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Introduction and Course Information. Content Course Presentation Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University2.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction and Course Information. Content Course Presentation Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction and Course Information

2 Content Course Presentation Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University2

3 About the Course Instructor:Muzaffer DOĞAN Office Phone:6562 E-mail Web Page: Teaching Assistant:Alper YARGIÇ Course Page: Class Hours:09:00-12:00, WED Office Hours:14:00-17:00, THU Prerequisites:Internet Programming C/C++/Java/C# Programming Object Oriented Programming Textbook:Beginning ASP.NET 4.5 in C#, Matthew MacDonald, Apress, 2012. Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University3

4 Course Contents 1 st Week Course Presentation,.NET Framework, Visual Studio 2012 Environment, A Simple ASP.NET Web Application, C# Language, HTML and HTML Forms, Server- Side Programming, Client-Side Programming, Creating and Debugging ASP.NET Pages, ASP.NET File Types, ASP.NET Directories. 2 nd Week Application Domain, ViewState, The Page Class, Sending User to a New Page, Fundamental Web Controls, AutoPostBack. 3 rd WeekState Management: ViewState, Cross-Page Posting, Query String, Cookies 4 th WeekState Management: Session State, Application State. 5 th Week Error Handling, Error Pages, Page Tracing, Deploying ASP.NET Application, Virtual Directory, IIS, ASPNET Account, Validation, Rich Controls: Calendar, AdRotator, Pages with Multiple Views, Wizard Control. 6 th WeekFirst Midterm 7 th WeekUser Controls, Styles, Themes, Master Pages. Working with Data: Configuring Database, SQL Basics, Select/Insert/Delete/Update, Data Binding, GridView. Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University4

5 Course Contents 8 th WeekDirect Data Access, Data Binding. 9 th WeekSorting and Paging, DetailsView, FormView. 10 th WeekNational Holliday 11 th WeekDatabase Access 12 th WeekSecond Midterm 13 th WeekAjax 14 th WeekAjax 15 th WeekWeb Services 16 th WeekFinal Exam Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University5

6 Grading Plan 1 st MT: 20%, 2 nd MT: 20%, Assignments: 20%, Final: 40%. Curve will be applied to the grades. If your grade is below 85%, you cannot get the grade AA, but it is not certain that if you pass 85% then you get AA. If your grade is below 40%, you certainly fail, but this does not mean that you’ll get at least DD if you pass 40%. Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University6

7 Sample Grading Plan Grade Letter Grade ≥ 85AA ≥ 80AB ≥ 75BA ≥ 70BB ≥ 65BC Grade Letter Grade ≥ 60CB ≥ 55CC ≥ 50CD ≥ 45DC ≥ 40DD < 40FF 7

8 About Assignments Copying homework/project is subject to the immediate fail from the course for both students that give and take the copy. Those students will also be directed to the disciplinary committee and this may result send-away from the school for 6 months. Assignments will be submitted via the webpage and late assignments will not be accepted. Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University8

9 Groups You may work on the assignments with groups of at most 2 people Group members should be specified at the beginning of the course (in the first assignment) Group members cannot be changed during the semester Please carefully select your partner since both members are responsible for all actions Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University9

10 Supplementary Software In this course, you’ll need Visual Studio 2012 software You can download it from a shared folder as explained in page You can login to the website using your Anadolu e-mail account. If you have problems in logging in, please inform me. 10

11 Attendances You don’t have to attend classes but recent experiences show that the students that attend the classes are more successful. All students are responsible for visiting the website of the course at least two times in each week. Announcements, assignments, and submitting will be via the website. Muzaffer DOĞAN - Anadolu University11

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