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Georgia’s Journey Marketing and Promoting the Principle of Every Child Deserves A Medical Home.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia’s Journey Marketing and Promoting the Principle of Every Child Deserves A Medical Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia’s Journey Marketing and Promoting the Principle of Every Child Deserves A Medical Home

2 Daphne Babrow, PhD, MPH, MEd Georgia Department of Community Health Division of Public Health Maternal and Child Health Program Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Coordinator

3 Special Thanks Helen Dulock, DNS, RN Georgia Department of Community Health Division of Public Health Maternal and Child Health Program Maternal and Child Health Nurse Consultant

4 Medical Home Description Primary care Family-centered partnership Community-based, interdisciplinary team-based approach to care Care that is: accessible, family centered, coordinated, compassionate, continuous and culturally effective Care includes preventive, acute and chronic care Quality improvement processes in place President of AAP, Oct. 5, 2009

5 Dental Home Description Comprehensive, Continuously accessible Coordinated Family centered Provided by a licensed dentist “Every child should have a dental home/oral exam by age one” American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry American Dental Association

6 Why A Medical Home Fewer emergency visits and hospitalizations Decrease in delays in receiving care Families more likely to:  feel their provider listened to their concerns  to receive written management plan for child’s chronic conditions and  to receive education on medication use Increased satisfaction with care May help to reduce the cost of care

7 Why A Medical Home In Georgia Number of Providers Location of Providers

8 Georgia Health Professional Shortage Area Map

9 Georgia Dental Professional Shortage Area Map

10 Why A Medical Home In Georgia Children 1 st  Linked to PHCP > 13,000 Part C Babies Can’t Wait  LBW/VLBW  Transition Children’s Medical Services (CSHCN)  Specialty visits Head Start Community Assessment  Communication

11 Why a Brochure Reviewed other states Medical Home activities -Lasting for several years -Grant awards -Participated in Medical Home Learning Collaborative

12 Why a Brochure in Georgia Georgia had no written material for any group related to Medical Home Limited knowledge or understanding Medical Home among public Right time to take on this initiative

13 Why a Brochure in Georgia ECCS Criteria  infra-structure building  systems building ECCS as an organization focused on early childhood could address child health through  promoting both a Medical and Dental Home  focusing on families

14 Our Brochure Journey Not a Linear Process Destination Confusion Twists and Turns Delays En-Route Wrong Turns Passenger Turn Over

15 Not a Linear Process Initial Structure of ECCS Steering Committee (15-20 individuals from several partner agencies) Five Content Area Work Teams:  Access to Insurance and Medical Home  Early Childhood Care and Education  Family Support  Parent Education  Mental Health and Social Emotional

16 Not a Linear Process July 1, 2009 - A New Home Georgia Division of Public Health was re- located to the Department of Community Health

17 Not a Linear Process Sept. 2009 - ECCS Structure Revised  Executive Advisory Board  State Team  Steering Committee  Standing Committees  Workgroups (Medical/Dental Home)  Data Support Group  Project Management Team

18 Destination Confusion Target Population Initially not defined Then care providers Now families  Rationale Get families directly involved in child’s health Able to provide additional support and information to families

19 Passenger Turn Over Seven year process Attrition Momentum Originally housed in Content Area Work Team  Consisted of state agencies, providers, families, local boards of health, regional federal staff, professional societies and community agencies

20 Original Passengers Chair, Children w/Special Needs Unit, MCH Programs, Public Health Early Head Start Staff Department of Early Care & Learning Staff State Oral Health Director, Public Health Department of Community Health Staff (Medicaid)

21 Original Passengers Representative from GA Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Representative from GA Academy of Family Physicians

22 Passengers All Aboard Current Workgroup ECCS Coordinator State Oral Health Director Consultants Representative from GA Academy of Pediatrics Representative from GA Academy of Family Physicians Graphic Designer

23 Wrong Turns Not everything CAN go into brochure Consensus on appropriate content and on wording

24 Families and children see the same primary care provider which facilitates building a partnership between families, providers and office staff. (Your children see the same primary care doctor which helps to build a partnership between you, the doctor and the staff. )  Your primary care dental or medical provider works with your child’s other care providers. (Your primary care dental and medical doctor works with your child’s other care providers.) The medical and dental home is considered the best model for providing primary care that is family centered to children and their parents. (It is considered the best model for providing primary care that is family centered for you and your children.) Parents report less delays for health care provided in medical home for children with special needs. (consider deleting entirely since it only specifies for children w/ special needs) The medical and dental home is considered the best model for providing primary care that is family centered to children and their parents. Parents report less delays for health care provided in medical home for children with special needs. Families and children see the same primary care provider which facilitates building a partnership between families, providers and office staff. (Your children see the same primary care doctor which helps to build a partnership between you, the doctor and the staff. )  Your primary care dental or medical provider works with your child’s other care providers. (Your primary care dental and medical doctor works with your child’s other care providers.)

