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ENGLISH 1, LEVEL 3 2011 Daily Journal- Quarter 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGLISH 1, LEVEL 3 2011 Daily Journal- Quarter 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGLISH 1, LEVEL 3 2011 Daily Journal- Quarter 1

2 Wednesday, September 7 Welcome to the first day of high school!! Please find a seat toward the front of the room. Mrs. Scranta, room 404 Mrs. Davis, room 434 This is your journal page. You will receive your new journals today! Please put your name in your journal. Tomorrow we will have our first entry.

3 Thursday, September 8 Today is Technology Orientation Day! How do you use technology in your daily life? What would your life be like without the technology you use?

4 Friday, September 9 On this day in 1850, California became the 31st state. California’s motto is “Eureka!” which is a Greek word meaning, “I have found it.” This motto can be found on their state seal. A motto is a brief statement that expresses a goal or idea. Create a motto for yourself and explain why you chose that motto. Write your motto and a paragraph to explain it.

5 Monday, September 12 What’s the most important lesson you’ve ever learned at school? Was it something from a book, a film, a teacher, a schoolmate, a friend? Explain the circumstances, what you found out, and how your discovery has influenced you. Write 1-2 developed paragraphs.

6 Tuesday, September 13 September 13th is “Positive Thinking Day.” Create a “Top 10” list of ways that you (or others) can stay positive when things get tough.

7 Wednesday, September 14 A Revolution in English Do you agree with author George Bernard Shaw that English spelling ought to be simplified? After all, 80% of our words are not spelled the way they sound. Shaw said that English is so crazy that you can spell the word fish this way: ghoti. How? The f sound as in tough, the i as in women, the sh as in nation. Write an editorial (paragraph with your opinions- you can use “I”). demanding simplification of spelling and give your reasons why.

8 Thursday, September 15 You have your favorite foods, and you know how good food tastes whey you’re famished (starving). Imagine a waiter has appeared at your side right now. Describe the perfect meal that you are about to order.

9 Friday, September 16 Read the following quote carefully. "People don't get along because they fear each other. People fear each other because they don't know each other. They don't know each other because they have not properly communicated with each other.“ -- Martin Luther King, Jr. How important is good communication when forming relationships? Give your thoughts. Provide an example to explain your thoughts.

10 Monday, September 19 On September 18, 1851, the New York Times newspaper was first published. Do you think it’s important for students your age to keep up on current events? Why or why not?

11 Tuesday, September 20 Elvis’ Guitar… If you had an unlimited amount of money and wanted to buy a piece of sports, historical, musical, etc. memorabilia, what would you buy? Why? Make sure to write an organized paragraph with a topic sentence and at least 4 supporting sentences.

12 Wednesday, September 21 Autumn begins this week. What is your favorite season? Explain why you enjoy that particular season.

13 Read the quote carefully. "We must be careful what we say. No bird resumes its egg.“ –Emily Dickenson, American Poet Explain what you think this quote means. How does it apply to you and your life? Thursday, September 22

14 Friday, September 23 On September 23, 1938, a seven-foot time capsule was buried on the grounds of the World’s Fair in New York City. A number of everyday items were placed in the capsule with the directions to be opened in five thousand years. If your teacher asked you to create a time capsule today, what items would you place in the capsule and why?

15 Monday, September 26 "National Dog Week" is the 4th week of September. There is a saying that a dog is "man's best friend." How do you think this saying came to be and does it hold any truth?

16 Tuesday, September 27 Whether he or she likes it or not, or wants to hear it or not, you have some advice to give to your father, mother, or guardian. Write a letter giving that advice, the reasons why you are giving the advice, and the results to be expected if the advice is taken.

17 Wednesday, September 28 Which family on TV is your favorite? Why? In a paragraph or two, describe your favorite family, giving the characteristics of each member and why each member is so interesting or appealing to you. (You might wish to replace “TV” with “movie” family or a family depicted in a novel.)

18 Thursday, September 29 There are few things as satisfying as a hobby. Describe yours. As you share it, make sure to get excited about why you enjoy it so much! Help your reader appreciate your hobby as much as you do.

19 Friday, September 30 On October 1 st, 1908, Henry Ford introduced the Model T. Explain what you think a car of the future may look like. Tomorrow is the 103 rd anniversary of Ford automobiles.

20 Monday, October 3 October 2, 1950, the Peanuts comic was introduced to the world. Develop a comic strip of your own. Focusing on 2-3 characters, create your first strip.

21 Tuesday, October 4 Why is it sometimes easier to be critical than kind to others? What can we do to change this phenomenon? Explain.

22 Wednesday, October 5 The founder of McDonald’s was born on this day in 1902. There is always a lot of discussion surrounding the unhealthy aspects of fast food restaurants. Write a paragraph persuading someone not to eat fast food. OR- argue for the opposite point of view.

