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Presentation on theme: "PLAGIARISM EVERYTHING’S AN ARGUMENT CHAPTER 18:"— Presentation transcript:


2 Independent Work: Write in response to the following questions (to be turned in).  On a college campus, a student receives a warning she has been detected using peer-to-peer music file-sharing software. Has she been practicing fair use, or is she guilty of copyright infringement? A student writing an essay about Title IX of the Education Amendments of on college athletic programs finds some powerful supporting evidence for is argument on a Web site. Can he use this information without gaining permission? Day-care centers around the country receive letters arguing that they’ll be liable to lawsuit if they use representations of Disney characters without explicit permission or show Disney films “outside the home.” A tattoo artist claims ownership of the butterfly design on a movie star’s arm and protests when his work appears in an advertisement without permission. The actor argues that it’s her arm.

3 Examples of Plagiarism:
Helen Keller was accused of plagiarism as a young girl for a school composition. Mortified, she determined to have all future compositions screened by her friends before submission. © evol3 Some of the information on this page come from a Wikipedia article and are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.

4 Examples of Plagiarism:
According to a Boston University investigation into academic misconduct, Martin Luther King, Jr. plagiarized approximately one third of his doctoral thesis. He also appropriated others' text, without credit, for his famous speeches, including “I Have a Dream". © evol3 Some of the information on this page come from a Wikipedia article and are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. =65CB429D E E59F1DD329BFFD6&adlt=strict

5 Examples of Plagiarism:
Senator Joseph Biden was forced to withdraw from the Democratic Presidential nominations in when it was revealed that he had failed a course in law school due to plagiarism. It was also shown that he had copied several campaign speeches, notably those of British Labour leader Neil Kinnock and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. In both cases he was essentially exonerated. © evol3 Some of the information on this page come from a Wikipedia article and are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. 10ED66B14FCAD87E940AB483CD7BFB8339A472E4&adlt=strict =65CB429D E E59F1DD329BFFD6&adlt=strict

6 Examples of Plagiarism:
Popular historian Stephen Ambrose has been criticized for incorporating passages from the works of other authors into many of his books. © evol3 Some of the information on this page come from a Wikipedia article and are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. detail&id= EF3F2C55A0FDD9051ECB BC2B8&first= 1&adlt=strict 10ED66B14FCAD87E940AB483CD7BFB8339A472E4&adlt=strict =65CB429D E E59F1DD329BFFD6&adlt=strict

7 Examples of Plagiarism:
Alex Haley, author of the book Roots, was permitted to settle out-of-court for $650,000, having admitted that he copied large passages of his novel from The African by Harold Courlander. © evol3 Some of the information on this page come from a Wikipedia article and are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. com/2008/12/find-good-and-praise-it.html&docid=_3GTl- b44plphM&imgurl= yQHnqIGADw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=963&vpy=168&dur=43&hovh=184&hovw=274&tx=220&ty=86&sig= &page=1&tbnh=165&tbnw=224&start=0&ndsp=24&ved= 1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:90 10ED66B14FCAD87E940AB483CD7BFB8339A472E4&adlt=strict =65CB429D E E59F1DD329BFFD6&adlt=strict

8 Examples of Plagiarism:
Science fiction author Harlan Ellison sued and won in a case against James Carmeron, claiming that his film The Terminator plagiarized his episodes "Soldier" and "Demon With a Glass Hand" of the show “The Outer Limits." © evol3 Some of the information on this page come from a Wikipedia article and are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. detail&id=CB9692CD22D4724FBCE363488CEB9D A&adlt= Strict detail&id=2FF00D63A47633FFED9B1DD25EA5C8C85C04DFA7&adlt= strict © evol3 10ED66B14FCAD87E940AB483CD7BFB8339A472E4&adlt=strict =65CB429D E E59F1DD329BFFD6&adlt=strict

9 Examples of Plagiarism:
Micheal Bolton was accused by the Isley Brothers of plagiarizing their song “Love is Wonderful thing.” The Isley brothers won and were awarded $5.4M VS. © evol3 Some of the information on this page come from a Wikipedia article and are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. nid=2JsAvEnPE1WDvM:&imgrefurl= two/&docid=Si6cjN19wgbI2M&imgurl= .jpg&w=300&h=300&ei=FpMvUNuMHKrN6QH894GYBQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=320&vpy=122&dur=5271&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=65&ty=136&sig = &page=1&tbnh=105&tbnw=107&start=0&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:80 10ED66B14FCAD87E940AB483CD7BFB8339A472E4&adlt=strict =65CB429D E E59F1DD329BFFD6&adlt=strict

10 Examples of Plagiarism:
George Harrison was successfully sued for plagiarizing (though perhaps unconsciously) the Chiffons' "He's So Fine" for the melody of his own "My Sweet Lord".

11 Examples of Plagiarism:

12 Examples of Plagiarism:

13 Plagiarism:

14 Plagiarism: Can you recognize it
Plagiarism: Can you recognize it? Play the game located at the following site to see.


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