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1 Pertemuan 03 Using Layers and Symbols Matakuliah: U0344 / DESKTOP 1 Tahun: 2006.

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1 1 Pertemuan 03 Using Layers and Symbols Matakuliah: U0344 / DESKTOP 1 Tahun: 2006

2 2 about layers Layers separate objects in an illustration to make them easier to work with. Layers divide an illustration into discrete planes; this is similar to drawing an illustration’s components on separate tracing paper overlays. By default, a new document contains three layers: Foreground, Guides, and Background. Importing and drawing occur on the active layer, which is initially the Foreground layer. When a new layer is added, it initially becomes the default drawing layer; any content you create or import appears on that layer until you move the content. The Layers panel is divided by a horizontal separator bar. Layers above the separator bar--generically called foreground layers--are printable. Those below the separator bar--background layers--do not print. The Guides layer contains guide lines dragged from the ruler or entered manually in the Guides Editor, as well as paths that have been converted to guides.

3 3 about layers The Background layer appears by default below the separator bar, so it does not print. You can move other layers below the separator bar too, to make additional background layers. Objects on any background layer are dimmed onscreen. If you move a background layer above the separator bar, objects on it become fully visible onscreen and will appear when the document is printed. Every object in an illustration resides on a layer; each layer can have multiple objects. You can edit only those objects on visible, unlocked layers. By moving objects from one layer to another or rearranging layers, you can change how the objects overlay one another. Each layer maintains its own stacking order of objects. You can set preferences to control how objects can be moved between layers.

4 4 about symbols The FreeHand library stores symbols and master pages for reuse throughout a document. Using the Library panel, you can do the following: Create a symbol from any object, text, or group Delete or group symbols Import and export symbols and master pages Symbols help you to streamline the use of repetitive elements and minimize file size. You can create instances of a symbol; instances are children of their parent symbol. Many instances of a single symbol can appear in a document, and these instances can be transformed individually with different attributes. Master pages enable you to create a consistent look throughout your document by carrying graphics, text, and page attributes across some or all document pages. To display the Library panel, do one of the following: Click the Library button in the Main toolbar. Select Window > Library.

5 5 creating layers To create new layers, you use the Layers panel. You can create all layers before creating your artwork or add individual layers as you need them. You can add new layers or duplicate existing ones. To add a new layer: 1 Select Window > Layers to display the Layers panel if it’s not already displayed. 2 Click the Layers panel Options menu control and select New. To duplicate a layer and all objects on it: 1 Select Edit > Select > None or press Tab to deselect all objects. This prevents you from inadvertently moving selected objects to the new active layer. Note: You can change the preference that causes selected objects to automatically move to the active layer. For more information, see Moving objects and reordering layers.Moving objects and reordering layers

6 6 creating layers 2In the Layers panel, click a layer name to select it. 3Click the Layers panel Options menu control and select Duplicate. To rename a layer: 1 Double-click the layer name in the Layers panel. 2 Type a new name, and press Enter (Windows) or Return (Macintosh).

7 7 editing layers You can use the Layers panel to select a layer, making it the active layer. In addition to selecting a layer, you can easily select all the objects on a layer. To select a layer and make it active: 1 Select Edit > Select > None or press Tab to deselect all objects. This prevents you from inadvertently moving selected objects to the new active layer. Note: You can change the preference that causes selected objects to automatically move to the active layer. 2 Click the layer name. A pen icon appears to the right of the active layer name. The next object you draw or import appears on this layer.

8 8 editing layers To select all objects on a single layer in a multilayer document: Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) and click the layer name. Moving objects and reordering layers To edit your artwork, you can change the way objects overlay one another in a document, move or copy objects from one layer to another, rearrange the order of the layers, and designate layers as nonprinting. When copying and pasting objects on layers between FreeHand documents, you can retain the layer information. You can group objects from different layers; all objects in the group move to the active layer. If grouped or joined objects were originally on different layers, you can also return the objects to their separate layers by ungrouping them.

