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Presentation on theme: "GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS DOMAINS GNH Commission 2 nd June 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 Indicators 2. Prayer Recitation 3. Meditation 4. Consideration of Karma in daily life 2. Prayer Recitation 3. Meditation 4. Consideration of Karma in daily life DOMAIN 1: PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING Domain: psychological wellbeing  Farmers  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives  Farmers  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives GENERAL  38% of respondents reported to recite prayers daily,49% occasionally and 13% not at all  People over the age of 60 reported higher level of prayer recitation  85% of the respondents reported Normal Mental Wellbeing, 10% some mental distress and 5% severe mental distress from the GHQ Females, single parents and farmers reported higher level of stress  45% of respondents reported that they considered Karma in their daily life, 52% occasionally and 3% never Respondents over the age of 60 reported higher in consideration of Karma  Just 1 % of the respondents reported that they meditate daily, 8% occasionally and 90% not at all Gross National Happiness Commission Target Group Policy Intervention GENERAL 1.GHQ 5. Feeling of selfishness GENERAL  2.63% of the respondents reported feeling selfish often, 23.66% sometimes and 73.72% never

3 Indicators DOMAIN 1: PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLBEING Domain: psychological wellbeing  Farmers  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives  Farmers  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives GENERAL  16.6% of the respondents reported feeling calm often, 58.9% sometimes and 24% never  1.37% of respondents reported feeling jealous often, 19.5% sometimes and 70% never  Rural populace scored higher on suicidal thoughts and attempts than the urban people  Farmers scored highest in the suicidal ideation and attempts Gross National Happiness Commission Target Group Policy Intervention 6. Jealousy 7. Calmness 8. Compassion 9. Generosity 10. Frustration 11. Suicidal thoughts and attempts GENERAL  27% of the respondents reported feeling compassionate often, 62% sometimes and 10% never  29% of the respondents reported feeling generous often, 62% sometimes and 10% never  5% of the respondents reported feeling frustrated often, 56% sometimes and 40% never  Females scored higher on suicidal thoughts and attempts than males GENDERGENERAL  Females reported higher on the importance of generosity then males REGIONGENERALGENDEROCCUPATIONEDUCATION  Compassion and generosity is more valued by people with lower level of education (lack of value transmission)

4 Gross National Happiness Commission

5 Indicators 1.Self reported health status 2.Long term disability 3.Number of healthy days in the past 30 days 4. Body mass index 1.Self reported health status 2.Long term disability 3.Number of healthy days in the past 30 days 4. Body mass index DOMAIN 2: HEALTH Domain: Health  Farmers  Females  Rural populace  Low income group  Religious community  Farmers  Females  Rural populace  Low income group  Religious community GENDER GENERAL  Males reported higher on self rated health status than the females.  Females reported higher on long term disability than the males  Males reported higher on the number of healthy days than the females  People with higher income had better/ excellent health status Gross National Happiness Commission Target Group Policy Intervention GENDER REGION GENDER REGION GENDER  Females were more obese and over weight than the males  The Urban populace were more over weight and obese than their rural counterparts  Rural populace reported higher disabilities, esp. farmers  25.5% of the respondents reported excellent on health status, 64% good and 10.4% poor

6 Indicators DOMAIN 2: HEALTH Domain: Health  Farmers  Females  Rural populace  Low income group  Religious community  Farmers  Females  Rural populace  Low income group  Religious community REGION  Rural populace were ignorant of the mode of transmission of HIV/AIDS  Only 39.7% of the respondents knew how long a child should be breast fed exclusively  Rural populace reported higher in mean walking distance(63.65 mins) to the nearest health care centre than its urban counterparts Gross National Happiness Commission Target Group Policy Intervention GENERAL REGION 5. Knowledge of transmission of HIV AIDS 6. Knowledge on the duration for a child to be breast fed exclusively 7. Walking distance to the nearest health care centre  84.4% of the respondents knew how HIV/AIDS is transmitted  80.56% of female in 13-17 age group and 51.57% of female in 18-30 age group have no knowledge of how long a child should be breast fed GENERAL  Only 2.56% of the respondents reported that the walking distance to nearest health care centre is more than 180 mins, and 38.5% reported that the walking distance is less than 30 mins


8 BMI= weight (KG)/height (m 2 ) Under weight— BMI <18.5 Normal weight—BMI 18.5-24.9 Overweight— BMI 25.0-29.9 Obese—BMI >=30.0



11 Indicators DOMAIN 5: COMMUNITY VITALITY Domain: Good Governance Gross National Happiness Commission Target Group Policy Intervention 1.Sense of trust in neighbours 2.Neighbours helping each other in the community 3. Labour exchange with community members 4. Socializing with friends 5. Members of your family really care about each other 6. Members of your family argue too much GENERAL  41% of the respondents trusted most of their neighbours, 42% said they trusted only some of them  Males reported higher on the trust level than females both in the urban and rural areas GENDER REGION  Rural populace reported higher on the level of trust in general than the urban populace GENERAL  48% of the respondents reported that neighbours help each other always, 48% sometimes and 3 % rarely. REGION  Rural populace reported higher on the helping each other in the community (53% always) than the urban populace (28% always) GENERAL  70% of the respondents reported there is labour exchange in the community and 30% disagreed GENERAL  52% of the respondents reported socializing with friends few times a week, 32% few times a month and 8% once a month GENERAL  Urban  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives  Urban  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives

12 Indicators DOMAIN 5: COMMUNITY VITALITY Domain: Good Governance Gross National Happiness Commission Target Group Policy Intervention 7. There is a lot of understanding in your family 8. Your family is a real source of comfort to you 9. No. of relatives living in the same community 10. Victim of crime 11. Did you see other people being victimized? GENERAL  98.6% of the respondents reported that they haven't been victims of crime GENERAL  75% of the respondents reported that that they have seen people being victimized and 25% agreed otherwise GENERAL  40% of the respondents reported that almost all their relatives live in the same community, 21% about half, 30% a few and 9% none  Urban  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives  Urban  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives

13 Indicators DOMAIN 5: COMMUNITY VITALITY Domain: Good Governance Gross National Happiness Commission Target Group Policy Intervention GENERAL GENDER REGION GENERAL  52% of the respondents reported that they have volunteered where as 48% reported otherwise GENERAL  89% of the respondents reported that they have donated and 11% reported otherwise REGION  P/gatsel and Dagana Dzo reported highest (95%) on donation and Thimphu (78%) the lowest GENERAL  Urban  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives  Urban  Females  Unemployed  Single parents  Rural populace  House wives 14.No. of days volunteered 15. Amount of donation in cash value 16. Availability of social support 12.Feelings of safety from human harm 13. Sense of enmity in the community  13% of the respondents reported that they rarely feel safe from human harm  Females reported higher(21.4%) on feeling rarely safe from human harm than the males (5%) Thimphu Dzo (22%)reported highest on feeling rarely safe from human harm and Haa Dzo lowest (5%)  Only 12% of the respondents reported that there is enmity in the community and 88% reported otherwise GENDER REGION  Males reported higher (57%) than females (47%) on voluntarism  Rural populace reported higher (55%) than females (35%) on volunteerism






19 Thank You & Tashi Delek

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