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P ROGRAM L EARNING O UTCOMES A SSESSMENT & C OURSE D ESIGN Jessica DeVries, Office of Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President (Academic) Dr. Samah Sabra,

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Presentation on theme: "P ROGRAM L EARNING O UTCOMES A SSESSMENT & C OURSE D ESIGN Jessica DeVries, Office of Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President (Academic) Dr. Samah Sabra,"— Presentation transcript:

1 P ROGRAM L EARNING O UTCOMES A SSESSMENT & C OURSE D ESIGN Jessica DeVries, Office of Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President (Academic) Dr. Samah Sabra, Educational Development Centre

2 Are they learning what I’m teaching? How well do they understand they key concepts/materials? What can I do differently in my course to improve student learning?

3 Program Learning Outcomes Assessment

4 Program Assessment Cycle

5 Context for Program Assessment & QA Global trends in higher education and quality assurance Student-centered Ontario Universities’ Council on Quality Assurance o Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) o Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP) o Degree Level Expectations (DLEs) At Carleton: o Program learning outcomes and assessment owned and driven by faculty and students o Quality assurance is focused on continuous improvement

6 Degree Level Expectations Degree Level Expectations for undergrad and grad programs “identify the broad categories of knowledge and skills that students must demonstrate in order to be awarded a degree: ➊ Depth and breadth of knowledge ➋ Knowledge of methodologies/ Research and scholarship ➌ Application of knowledge ➍ Communications skills ➎ Awareness of the limits of knowledge ➏ Autonomy and professional capacity” Council of Ontario Universities. 2011. Ensuring the Value of University Degrees in Ontario, p.16

7 DLEs, PLOs, CLOs

8 New Faculty & Program Assessment Talk to your Chair/Director (or University Librarian) about program learning outcomes o What are the program learning outcomes? o How does the curriculum fit together? o How does your course contribute to the achievement of the program learning outcomes? Talk to your colleagues about the program Talk to us! o Office of the Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic) o Education Development Centre

9 What are learning outcomes? What students will know, value, or be able to do upon completion of a program or course.

10 Learning Outcomes & Course Design

11 Examples @ course level: By the end of this course, students will be able to o DIFFERENTIATE between speed and velocity o EXPLAIN the role of agency in audience reception theories @ program level: By the end of this program, students will be able to o COMMUNICATE scientific information to scientific and non- scientific audiences in written formats (e.g., reports, letters, memos, briefing notes) o ASSESS their own and others’ attitudes towards different cultures 11

12 Common errors Troublesome words: o Understand o Know o Appreciate o Be familiar with o Be aware of Also avoid: o Squeezing multiple outcomes into one statement

13 Activity: spot the problem demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities o Describe a variety of works in the arts and humanities o Analyze a variety of works in the arts and humanities 13

14 Activity: spot the problem be familiar with current programming languages o Identify current programming languages o Apply current programming languages 14

15 Activity: spot the problem understand professional, ethical, and social responsibilities o Demonstrate principles of professional, ethical, and social responsibilities o Justify personal actions through the principles of professional, ethical, and social responsibilities 15

16 Questions or comments? Thank you!

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