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Infection Control Principles of Disease Transmission.

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Presentation on theme: "Infection Control Principles of Disease Transmission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infection Control Principles of Disease Transmission

2 Microorganisms Small living plant or animal Non-pathogens –Live in or on the body –Part of the normal flora –May be beneficial to the body Pathogens –Germs –Cause infection

3 Types of Pathogens Bacteria –One celled plants –Classified by shape and arrangement –Cocci – strep, staph –Bacilli – TB, tetanus –Spirilla – syphilis, cholera

4 Protazoa –One celled animals –Found in decayed material and contaminated water –Malaria, dysentery

5 Fungi –Simple plant-like organism –Live on dead matter –Yeasts, molds –Ringworm,athlet e’s foot, thrush

6 Rickettsiae - Parasitic microorganism –Transmitted to humans through the bite of a tick,fleas, Typhus and lice, mites –Rocky Mountain spotted fever

7 Viruses –Smallest microorganism –Can only reproduce inside humans cells –Colds, chicken pox, warts, influenza, HIV, Hepatitis

8 Needs of microorganisms To Grow –Warmth –Darkness –Source of food –Moisture –Aerobic need oxygen –Anaerobic – don’t need oxygen

9 How Pathogens Cause Infections Poisons/toxins –Ex: tetanus Allergic Reactions –Ex: runny nose, sneezing Attack and Destroy cells they invade –Ex: malaria

10 Additional Classifications Endogenous –Originates inside the body Exogenous –Originates outside the body Nonsocomial –An infection acquired inside the hospital Opportunistic –Infections that occur when the body’s immune system is weak

11 Chain of Infection

12 Asepsis Absence of disease-producing microorganisms Any area or object containing pathogens is considered contaminated

13 Levels of aseptic Control Antisepsis –Prevent or inhibit the growth of pathogenic organism but are not effective against spores or viruses. –Ex: Alcohol/Betadine

14 Disinfection Destroys or kills pathogenic organisms but not always effective against spores or viruses Ex: Bleach, Clorox

15 Sterilization The process that destroys all microorganisms both pathogenic and non- pathogenic including spores and viruses. Ex: Steam under pressure, autoclave, gas, radiation, chemicals

16 Most Inexpensive, Quickest, and Effective way to prevent the spread of pathogens


18 Standard Precautions

19 Two Main Ways Pathogens Spread Blood –HIV –Hepatitis B –Hepatitis C Body Fluids

20 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1991 established blood-borne pathogen standard regulations

21 Regulations Determine employees who have occupational exposure Provide the Hepatitis B vaccine free Provide PPE – Personal Protective Equipment Provide adequate hand washing facilities Ensure the worksite is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition

22 Regulations Cont. Enforce NO eating, drinking, smoking, applying lip balm or lipstick, handling contact lenses or mouth pipetting in any area potentially contaminated with blood or body fluids. Provide adequate sharps containers coded red/orange Post signs in areas where there is occupational exposure

23 Provide confidential medical evaluation and follow up for any employee with an exposure Provide free training for any new updates or changes

24 Sharps all needles syringes syringe bodies scalpels lancets any glass items, such as slides or Pasteur pipettes, that are contaminated with potentially infectious material and/or human blood.


26 PPE Personal Protective Equipment

27 Sterile Technique Sterile –Free from all organisms Contaminated –Organisms and pathogens are present –Items that touch your clothes or skin or any area below the waist are considered contaminated

28 Sterile Field Never reach across the top of the field Reach in from the sides to add to the field Never turn your back to a sterile field 2 inches around the border are contaminated Anything below the level of the tray is contaminated

29 Methods to Remove Sterile Articles from Sterile Wraps Drop Method Mitten Method Transfer Forceps

30 Sterile Field Keep Sterile field dry Pathogens move quickly through wet surfaces Take care when pouring solutions into a sterile field When you put on sterile gloves, only handle sterile items


32 Standards Precaustions Used when contacting all patients

33 Transmission-based Isolation Airborne Droplet Contact Protective

34 Communicable Diseases A disease caused by a pathogic organism that can be easily transmitted to others Spread by –Direct contact with patient –Contact with blood and body fluids –Droplets –Discharge from wounds


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