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Published byGary Goodman Modified over 9 years ago
The Age of Jackson Industrial Revolution in America
Transportation Revolution Market Revolution The Indian Question Mass Immigration (1840s) Irish German Scandinavian(Northern and Western Europe) More democratic (small “d”) politics Revolution of 1828 “Jacksonian democracy” Religious revival and expansion 2nd Great Awakening Mormonism Universalism - Unitarianism Reform movements Temperance Abolition Education Women’s Rights Insane asylums Health care/practices Utopian communities
Transportation Revolution
The period from saw the massive expansion of modes and means of transportation Included: Roads (National or Cumberland Road) Canals (Erie, etc.) Railroads
Map 10.3 The Transportation Revolution: Roads and Canals, 1820–1850 (p. 298)
Canals Canal building boom
Erie Canal built to connect western farmers and their products with eastern markets in New York
Steamboats and Robert Fulton
Development of a commercial steamboat for shallow river travel Transformed commerce along riverways Fueled growth of major river cities (Cincinnati, Columbus, Louisville, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, etc.)
Map 10.5 Railroads of the North and South, 1850–1860 (p. 301)
Map 10.4 The Speed of News in 1817 and 1841 (p. 300)
Transportation Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was an ongoing effort, over many decades, to increase production by using machines powered by sources other than humans or animals. In the North Eli Whitney’s idea of interchangeable parts Samuel Slater’s introduction of the model factory Lowell system of labor (Lowell Textile mills) In the South, Whitney’s cotton gin Increased production of cotton dramatically (King Cotton) Increased need for slaves entrenches slavery in the southern economy
Technology Celebrated (p. 284)
Samuel Slater’s Spinning Frame (p. 289)
Mill Girl, c (p. 290)
Map 10.6 The Nation’s Major Cities in 1840 (p. 302)
Women and Immigration provide Labor
Immigration ABC-CLIO
Figure 11.2 The Surge in Immigration, 1842–1855 (p. 338)
German, Irish, and Total Immigration, 1830 – 1860
Antebellum Immigration
Market Revolution - Change from local to regional to national economies
Expanding Economy - combination Industrial Transportation Labor force (Immigration, Urbanization) Surplus Manufacturing - from New England to other Northern states and territories Economic changes: early 1800s - free enterprise system - rewarded better, faster, more efficient ways of doing businesses. Banks lent capital for investment Banks printed bank notes - value fluctuated depending on the time and place that they were cashed.
Election of 1824: A Corrupt Bargain?
John Quincy Adams Fewer popular votes than Jackson Clay threw support to Adams House of Reps chose J. Q. Adams Clay became Adams’ Secretary of State Andrew Jackson Most popular votes Most electoral votes Accused Adams, Clay, and Congress of a “Corrupt Bargain” Fueled campaign for 1828 election
Map 11.1 Presidential Election of 1824 (p. 318)
Jackson enters National Politics: Election of 1824
Map 11.2 Presidential Election of 1828 (p. 321)
Andrew Jackson President from 1828-1836 “Old Hickory”
Democratic-Republican (shortened to Democrats) First non-”notable” to be elected president
Jacksonian Democracy More ‘power’ to the common man.
Gave the ‘common’ man (western farmers, southern yeoman, etc. a feeling of franchisement. Key state-level democratic reforms -Universal male suffrage -“King Caucus” -Popular campaigning -More elected offices -Rotation in office
Revolution of 1828: Jacksonian Democracy
A more democratic society - small “d” democratic Common people felt they had a representative in the White House “Spoils System”
Two-Party System Effectively ended the One party system of Democratic-Republicans. Opposition party formed called the “Whigs”
Whigs and Democrats Source: ABC-CLIO subscription website
Figure 11.1 Changes in Voting Patterns, 1824–1840 (p. 320)
Andrew Jackson: Issues
Nationalism vs. States’ Rights Nullification and Federal Authority Bank of the United States Indian Removal
The Nullification Crisis
Tariff of 1828 (Tariff of Abominations) - hurt southern cotton producers Perceived as a sectional law favoring manufacturing interests in the NE. John C. Calhoun - South Carolina Exposition and Protest
The Nullification Crisis
Tariff of 1828 (Tariff of Abominations) - hurt southern cotton producers Perceived as a sectional law favoring manufacturing interests in the NE. John C. Calhoun - South Carolina Exposition and Protest
Nullification Crisis of 1833
Tariff of 1832 passed. South Carolina convention ‘nullified’ them both Jackson threatened force (Force Bill of 1833) if SC didn’t abide by federal law Jackson despised nullification calling it unconstitutional Compromise tariff engineered by….. (drum roll) Henry Clay.
Sectionalism vs. Nationalism Tariff of 1832 (Abominations)
Maysville Road Veto Webster-Hayne Debate Nullification States’ Rights?
The Bank of the United States (BUS)
Jackson hated the 2nd BUS manager, Nicholas Biddle Jackson vetoed the re-charter of the Bank Bill Jackson saw the Bank as harmful to the western farmers with it’s tight money policies Viewed Bank as favoring privilege and industry
Jackson’s View of the Bank of the United States (BUS)
Jackson Destroys the Bank (p. 326)
King Andrew the First Jackson re-defined the executive power of the presidency Critics depicted him as depicted him as a tyrant and maverick
Jackson and the Bank of the United States
The Panic of 1837 Jackson withdrew all federal funds from the BUS and deposited them in ‘pet banks’ Spawned a speculative land fever on western lands = massive inflation of land values (overvalued) Jackson issued the “Specie Circular” ordering all land purchases be made in gold and silver. Paper banknotes lost their value and land sales plummeted Panic of led to an economic depression until the early 1840s. Map 11.4 Anatomy of a Panic: Bank Suspensions in May 1837 (p. 334) Henretta America’s History 5 ed.
US Indian Policy: By Robert Lindneux
U. S. Federal Indian Policy
War of 1812, death of Tecumseh and pan-Indian alliance, Creek Wars, Indian Springs Treaty of 1825, Seminole Wars Indian Removal Act - Gave President authority to trade SE tribes for their land in east for land in west. Provided money for land transfer and relocation Black Hawk’s War (1832)
Black Hawk (1767–1838) (p. 328)
Indian Policy and the Cherokee Nation
Supreme Court decisions Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) - Marshall denied Cherokee claim as a separate republic. Rather, they were a domestic dependent nation. - ward of the US Worcester v. Georgia (1832) - Marshall held that Cherokees were a distinct political community and entitled to federal protection from state interference (from Georgia) Jackson’s response was: ‘John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.’ Forced removal of remaining Cherokee to Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma) - along the “Trail of Tears”
Indian Removal in the 1830s Source: Abc-Clio subscription website
Map 11.3 The Removal of Native Americans, 1820–1843 (p. 327)
Andrew Jackson’s Legacy
Still debated. Admired by some, hated by others. Strong influence on his generation both politically and economically. Defined an era…
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