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Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation State Initiatives Alesha Adamson VP Strategic Relations & Initiatives Open.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation State Initiatives Alesha Adamson VP Strategic Relations & Initiatives Open."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation State Initiatives Alesha Adamson VP Strategic Relations & Initiatives Open Health Tools Board of Stewards February 24, 2012

2 Vision A new healthcare IT economy driven by regional research and job creation activities; supported by OHT Members and assets. Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

3 Drivers Policy & Business Drivers – Unemployment is high – There are not enough qualified HIT employees – Providing highly-available assets to teaching organizations – Economic development policy drives creation of labs – Educational needs drive curriculum Technology Drivers – PIP Component Map (informed by Architecture Council) – Assets map to components Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

4 Policy & Business Drivers Unemployment is high There are not enough qualified HIT employees Providing highly-available assets to teaching organizations Economic development policy drives creation of labs Educational needs drive curriculum Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

5 Technology Drivers Component Map Assets map to components Project Integration Project (PIP) – Informed by Architecture Council HEART (of the ecosystem) Interface Library Project (ILP) Coordinate with Exemplary Apps Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

6 Platform Implementation Project Project of Projects (meta-project) Bringing together OHT assets to deliver on the OHT Architecture Founding members: – Pronoia Health – NexJ – GDIT/Vangent – VuHID – Tolven Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

7 Identifier Services Internet HIE Core Services Privacy & Security Services Privacy & Security Services HISP / Direct Services Patient Management Services Cross Community Services Record Locator & Repository Services XDS.b Registry / Repository XDS.b Registry / Repository PIX/PDQ ATNA Audit Repository XUA XCA Gateway (Document Query/Retrieve) XCA Gateway (Document Query/Retrieve) XCPD Gateway (Patient Discovery) XCPD Gateway (Patient Discovery) Adaptor Layer Policy Engine XDR (Document Push) XDR (Document Push) Secure Email / XDM HL7 V2 Listener HL7 CDA Creator IHE Adaptor Content Creators & Consumers EHR/EMR/PHR Exemplary Apps Cross Community Participants IHE Participant HISP / Direct Participant NwHIN Exchange Participant OHT STATE INITIATIVES Platform Integration Project Component Map Version 1.0 February 10, 2012 HPD (Provider Directory) HPD (Provider Directory) DB Adaptor Provider Information Source Devices

8 Mapping OHT Assets to a component map Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation ComponentCurrent OHT AssetsPossible Future Assets EHR/EMR/PHRTolven (PIP)OpenMRS Adapter LayerAIP (PIP)Open Boarding Pass HIE Core ServicesHIEOS (PIP)OpenHIE Identification ServicesVuHID (PIP)Patient Identity Services Cross Community Participants SETHS (PIP), Georgia TechMayo-Rochester, OHSU

9 Asset Registry & Interface Library Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation HEART – Register Open Source assets – Link to federated repositories – Uniquely identify assets – ILP – Registry and repository for interfaces – Search tools that enable retrieval – Coordinate with HEART

10 Community OHT Membership University/College Partners – Training programs – Interoperability Labs State and Regional economic development councils State Designated Entities Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

11 Activating the State Initiatives Project -Academia Academic Outreach – Georgia Tech: Flagship Interoperability Lab – Conversations with Universities in: Arizona, Oregon, Minnesota, Texas, Utah, Massachusetts – Encourage schools to develop labs that speak to their expertise: “Code walks and talks.” Work with local economic development teams to roll-out appropriate curriculum – Software development – EHR deployment – Business analysis Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

12 Activating the State Initiatives Project – Economic Development Identify current economic development programs focusing on IT and Health IT Foster relationships to facilitate building of Interoperability Labs Encourage innovation spin-offs Encourage challenge grants Build the workforce Foster research Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

13 Long-term Goals Engage core-platform vendors to support lab environments – Java,.Net, Android, Apple, Google – Create virtualization environments Encourage interoperability at the core- platform level Inform future academic programs Drive innovation Foster a new Health IT economy Improving the world's health and well-being by unleashing health IT innovation

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