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Happiness economics By Anna Stepchenko and Oleksandra Dzhurasenko Group 887 Economics supervisor – Kateryna Goncharova English supervisor – Yuliya Shtaltovna.

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Presentation on theme: "Happiness economics By Anna Stepchenko and Oleksandra Dzhurasenko Group 887 Economics supervisor – Kateryna Goncharova English supervisor – Yuliya Shtaltovna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Happiness economics By Anna Stepchenko and Oleksandra Dzhurasenko Group 887 Economics supervisor – Kateryna Goncharova English supervisor – Yuliya Shtaltovna

2 “Happiness = Satisfaction with work/wealth + Satisfaction with health”

3 Happiness economics is the quantitative study of happiness, positive and negative affect, well- being, quality of life, life satisfaction and related concepts, typically combining economics with other fields such as psychology and sociology.

4 The Easterlin paradox Finding that people in rich countries don't report much greater happiness than those in lower-income countries even though, in any given country, the rich say they are happier than the poor do.

5 Pecuniary Arena

6 Non-pecuniary Arena

7 Determinants of happiness Maslow's hierarchy of needs

8 Money GDP / GNP Individual income Social security Employment

9 Relationships and children Freedom and control Leisure Health

10 Happiness indices Happy Life Years Happy Planet Index Gross national happiness (GNH) Concept of "good life“ Satisfaction with Life Index


12 Satisfaction with Life Index Top 10 countries Canada10 Brunei9 Bhutan8 Sweden7 Finland6 The Bahamas5 Iceland 4 Austria3 Switzerland2 Denmark1 CountryRank

13 10 least satisfied with life countries Burundu178 Zimbabwe177 Democratic Republic of the Congo176 Moldova175 Ukraine174 Sudan173 Armenia172 Turkmenistan171 Belarus170 Georgia169 CountryRank



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