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Higher Computing Computer Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Higher Computing Computer Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higher Computing Computer Structure

2 What you need to know about computer systems:
ALU and control unit Registers, cache and main memory Function and speed of access to memory Data and address buses Control lines System performance Current trends in computer hardware

3 The Processor The processor is the main part of the computer
It consists of the: Control unit Arithmetic and logic unit Registers

4 The computer structure
Control bus not shown data bus RAM ROM Printer, plotter, scanner VDU and keyboard Disk, CD/DVD Digital I/O A/D D/A Microprocessor Process control Clock pulses Electronic clock Address bus

5 The processor structure
Main memory Other registers Memory address register Address bus Memory data register data bus A L U Control unit Control bus (read and write) Clock pulses Internal processor bus Electronic clock

6 Buses There are three sets of wires that connect the processor to the memory and input/output devices. These are called buses, the three buses are: The data bus The address bus The control bus

7 The data bus The data bus carries data to and from the processor, main memory and other devices attached to the data bus The data bus carries data in both directions depending on whether we are reading or writing data Data is told which way to go by the control bus

8 The address bus The processor uses the address bus to tell the memory which address is to be used It carries the address information from the processor to the main memory and any other devices attached The address bus is unidirectional (one way)

9 More on the address bus The number of wires in the address bus (the width of the bus) determines the number of storage location which the processor can address A typical microcomputer with 32 wires in the address bus can address up to 4,294,967,296 (from 0 to 232-1) memory locations

10 Addressability Data is stored in storage locations
Each piece data which can be stored in its own storage location in main memory is called a word A word is the number of bits that the processor can process in a single operation (clock pulse) Each storage location has its own unique address The method used to identify each unique address is called addressability

11 The control bus The control bus is made up of a number of separate wires each with its own function Read Write Clock Interrupt Non-maskable interrupt reset } The fetch-execute cycle

12 The fetch-execute cycle
The fetch-execute cycle consists of two parts The fetch part is where the instruction is copied into the control unit of the processor and decoded (read) The execute part occurs next and is the instruction being carried out (write)

13 The fetch-execute cycle
The processor sets up the address bus with the required address The processor activates the read line The instruction is transferred from the memory to the processor by using the data bus (fetch or read) The instruction is decoded The instruction is executed (write)

14 The fetch-execute cycle
The processor sets up the address bus with the required address Other registers Memory address register Address bus Memory data register A L U Control unit Clock pulses Main memory Internal processor bus Electronic clock

15 The fetch-execute cycle
Other registers Memory address register Address bus Memory data register A L U Control unit The processor activates the read line Control bus (read) Clock pulses Main memory Internal processor bus Electronic clock

16 The fetch-execute cycle
Other registers Memory address register Address bus The instruction is transferred from the memory to the processor by using the data bus (fetch). It is stored in the MDR Memory data register data bus A L U Control unit Control bus (read) Clock pulses Main memory Internal processor bus Electronic clock

17 The fetch-execute cycle
Memory address register data Control unit A L U Other registers Electronic clock Clock pulses Internal processor bus The instruction which is in the MDR is transferred via the internal processor bus to the control unit and decoded

18 The fetch-execute cycle
Main memory Memory address register data Control unit A L U Other registers Electronic clock Clock pulses Internal processor bus Control bus (write) The instruction is then executed

19 The Control Bus - Clock The clock line carries a series of pulses at a constant rate The pulses are used to keep the processor and its related components in step with one another The clock rate is the frequency at which the clock generates pulses and it is measured in hertz (Megahertz or Gigahertz)

20 The Control Bus - Interrupts
An interrupt is a signal to the processor from an input or output peripheral device An interrupt cause a break in the execution of the processor’s current program An example of an interrupt would be a message from the printer stating it was out of paper A non-maskable interrupt is an interrupt that cannot be ignored

21 The Control Bus - Reset The reset line on the processor is used to return the whole computer system to a state, as if it has just been switched on Reset is usually used when the computer has “frozen”