25 Wrong Turns Finding appropriate pictures; pictures that include diversity Dealing with conflicting input Maintaining high level of motivation through multiple revisions

26 Your Child Deserves: Assessable Continuous Comprehensive Family Centered Coordinated Care Culturally Effective Care ESTABLISH A MEDICAL AND DENTAL HOME FOR YOUR CHILD TODAY Your Child Deserves: Assessable Continuous Comprehensive Family Centered Coordinated Care Culturally Effective Care

27 There were many people who said, You are taking them where? But my child got her teeth very early, and my thoughts were, if you have teeth, you should go see a dentist. We not only found out if we were doing all the right things, but we also got advice on teething and other oral health issues. Quote: Parent of two young children. “Every child should have a dental home by age 1.” There were many people who said, You are taking them where? But my child got her teeth very early, and my thoughts were, if you have teeth, you should go see a dentist. We not only found out if we were doing all the right things, but we also got advice on teething and other oral health issues. Quote: Parent of two young children. “Every child should have a dental home by age 1.” 1. Statement supported by: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry American Academy of Pediatrics American Dental Association Georgia Dental Association

28 On the Road Again Decision to put additional information on the ECCS website Quarterly reports to ECCS Steering Committee Reviewers of content for health literacy  Families  Professional Societies

29 Delays En-Route Branding Process ECCS Steering Committee sought to select a name that families, communities, and stakeholders would be able to identify with their collective efforts to support Georgia families of children, ages birth to five years

30 Delays En-Route Sept 18, 2009 ECCS Steering Committee shown ECCS branding examples from other states Engaged in a facilitated discussion on their collective vision for ECCS in Georgia Given the opportunity to nominate branding ideas Summary of ideas presented to the ECCS Project Management Team (PMT)

31 Delays En-Route Nov 5, 2009 PMT Met and reviewed nominations Eliminated any suggestions that were not aligned with Department/Division/Program goals and objectives Voted to select top 3 nominations to be presented to Steering Committee for final approval

32 Delays En-Route Dec, 8, 2009 ECCS Steering Committee met and voted on final brand On-Going Final selection was given to graphic artist to create image.

33 Georgia ECCS Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems Peach Partners, Helping Georgia's Young Children Grow, Learn and Thrive

34 Grand Reveal A Family Guide to a Medical and a Dental HOME Grow, Learn & Thrive Every Child NEEDS a Medical and a Dental Home

35 Next Steps Approval Process  Professional societies for co-branding  Department approval  Copyright infringement Printing  Approximately 10,000 copies  Georgia Corrections Institute  Approved Vendor

36 Next Steps Dissemination  State Team  Community Partners  Professional Societies  Local Boards of Health Translation  Spanish (possible hard copy)  Other languages (web-based)

37 Next Steps Training  Families  Non-Medical Providers  Medical Providers Web-based Fact Sheets Facebook Page

38 Next Steps Collaboration Pilot Atlanta area children’s hospital Care Management Organizations Annie E Casey – Atlanta Civic Site

39 Other Georgia Activities Related to Medical &Dental Home HealthCare Without Walls, A Medical Home for Homeless Children The Institute for the Study of Disadvantage and Disability was awarded a five-year, $250,000 Healthy Tomorrow grant by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the American Academy of Pediatrics

40 HealthCare Without Walls, A Medical Home for Homeless Children Collaborative project with Mary Hall Freedom House, a behavioral health program for homeless women, Morehouse School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

41 HealthCare Without Walls, A Medical Home for Homeless Children Purpose:  increase access to appropriate health care  decrease use of emergency rooms for non- emergencies, includes a health literacy program for the mothers provides outreach and training activities for pediatric practitioners

42 Lessons Learned Set deadlines and goals Hire a technical writer Create a realistic budget Limit size of group Details count Have fun

43 Questions & Answers Daphne Babrow 2 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 11-292 Atlanta, GA 30303 404-463-2193 Daphne Babrow 2 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 11-292 Atlanta, GA 30303 404-463-2193

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