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POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III POLITICAL PARTY- An organization of VOTERS who share SIMILAR IDEAS on how the country should be run. THE PURPOSE is to: RUN.

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Presentation on theme: "POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III POLITICAL PARTY- An organization of VOTERS who share SIMILAR IDEAS on how the country should be run. THE PURPOSE is to: RUN."— Presentation transcript:

1 POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III POLITICAL PARTY- An organization of VOTERS who share SIMILAR IDEAS on how the country should be run. THE PURPOSE is to: RUN CANDIDATES/WIN ELECTIONS! Provide Leadership Provide Leadership Guide public policy Guide public policy Provide Info. to Gov’t people Provide Info. to Gov’t people Encourage participation Encourage participation

2 POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III Our TWO Parties SYSTEM is: BROAD BASED- Anyone can join. DECENTRALIZED- Bottom up Leadership they train the “BEST AND THE BRIGHTEST ” CENTRIST- Appeal to the middle. Ideology left or right but speak to moderates. BROKER PARTY- Say what ever to broker a vote, not about a mission just VOTES.

3 Political Parties outline their positions in two ways. 2. PLANK- A Policy Statement on one issue. Ex. Tax Cuts to the Business Ex. Universal Health Care 1.PLATFORM-GOALS and PRINCIPLES of the PARTY. VOTERS Candidate

4 POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III 1.PLATFORM- GOALS and PRINCIPLES of the PARTY. Democrat- Gov’t Action /Helping Hand Republican- Private Action/Boot strap 2. PLANK- A Policy Statement on one issue. Ex. Tax Cuts to the Business- REP. Ex. Universal Health Care-DEM.

5 POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III What is the primary GOAL of the two Political Parties? What is the primary GOAL of the two Political Parties? Give an example of a PLANK of the Give an example of a PLANK of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Give an example of a PLANK of the REPUBLICAN PARTY. Give an example of a PLANK of the REPUBLICAN PARTY.

6 POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III PLATFORMS PLATFORMS DemocratRepublican Gov’t Action Private Action Gov’t Action Private Action PLANKS PLANKS AgricultureFavor subsidies Gov’t hands off Economic Gov’t spend Fewer Taxes Policy( New Deal) (Hooverville) EducationIncrease Fed. State/local gov. spending responsible NCLB

7 PLATFORMS Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Gov’t Action Private Action Gov’t Action Private Action PLANKS PLANKS Labor Laws to benefitOppose labor, increase to increase in labor, increase to increase in minimum wageminimum wage minimum wageminimum wage Business Increase taxesLower taxes greater regs.Fewer regs. greater regs.Fewer regs. Social Prog. Spend more to Oppose spending to help those in on social programs need need

8 Democrats Republican PLANKS Energy Alternate sources “ Drill baby Drill” wind, solar, nuclear S/D control $ TradeProtectionismFree Trade high tariffsno tariffs

9 NEW TRENDS in VOTING STRAIGHT TICKET Vs SPLIT TICKET *More voters today use Split Ticket in voting.

10 SPLIT TICKET - A voter CHOOSE CANDIDATES from two or more DIFFERENT PARTIES. EX. A voting for a Republican President and a Democratic Governor. STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET- A voter CHOOSES CANDIDATES based on their PARTY affiliation. Ex. I vote only Democrat, regardless of who is running.

11 Republican: GOP Republican: GOP Symbol- Elephant Symbol- Elephant WealthyWealthy ElderlyElderly ConservativeConservative SouthernSouthern Mid-WesternMid-Western Rural [farm]Rural [farm] SuburbanSuburban BusinessBusiness Higher education (Master’s Level)Higher education (Master’s Level) Democrat: Democrat: Symbol- Donkey Symbol- Donkey Less FortunateLess Fortunate Minority ~ ImmigrantMinority ~ Immigrant 18-24 year old18-24 year old Urban [city]Urban [city] Lower EducatedLower Educated UnionUnion Doctoral Level/EducatorsDoctoral Level/Educators West CoastWest Coast NortheastNortheast EnvironmentalistsEnvironmentalists ELECTORAL SUPPORT

12 DATE ___ Party Section Person Platform DATE ___ Party Section Person Platform Federalist North Hamilton Strong/business Federalist North Hamilton Strong/business 1790 1790 Anti Feds South Jefferson Weak/ Agriculture Anti Feds South Jefferson Weak/ Agriculture REPUBLICAN NORTH Lincoln Anti-Extension REPUBLICAN NORTH Lincoln Anti-Extension1865 DEMOCRAT SOUTH Douglas Pro-Slavery DEMOCRAT SOUTH Douglas Pro-Slavery 1935 Democrats N & S FDR New Deal 1935 Democrats N & S FDR New Deal DEMOCRATS North Kennedy/LBJ Civil Rights DEMOCRATS North Kennedy/LBJ Civil Rights 1965 End of Segregation 1965 End of Segregation REPUBLICAN South Nixon REPUBLICAN South Nixon Democrats North Gore Social Change Democrats North Gore Social Change 2000 2000 Republican South GW Bush TAX CUTS Republican South GW Bush TAX CUTS Democrats NORTH OBAMA Democrats NORTH OBAMA 2008 Change 2008 Change Republican South MC CAIN Republican South MC CAIN POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III REALIGNMENT

13 POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III REALIGNMENT- A long term SHIFT in VOTING PATTERNS from one Party to another. in VOTING PATTERNS from one Party to another. During the Civil Right Movement of the 60’s the southern states (Solid South) realigned to the Republican Party up until then had voted primarily Democrat. SOLID SOUTH- Southern states that have historically VOTED AS A BLOCK. SC, GA, AL, MS and up until 2008 NC.

14 POLITICAL PARTIES UNIT III Go to Look back to 1790 and watch the parties and colors change. Look back to 1790 and watch the parties and colors change. Color in the Electoral College Map based on the 2008 Election Results. BLUE- BARACK OBAMA RED-JONH MC CAIN

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