity of students impacted vs. quality of experience Impact on retention and recruiting Reviewed budget and expense history Use of campus resources

14 SPECIAL THANKS TO: David Starr - Faculty Representative; David Starr - Faculty Representative; Ann Martin-Cummins – Budget Analyst; Ann Martin-Cummins – Budget Analyst; Dawn Vinberg – Budget Director Dawn Vinberg – Budget Director Rezina Habtermariam– Director of Student Life Rezina Habtermariam– Director of Student Life Justin Collins – Student Representative; Justin Collins – Student Representative; Michelle Ogle – Student Representative; Michelle Ogle – Student Representative; Alicia Lewis - Student Representative. Alicia Lewis - Student Representative.


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