9 9 editing layers To move an object to another layer using the Layers panel: 1 Select the object.The object’s layer name is highlighted in the Layers panel. 2 In the Layers panel, click the name of the layer to which you will move the selection.By default, clicking a layer name moves a selected object to that layer. Note: If this procedure doesn’t work correctly, check your panel preferences. See the following procedure. To prevent selected objects from automatically moving to other layers: 1 Display panels preferences by doing one of the following: In Windows, press Control+H, then click the Panels tab. On the Macintosh, press Command+H, then click the Panels category. 2 Deselect Clicking on a Layer Name Moves Selected Objects, and click OK. To move one or more objects to another layer by using menu commands: 1 Select Edit > Select > None or press Tab to deselect all objects in the document. 2 In the Layers panel, select the layer you want to move the object or objects to.

10 10 editing layers 3 Select an object or multiple objects in the workspace. Objects can reside on different layers. The objects’ layer names are highlighted in the Layers panel. 4 Do one of the following: From the Layers panel Options pop-up menu, select Move Objects to Current Layer. (Windows only) In the Layers panel, right-click the layer that you want to move the object or objects to. Select Move Selection to This Layer from the context menu. To move a layer in front of or behind another layer: 1 Select Edit > Select > None or press Tab to deselect all objects in the document. 2 In the Layers panel, drag the name of the layer you want to move to the new position. Dragging the layer below another layer in the list moves it behind that layer, while dragging it above a layer in the list puts it in front of that layer.

11 11 creating and importing symbols A symbol is an object stored in the library for future reuse. You can create a symbol from any object, text, or group. Creating a new symbol automatically adds the symbol to the library. You can duplicate symbols as well as preview and import them from other FreeHand documents. Duplicating a symbol copies the attributes of the symbol. To create a symbol: 1 Select an object, group, or text that you’ll make a symbol. 2 Do one of the following: Click the New Symbol icon at the bottom of the Library panel. Drag the object onto the list view area in the Library panel. Click the Library panel Options menu control and select New Graphic. Select Modify > Symbol > Convert to Symbol. Select Modify > Symbol > Copy to Symbol. To duplicate a symbol: 1 Select Window > Library to display the Library panel if it isn’t already open. 2 Select the symbol in the Library panel.

12 12 creating and importing symbols 3 Do one of the following: Click the Library panel Options menu control and select Duplicate. Hold down Control (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) and drag a symbol in the symbol list. Select a range of contiguous symbols by Shift-clicking. The duplicate symbol is added to the library. To preview a symbol: 1 Click the Library panel Options menu control and select Preview if it’s not already selected. 2 Select the symbol in the list. The symbol is previewed in the upper window of the panel. To import a symbol: 1 Click the Library panel Options menu control and select Import. 2 Browse to locate the document from which to import the symbol, select the file, and click Open. 3 Select the symbol from the Import Symbols dialog box, and click Import.

13 13 creating and importing symbols To remove a symbol: 1 Select the symbol in the Library panel. 2 Do one of the following: Click the trash can icon at the bottom of the Library panel. Click the Library panel Options menu control, and select Remove. 3 In the alert box that appears, click Delete. To group symbols: 1 Do one of the following: Click the folder icon at the bottom of the Library panel. Click the Library panel Options menu control, and select New Group. 2 Name the new group folder. 3 Select and drag the symbols from the symbol list into the group folder. Shift-click to select multiple symbols.

14 14 editing symbols Editing a symbol (the parent) automatically changes all associated instances (children). You can easily change all instances of a symbol in the document by replacing the symbol in the library with a selected object on the canvas. You can also replace selected objects or instances on the canvas with an instance of a different symbol in the library. To edit a symbol: 1 Double-click the symbol icon or symbol preview in the Library panel.The symbol opens in a separate editing window. 2 To update all instances when you edit your symbol, select Auto- Update in the upper left corner of the editing window. Note: The Auto-Update option is selected by default. Although Auto-Update allows for live display of changes made in the editing window, changes are not actually applied to the original document until you close the editing window or switch to another FreeHand document. 3 Edit the symbol as desired. 4 Close the editing window.

15 15 editing symbols To replace a symbol and all associated instances with another object: 1 Drag the new object onto the symbol you want to replace in the Library panel. 2 At the prompt, click Replace.All instances associated with the original symbol are updated automatically. To replace objects or instances in the document with a symbol from the library: 1 In the Document window, select an object or instance that you want to replace. Shift-click to select more than one object or instance. 2 Select the symbol in the Library panel. 3 Do one of the following: Click the Swap Symbol icon in the Library panel. Click the Library panel Options menu control and select Swap. The objects or instances you selected in the document are replaced with an instance of the symbol selected in the Library panel.

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