22 Computer memory - Registers
The registers are a group of storage locations inside the processor Registers hold: Data being processed Instructions being executed Addresses to be accessed Accessed instantly

23 Registers Memory address register Address bus Other registers Memory
data register data bus A L U Control unit

24 Computer memory - Cache
Cache a small amount of memory Used as a temporary store for often used instructions Two types Level 1 cache built on the chip, very fast data transfer Level 2 cache situated close to the chip, not just as fast

25 Computer memory 1. Cache fetches the next instruction from main memory in advance of the processor needing it Main memory 2. Processor checks to see if the next instruction is in cache Cache Memory (SRAM) Microprocessor 3. If the instruction is in the cache , it is fetched from the cache, a very fast process 4. If the instruction is not in the cache, it has to be fetched from main memory, a much slower process

26 Computer memory 2. Processor checks to see if the next instruction is in cache 1. Cache fetches the next instruction from main memory in advance of the processor needing it Main memory Microprocessor Cache Memory (SRAM) 3. If the instruction is in the cache , it is fetched from the cache, a very fast process 4. If the instruction is not in the cache, it has to be fetched from main memory, a much slower process

27 Computer memory – Main memory
Random Access Memory Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) Needs to have its contents constantly refreshed (about a thousand times per second) Static Random Access Memory Retains its contents as long as there is power

28 Computer memory – Video RAM
Video RAM holds the data to be displayed on the screen VRAM is sometimes contained on a separate graphics card

29 Computer memory – ROM Read Only Memory: holds data permanently Types:
Programmable ROM: empty on manufacture programmed by the user Erasable Programmable ROM: can be programmed then erased then reprogrammed Flash ROM: can be reprogrammed while its still inside the computer, used on devices such as digital cameras

30 Comparison of types of memory 1
Four types of usable memory in order of closeness to the CPU LOW HIGH HIGH Registers Cost per byte of storage Cache Storage capacity Speed of access RAM Hard disk HIGH LOW LOW

31 Comparison of types of memory 2
Element of computer memory What do they hold Speed of access (relative) Nano-seconds Registers Cache- SRAM Main memory DRAM ROM Hard disk Virtual memory Element of computer memory What do they hold Speed of access (relative) Nano-seconds Registers Data, instructions and addresses Immediate 1 Cache- SRAM Frequently accessed instructions Very fast Level 1= 5 Level 2= 15 Main memory DRAM Programs and data when computer is on Fast 50 ROM Data even if computer is off 50 – 100 Hard disk Virtual memory Programs and data permanently stored Slow 1,000,000 Data, instructions and addresses Immediate 1 Frequently accessed instructions Very fast Level 1= 5 Level 2= 15 Programs and data when computer is on Fast 50 Data even if computer is off Fast 50 – 100 Programs and data permanently stored Slow 1,000,000

32 How long is a nanosecond?

33 Computer performance Computers are tested to see fast they process data Generally speaking the faster the processor (measured in Gigahertz) then the faster the processing This is not always the case the computer can only process data as fast as its slowest part What could slow the processing of data down?

34 Measures of performance
The measures of computer performance Clock speed Millions of Instructions per Second - MIPS Floating Point Operations Per Second - FLOPS Application based tests

35 MOP – clock speed Everything the processor does is kept precisely in time with the clock Simply put If the processors clock rate is 1 Gigahertz it will be able to fetch 1000 million instructions per second 2 Gigahertz it will be able to fetch 2000 million instructions per second

36 MOP - MIPS Millions of Instructions Per Second
A measure of performance based on the average number of machine code instructions executed per second

37 MOP - FLOPS Floating Point Operations Per Second
A measure of the arithmetical calculating speed of a computer system

38 MOP – Application based tests
ABTs are more applicable for the everyday user A benchmark is established and different computers are compared How long each computer takes to complete a particular task e.g. scale and rotate a graphic, do a 1000 calculations in a spreadsheet, reformat a 1000 page word-processed document

