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BIO_SOS - GA 263435 Coordinator: Palma Blonda (It) Most RTD man months (WP4, WP5, WP6) focusing on Task 3.ST Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity.

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Presentation on theme: "BIO_SOS - GA 263435 Coordinator: Palma Blonda (It) Most RTD man months (WP4, WP5, WP6) focusing on Task 3.ST Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIO_SOS - GA 263435 Coordinator: Palma Blonda (It) Most RTD man months (WP4, WP5, WP6) focusing on Task 3.ST Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b MS.MONINA – GA 263479 Coordinator: Stefan Lang (At) Most RTD man months focusing on Task 1.AD and 4.UI GMES Biodiversity projects BIO_SOS & MS.MONINA Practical ways to contribute to the GEOSS Data CORE Area 9.1.1 (Pre-operational validation of GMES services and products) SPA.2010.1.1.04 (Stimulating the development of GMES services in specific areas). Three years projects University of Salzburg (PLUS)

2 Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b General trends followed (in line with ongoing discussions on the requirements of the DSPs and the GMES concept) –Multi-source data sharing, but going beyond ‘data’ –Provide change & trends maps on several scales (added value LC) –Interdisciplinary approaches that guide the analysis –Facilitating trans-SBA applications by high-level (i.e. integrated) indicators –Building on existing info exchange practices, information conditioning –Handbooks and training material based on (subsets) of real data/products –Provide/share intelligence how to arrive from raw data to products & services – to stimulate both research and market –Improve generic workflows obeying data/product quality standards and semantic (etc.) interoperability –Validated services including user validation

3 Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b Particular practical contributions I –Integrated image analysis and modelling systems (  EO Data for Habitat Monitoring system EODHaM) supporting automatic provision of habitat maps and biodiversity indicators and assessment and to predict trends in biodiversity. –RS_IUS operational automatic high spatial resolution pre-processing and understanding techniques for land cover (LC) map and LC change (LCC) map generation eligible for use in biodiversity monitoring

4 Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b Particular practical contributions II –Integrated multi-scale service: Service chains formed by ‘trans-level’ applications within a biogegraphic region, and including the EU level. –MONINA SDI: operational interface covering web-based portal, standardised network services & metadata, and offering services for discovery (metadata & catalogue), viewing, access for all output products from the project, in line with the INSPIRE directive, harmonised amongst the different partners, from one unique access point –interoperable data integration (horizontal, vertical) and methodical assessment framework (regulation system)

5 RS_IUS Habitat change map (HaC) RS_IUS Habitat change map (HaC) RS_IUS Habitat change map (HaC) EO Data for Habitat Monitoring (EODHaM) system Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b

6 BIO_SOS - GA 263435 A key challenge is a cost effective and timely monitoring of changes in the land cover within and along the borders of protected areas to judge the effectiveness in protecting and conserving the regions from human impacts. BIO_SOS is a pilot project to develop novel operational automatic high spatial resolution pre-processing and understanding techniques for land cover (LC) map and LC change (LCC) map generation eligible for use in biodiversity monitoring. (HR), very high spatial resolution (VHR) and hyper- spectral resolution EO data A modelling framework is developed to combine EO and in-situ data supporting automatic provision of habitat maps and biodiversity indicators and assessment -prediction of the impacts of human induced pressures on biodiversity using new and existing models able to evaluate and predict trends in biodiversity. This will lead to the development of new downstream services production: Habitat (Ha), Habitat Change (HaC) Maps, Biodiversity Indicators and their trend.

7 RS_IUS is an automatic two-stage classification system based on the development of operational automatic HR, VHR, hyper-spectral EO data processing and understanding techniques for Land Cover (LC) map and LCC, as an extension of core services. The RS_IUS first stage is based on the Spectral Rule based Classifier [Baraldi 2006, 2010]. It can provide a preliminary spectral map of input images, radiometrically calibrated into TOARF values, without any ground truth.Each input pixel is mapped onto a discrete and finite set of spectral sub-categories belonging to six mutually exclusive super-categories 1) water or shadow, 2) snow or ice, 3) clouds, 4) vegetation, 5) bare soil or built-up, 6) outliers. The RS_IUS first stage is can be considered a System of Systems since it can analyze multi-sensor data: 7-band Landsat-like SRC (LSRC), 4-band SPOT-like SRC (SSRC); 4-band AVHRR-like SRC (AVSRC ), 4-band IKONOS-like SRC (ISRC) and can be extended to any new sensor (hyperspectral) Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b

8 The second stage of the RS_IUS includes:  Context-sensitive image feature extraction modules Stratified multi-scale texture features. Stratified morphological attributes Segment-based geometric attributes, e.g. area, perimeter, compactness, rectangularity, number of vertices, etc. Spatial non-topological relationships, e.g. distance, orientation, etc. Spatial topological relationships between segments, e.g., adjacency, inclusion, etc.  Class-specific fuzzy rule-based classification modules semantic nets exploiting constructive reasoning by evidence accumulation. The automatic detection of changes by direct comparison of bitemporal Spectral Maps will provide information on class transitions such as:  Vegetated areas into barren land or Built-up or bare land Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b

9 Two integration strategies –MS.MONINA ‘state integrator’ (pivotal mechanism, member states have core responsibilities) –Hierarchical service chain Selected vertical components (e.g. EU  MS E  sites b, c) are building a service chain. Service chains are formed by ‘trans-level’ applications within BGR, and including the EU level. Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b

10 MS.MONINA Core Mapping Service Core Mapping Service MS.MONINA Viewing Services Core Mapping Service Core Mapping Service MS.MONINA Download Services Core Mapping Service Core Mapping Service Space Data Services In-situ Observation Data Services Reference Data Services MS.MONINA SDI Portal Discovery services client Viewing services client Download services client “native” Geoportal Applications and Geoportal Applications and Geoportals Network services (incl. rights Management Layer) Core Mapping Service Core Mapping Service MS.MONINA Discovery Services Core Mapping Service Core Mapping Service GMES Core and Downstream Services © by VITO 2010/11 MONINA SDI  GEOSS Portal Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b

11 Different Directives and Guidelines for different scales and their requirements (e.g. EU monitoring requirements vs. National monitoring guidelines) Data Set 1 Data Set 2 Data Quality Assessment (integration, preparation) semantic relations WUSUSV Related Semantic Groups (Instances), e.g. Class definitions SVPCWIC geometric relations Planned Interoperable Assessment Model NATURA 2000 Assessment Model based on semantic instances IVIIIIVII V IVI Criteria of different Scales e.g. Conservation Status © by TUB 2010/11 Strategic considerations SBA Biodiversity Session 2, Splinter 2b

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