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EDMS structure ODOT GIS Steering Committee EDMS Steering Committee EDMS RES/RAZ mapping Workgroup EDMS Data & Tools Workgroups EDMS proposes projects to.

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Presentation on theme: "EDMS structure ODOT GIS Steering Committee EDMS Steering Committee EDMS RES/RAZ mapping Workgroup EDMS Data & Tools Workgroups EDMS proposes projects to."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDMS structure ODOT GIS Steering Committee EDMS Steering Committee EDMS RES/RAZ mapping Workgroup EDMS Data & Tools Workgroups EDMS proposes projects to EDMS steering for guidance and work plan endorsement EDMS submits work plan to GIS steering for approval as project request EDMS contracted Services & Supplies funding approved as task orders thru TDD/TDS/GIS EDMS completes project tasks and provides status reporting at regular meetings to both committees



4 EDMS Tools & Data GPS field applications Wetlands delineation & mitigation monitoring Biology mitigation monitoring Special Management Areas Archaeological site evaluation GIS web applications EDMS web RES/RAZ map access Environmental Screening Wetlands GIS desktop Archaeology (secure) EDMS standard data LiDAR and airphotos ODOT ITIS TransInfo ODOT SR-SAM ODOT GES/Region GPS ODOT SMA ODOT DFMS ORNHIC ODFW SHPO (secure)

5 EDMS process diagram Internal / External geographic environmental data Internal / External geographic environmental data ODOT GIS Enterprise Data RES Maps RAZ Workshops RAZ Maps RES Maps RAZ Workshops RAZ Maps Business process driven tools Desktop GIS tools Desktop GIS tools Web GIS tools Web GIS tools Field GPS tools Field GPS tools

6 GIS 31

7 GIS 31 Deliverables Updated EDMS Strategic Plan: Program conceptual model Program governance structure EDMS Steering Committee Charter Documented work approval process EDMS Program annual work plan Completed items from current work plan:  RES/RAZ product redesign (maps)  Standardized Environmental GIS data (data) Field data collection tools (GPS) No effects screening tool (web) Wetlands data screening tool (web) Archaeology data access facilitation (secure desktop)  Anadromous Fish Habitat Distribution Data (data) FHWA Peer Exchange (communications)

8 FY09-11


10 ODOT EDMS deliverables – FY09-11  Revised RES/RAZ map products statewide  Region Special Management Area (SMA) maps statewide  Requested Region and Geo-environmental project maps  Quarterly updated Oregon Natural Heritage Program dataset  Statewide Fish Habitat Distribution dataset  Statewide revised State Historic Preservation Office dataset  Statewide Imagery including populated areas LiDAR datasets  Revised GPS data collection tools for mitigation monitoring, delineations and archaeology  Geo-environmental and Maintenance GPS applications for project scoping, botanical and aquatic resources, Special Management Areas and resource protection Revised GIS web interface to RES/RAZ map and information, natural resource screening, wetlands screening, and archaeological Gov-to- Gov tools  New GIS web interface for fish passage, environmental coordination, baseline reporting integration; and minor customer requested minor modifications to interface  In-person and distance-delivered reports, discussion and correspondence  Environmental GIS User Training on ODOT developed applications and supported datasets  Annual report on Environmental GIS use, support and program activities

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