39 MOP - evaluation Hardware such as printers can evaluated to see how many pages per minute they can print Benchmark tests are designed to reveal how the whole system performs and is not based merely on the processors clock speed

40 Factors affecting performance
A systems performance may be enhanced by: Increasing: Cache memory Data bus width The rate of data transfer The clock speed Video RAM Adding more: main memory Processors

41 Factors affecting performance (dbw)
Data bus width Increasing the DBW can increase the overall performance of the system

42 Factors affecting performance (cache)
The use of cache memory As it is much faster for the processor to access data and instructions held cache if the size of the cache can be increased then the overall system performance will improve

43 Factors affecting performance
The rate of data transfer to and from peripherals can have a major effect on system performance The transfer rate is controlled by the type of interface connecting the peripheral to the processor

44 Factors affecting performance (cs)
Increasing the clock speed of a processor can have a significant impact on the computers overall performance Increasing the clock speed of the processor will in itself not increase the overall performance of the system if the data bus cannot deliver enough data to the processor so that it can work at its maximum performance

45 Factors affecting performance (mm)
Adding more main memory Additional memory will allow more data to be held in immediate access store rather than on backing storage. It is much faster to access data from RAM than from hard disk

46 Factors affecting performance (VRAM)
Video RAM is specialized RAM which is used on video cards. Video RAM is dual-ported, which means it can be accessed by two different devices simultaneously. This enables data to be read from video RAM (i.e. sent to the computer monitor) at the same time data is written to video RAM. Graphics performance may be improved by increasing the Video RAM

47 Factors affecting performance (proc)
Adding more processors to a computer system is an effective method of increasing performance Some programs can take advantage of the presence of a second processor and this can have a significant effect on improving performance

48 A factor not affecting performance
Increasing the address bus width will increase the total number of memory locations which the processor can address but: This will have no effect on the performance

49 Factors affecting performance
Tactic Effect on computer system performance Increase clock speed Increase data bus width Increase cache memory Increase width of address bus Increase RAM Increase VRAM Increase rate of data transfer to and from peripherals Tactic Effect on computer system performance Increase clock speed increase Increase data bus width Increase cache memory Increase width of address bus none Increase RAM slight increase Increase VRAM increase graphics performance Increase rate of data transfer to and from peripherals increase increase increase none slight increase increase graphics performance increase

50 Current trends in computer hardware
Increasing clock speeds Although this increases performance technical problems are being experienced such as heat dissipation and increased power consumption Using more than one processor in a single computer can alleviate this or using two processors on a single chip –”dual core”

51 Current trends in computer hardware
Increasing memory Both operating systems and applications are continually demanding more RAM The cost of RAM has decreased Free RAM refers to the amount of RAM available to applications after the operating system has been loaded

52 Current trends in computer hardware
Increasing backing storage capacity The cost of backing storage has decreased The demand for backing storage of greater capacity has increased The size of a typical hard disk on a home computer has increased The variety of backing storage available has increased

53 Types of interface - USB
Universal Serial Bus Plug and play capabilities, hot swapping (no need to reboot the computer) Provides power to low consumption peripherals In many cases no device drivers needed Lower cost than firewire Over 1 billion devices in use

54 Types of interface – Firewire (IEEE 1394 interface )
A serial bus interface For high speed communications Real time data transfer Frequently used in a personal computer with digital audio and digital video peripheral devices Developed by Apple (firewire) and Sony (i.Link) More expensive than USB

55 Transfer rates of interfaces
Type of interface Maximum transfer rate Megabits per second USB 1 1.5 USB 2 480 USB 3 (2008) 4800 – 5000 (5Gbits) Firewire 400 400 Firewire 800 800 Firewire 1600 (2008) 1600 Firewire 6400 (2009+) 6400 Type of interface Maximum transfer rate Megabits per second USB 1 USB 2 USB 3 (2008) Firewire 400 Firewire 800 Firewire 1600 (2008) Firewire 6400 (the future) 1.5 480 4800 – 5000 (5Gbits) 400 800 1600 6400

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