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Sponsor Funded Staff Hiring Process Improvement Initiative Submitted by: Georgia State University July 17, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsor Funded Staff Hiring Process Improvement Initiative Submitted by: Georgia State University July 17, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsor Funded Staff Hiring Process Improvement Initiative Submitted by: Georgia State University July 17, 2009

2 Supporting Documents As-Is Value Stream Map of hiring As-Is Process/Lead Times Future State Value Stream Map- 1 st draft Flow-Chart of updated Hiring Process Sample record from data base Customer Feedback

3 Current State Map July 2008

4 Process/Lead times (inclusive of college or division’s internal processes) ProcessLead% time spent on Value-Added activities Col/Div A25hr 05 min 7d 1hr43% Col/Div B3.5 hrs4.5 hr78% Col/Div C9 hrs 55 min 66 hrs 50 min 15% Col/Div D6 hrs8 day 2 hrs10% Col/Div E5.8 days9.22 day63%

5 Future State- draft 1

6 New Improved Process

7 Sample Record

8 Customer Feedback : What was your ROLE in the Sponsored Funded hiring process? (Check as many as apply)

9 Customer Feedback : The Pre-Approved titles..... …make completing the PRF easier. [left] …make writing my grant easier. [center] … helps me to have my SP staff person “Ready-to-work” on time. [right]

10 Customer Feedback: The addition of the HR Sponsored Funded Process Liaison has made the process better for me.

11 Customer Feedback : My position was processed and ready for posting in a timely manner.

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