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WF REPORTS 2006 Rob Jonquière CEO NVVE, NL. QUESTIONNAIRES 39 members addressed 25 + 1 responses (66%) 13 non responses (!)

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Presentation on theme: "WF REPORTS 2006 Rob Jonquière CEO NVVE, NL. QUESTIONNAIRES 39 members addressed 25 + 1 responses (66%) 13 non responses (!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WF REPORTS 2006 Rob Jonquière CEO NVVE, NL

2 QUESTIONNAIRES 39 members addressed 25 + 1 responses (66%) 13 non responses (!)

3 FOUNDATION DATE > 19701 (1935:VES E&W) 1970-19806 1980 – 19909 1990 – 20006 < 20002 ( 2005: Dignity NZ Trust) Unknown1

4 MEMBERSHIP (1) A: <5005 B: 5001.5004 C: 1.5005.0006 D: 5.00030.0006 E: 30.000100.0003 F: >100.0002


6 MEMBERS/POPULATION (1) Top 3 Switzerland1 / 114 (120) Netherlands1 / 155 (155) Luxemburg1 / 518 (540)

7 MEMBERS/POPULATION (2) Bottom 3 Zimbabwe1 / 18.657 New Zealand1 / 21.667 Scotland1 / 25.500 (35.170)

8 PERSONNEL Employees 46%: no staff 54%: 0 - 23 Volunteers 1 – 135

9 ADVANCE DIRECTIVES All, except: Italy, ERGO and NT Australia Euthanasia statement3 (6) Prohibition of treatment22 Proxy statement16 Non resuscitation18

10 ACTIVITIES Meetings Publications Counselling Support Fund raising Assistance with suicide Media Fact sheets Lobbying Information

11 NEWSLETTER nearly all 1 – 4 times per year RtD-Europe newsletter WFRtDS newsletter

12 PRO- AND OP-PONENTS Humanist groups Public –Polls (many >> 60%) Patient groups (L) Doctors Catholics Churches Pro life Hospices Politics (!)

13 LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS South Africa: End of life Decisions act (1989) UK:Joffe’s Bill (2006) Scotland:Purvis (2005) Canada:Aid in dying Bill (2005) USA:Different states

14 LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS South Australia:5 bills since 1995 Queensland:Amendment to Criminal Code New Zealand:DWD Bill (2003)

15 COURT CASES Belgium:Verdict for a nurse UK:Many Italy:Englaro; proxy problem Norway:Dr. Sandsdalen Sweden:Assisted suicide case (?) USA:Gonsalez vs. Oregon; Schiavo Tasmania:2 ?? New Zealand:Lesley Martin (2004)

16 2002 - 2004 Name change Lastwillpill / peacefull pill UK guide to Dignitas (Re) organisation Merging Final Exit on DVD Devices development Books and films production

17 PLANS To keep going / visibility Legalisation activities Paying attention to good practice Initiate scientific research New membership Development of client support Fundraising & lobbying Expansion towards University

18 REMARKS Smal(ler) societies would appreciate connection and support of Right to Die members We pursue a dual role, both lobbying and also helping individuals Requests from abroad stay a problem

19 REMARKS Increasing questioning for both need and relevance of the medical profession in Voluntary Euthanasia

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