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S equoia Healthy Start A program of the East Bay Agency for Children Reka Lal Program Director Amara Lisy Program Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "S equoia Healthy Start A program of the East Bay Agency for Children Reka Lal Program Director Amara Lisy Program Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 S equoia Healthy Start A program of the East Bay Agency for Children Reka Lal Program Director Amara Lisy Program Coordinator

2 Sequoia Healthy Start  Sequoia Healthy Start (SHS)  SHS is one of the eleven EBAC programs and one of the six programs under School and Community  Currently in our 8 th year of operating educational and family support services at Sequoia Elementary School in Oakland  SHS is separate from the school but works closely with the full support of Sequoia teachers and administrative staff

3 56 % of Sequoia students receive free or reduced lunch (based on income) 22 % of the students struggle with limited English skills 50 % of Sequoia students scored at or above grade level in Language Arts (this was an increase from last year - 42%) of Sequoia students scored at or above grade level in Mathematics (this was an increase from last year - 54%) The Faces of Sequoia School 58 %

4 SHS Mission and Goals 1. To increase Sequoia's capacity to meet students' social and emotional needs through our mental health services; 2. To increase family well-being through our family workshops and events; 3. To provide a high quality after-school program with both an academic and enrichment component. SHS MISSION: To increase student success in school by providing direct family and student support services and quality after-school program.

5 The Faces of SHS Reka Lal, SHS Program Director Amara Lisy, SHS Program Coordinator Shauna Olson-Hong and Revi Airborne, PALS Social Workers After-School Staff: Academic Liaison, Academic Instructors, Enrichment Instructors, Community Partners

6 SHS Program Structure SHS Program Counseling Services yearly caseload 18-25 clients individual, group, family counseling services, teacher consultation, case management. After-School Program two tracks of programming 95 enrolled students grades 1-5 Family Workshops and Events Enrichment-Only Program Open to students in grades 3-5 Receive enrichment services only Program ends at 4:30 Academic & Enrichment Support Program Open to students in grades 1–5 Receive both enrichment and academic components Program ends at 6:00

7 Family Workshops and Events  Parent involvement activities are aimed to promote parent and family engagement in Sequoia School  Family events include potlucks and student showcases  Family Workshops  are supported through Junior League funds and volunteers  Parent feedback on topics  Health and Nutrition (2)  Homework help  Summer programs  Finance-College savings plans  Time management  Students and parents are in separate workshop with same topic  Workshops are hosted after work from 6:30-8:00

8 SHS Program Structure SHS Program Counseling Services yearly caseload 18-25 clients individual, group, family counseling services, teacher consultation, case management. After-School Program two tracks of programming 95 enrolled students grades 1-5 Family Workshops and Events Enrichment Only Program Open to students in grades 3-5 Receive enrichment component only Program ends at 4:30 Academic & Enrichment Support Program Open to students in grades 1–5 Receive both enrichment and academic components Program ends at 6:00

9 After-School Enrichment Activities  WORD  Percussion  Spanish  Arts & Crafts  African Dance  Recreation  Eco-Art  Science  Gardening  Yoga  Textiles  Collage  Service Learning  Team-Building  Sewing

10 ASP Academic Component  Students are divided into grade-level classes and with an Academic Instructor all year  Students receive 1 hour of writing intervention and half hour of homework help everyday  Academic focus is writing—goal is to stay aligned with the school-day focus and needs  Sonny Kim, 5 th grade school-day teacher, is our Academic Liaison  helps to ensure alignment with school-day and California standards  Academic Instructors  teach 4-6 writing assignments; project-based  meet with the school-day teachers on a monthly basis  fill out progress notices for each of their students and send them to school-day teachers and parents

11 After-School Program Changes  Increased student enrollment from 80 students to 95 students  Added an Enrichment-Only, part-time program in response to Sequoia family needs  Added 4 more enrichment classes to accommodate new students including  Moved Enrichment program to the start of program and academics to the end of program  Revamped Family Workshops

12 Funders & Community Partners  Oakland Unified School District (OUSD)  After-School Education and Safety (ASES)  Oakland Fund for Children and Youth (OFCY)  Junior League of San Francisco (JSLF)  Early Prevention Screening Diagnostic Treatment (EPSDT)  Oakland Youth Chorus (OYC)  Head Royce High School  Sequoia Dad’s Club  Sequoia Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)  Salem Lutheran Home

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