23 Thursday, October 6 On this day in 1889, Thomas Edison showed the 1st motion picture using a Kinetoscope he had invented. Some people may argue that this was one of the most important inventions in history. What do you think was the most important invention ever and why?

24 Friday, October 7 On October 9, 1876, the first two-way telephone conversation took place. If you could call anyone, who would it be and why?

25 Monday, October 10 Today is "Columbus Day" in honor of explorer Christopher Columbus. Describe an area of Earth that you would like to explore and explain your reasons for wanting to explore that specific area.

26 Tuesday, October 11 Read the following quote carefully. "You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." -- Henry Ford Explain what you think this quote means. How does it apply to you and your life?

27 Wednesday, October 12 Many people have said, after living a long time, that life is just a game. They mean that it shouldn’t be taken seriously. People are thrust into situations and they play their roles as best they can. They didn’t pick their roles, so why take them seriously? Some win, some lose, and there’s usually another game to play in another season. Do you agree? If you do, support the view with evidence from your own experience. If you don’t, criticize the view and indicate the correct attitude people should have about life.

28 Thursday, October 13 More Holidays! You may be of the opinion that there are not enough holidays in the school year. So invent some! Make up three new holidays which are so important that the school has to be closed a week for each holiday. How about a World Series Holiday or a Superbowl Holiday or Fall Break that gives you the week off? Justify (explain/support) your holiday with strong arguments/reasons.

29 Friday, October 14 Tomorrow is “National Grouch Day.” Option 1- Describe a situation where you were a “grouch.” Why did you act this way? What were the consequences of your actions? Option 2- What is the best way to get out of a “grouchy” mood? Explain. Option 3- Do you believe certain individuals are generally more “grouchy” than others in their personalities? Or do people choose to act this way? Explain.

30 Monday, October 17 It’s often said that music is a universal language. In other words, music brings many different types of people together. What do you think? It is also true that people often despise the music of others. Is music really universal? Explain what you think in 1 to 2 well-developed paragraphs.

31 Tuesday, October 18 List and explain 5 (five) ideas, things, etc. that you value in life. Make sure to explain them.

32 Wednesday, October 19 The Star Spangled Banner was first sung on this day in 1814. If you were to create a new national anthem for our country, what would it be? Remember to consider our national values and history when choosing / creating your song. You can choose a song you already know and explain why it would be a good choice. Or- write the lyrics to a new song and explain why you chose them.

33 Thursday, October 2o Brazilian soccer player, Edison Pele, was born on October 23, 1940. In order to become such an incredible soccer player, Pele had to practice. What is something that you would like to become better at? Explain what you will need to do in order to improve your skills. (This doesn’t have to be a sport.)

34 Friday, October 21 Fun Friday! No journal entry today

35 Monday, October 24 Do you think you are entitled to have your birthday off from work or school without being penalized for it? Take a position and justify (explain/support) it in a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.

36 Tuesday, October 25 Read the quote carefully. "This thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down but the staying down." -- Mary Pickford Explain what you think this quote means. How does it apply to you and your life?

37 Wednesday, October 26 On October 29, 1929, the Stock Market crashed. A lot of people lost money and lives were changed forever. How would you feel if you were living during this time in history?

38 Thursday, October 27 Name your most memorable or favorite character from a book, movie, or play. Explain why. What makes this character so memorable?

39 Friday, October 28 On this day in 1886 the Statue of Liberty was finished and dedicated to the American people. Explain what you know about the Statue of Liberty. Why is it such a great American symbol?

40 Write about a time when you were scared, but everything turned out well in the end. Write at least 6 sentences. Monday, October 31

41 Tuesday, November 1 In November 1986, the rose became the U.S. National Flower. Do you think this was a good choice for our country? Would you have picked a different flower? Why?

42 Wednesday, November 2 Often, teenagers are told that their teen years are the best years of their lives. They are usually told this when the expression on their faces of their behavior says just the opposite. Based on your own experience, support or reject this observation.

43 Thursday, November 3 Read the quote carefully. "Things turn out the best for people who make the best of the way things turn out." -- John Wooden Explain what you think this quote means. How does it apply to you and your life?

44 Friday, November 4 A New Rule… “The failure of existing rules,” a philosopher wrote, “is the prelude (beginning) to a search for new ones.” Select one rule in your home or in your school that you think has failed, and show by examples that it is unworkable. Then, provide a new rule or procedure that you feel will work. Describe fully why you think it’s a better rule than the one it will replace.

45 Monday, November 7 The second week of November is "American Education Week." Do you believe that children in the United States should be required to attend school? Why or why not?

46 Tuesday, November 8 End of Quarter 1 Today is the last day of the 1 st quarter. The school year is ¼ of the way over. Think back on the experiences of your 1 st quarter of high school. Was it what you expected it to be? Was it different? What was your favorite moment? Your least favorite? Explain.

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