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Advances in Genetics Chapter 5, Section 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Advances in Genetics Chapter 5, Section 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advances in Genetics Chapter 5, Section 3

2 Genetic Engineering What is a gene again?
Section of the DNA located in a chromosome that directs the activities of a cell.

3 Genetic Engineering What is genetic engineering?
Biological or chemical ways to change the arrangement of DNA in a gene.

4 Genetic Engineering What is genetic engineering used for?
Produce medicines Change the functions of cells Improve crops

5 Genetic Engineering Recombinant DNA
Inserts a section of DNA from an organism into a bacterium. Examples: Production of insulin and growth hormone.

6 Genetic Engineering Gene Therapy
Normal alleles are inserted into a virus. Virus infects a target cell. Normal allele replaces the defective allele in the target cell.

7 Genetic Engineering Selective Breeding
Selecting plants or animals to breed together based on desired traits. Has been practiced for thousands of years.

8 Genetic Engineering Genetically Engineered Plants
Desired genes from one plant are inserted into a different plant.

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