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About the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Glynda Bathan Policy & Partnership Manager CAI-Asia Center January 2010 1.

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Presentation on theme: "About the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Glynda Bathan Policy & Partnership Manager CAI-Asia Center January 2010 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 About the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Glynda Bathan Policy & Partnership Manager CAI-Asia Center January 2010 1

2 The problem 2

3 3

4 Co-benefits: GHGs and Air Pollutants Reduction 4 CO2 CH4 N2O SF6 HFC PFC Greenhouse gases covered by Kyoto Protocol Air Pollutants GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE URBAN AIR POLLUTION REGIONAL AIR POLLUTION GLOBAL AIR POLLUTION Black Carbon Ozone

5 CAI-Asia 5 The Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities promotes reductions in air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions from transport, energy and other sectors through translating knowledge to policy and action CAI-Asia began as a multi-stakeholder initiative by ADB, World Bank and USAID The CAI-Asia Center was incorporated in 2007 as a non-stock, non-profit corporation in the Philippines The CAI-Asia Partnership has 170 organizational members and 8 Country Networks in Asia

6 CAI-Asia structure 6

7 7 Scaling up: number of cities Scaling out: within cities 2500 250 25 Knowledge & capacity One sector Air Pollution Policies Multi-sector Co-benefits Action Urban Planning Sustainability Our Strategy

8 8 CLEAN AIR Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions BAQ conference Clean Air Portal including CitiesACT database (GAPF, ADB) Communities of Practice (ADB) Clean Air Scorecard (ADB) Air quality & GHG plans and policies (GTZ, UNEP) Co-benefits of air quality and climate change (IGES, ADB) Clean air and mega-events (FTI Fdn, WB) Network of City Network (CDIA) Governmental Meetings on Urban AQM (UNEP) Dialogues with cities, donors, private sector INDUSTRY & ENERGY GHG & AP indicators for energy sector (WB) GHG inventory for energy sector in Philippines (UNDP/MO) GHG & AP accounting and training for companies (private sector) TRANSPORT GHG and AP indicators for transport (WB) CO2 methodologies for transport (ADB, ITDP) EST framework development (ADB/UNCRD) GHG projections and policies for reduction (ITPS) Fuel quality, vehicle emissions and fuel economy standards (PCFV, FIA Foundation) Green trucks pilot project & program development (WB, US-EPA) Walkability surveys (ADB) Clean Fleet Management Toolkit (PCFV) SUMA framework for cities OTHER Waste mgmt – Open burning

9 9 Clean Air Portal 9 News feeds Registered users can add content to the Knowledgebase Users can browse site by several categories (e.g. Topics)

10 CitiesACT database - Air quality, Climate & energy, Transport 10 10 Countries & Cities Policies Training Courses Technologies People Organizati ons Case studies Projects & Programs ??? Specific topics News feed

11 Clean Air Scorecard Air Pollution and Health Index – rating air pollution levels of cities against WHO guideline values and interim targets Capacity Index – rating a city’s capacity to determine sources, levels and impacts and capacity to address air pollution and GHG emissions Policies and Actions Index – rating the presence and enforcement of policies and actions to address emissions from relevant sources (mobile, stationary, area and trans-boundary) AP and Health Index Capacity Index Policies and Actions Index Overall Clean Air Scorecard ++ = Objective: assess current management or air pollution and GHG emissions to improve policies and actions

12 Fuel quality, vehicle emissions, fuel economy standards Road Map for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles in Asia (2008) Develop work plans for introducing more stringent fuel quality and vehicle emissions standards in Asian countries 12 Workshop Auto industry Oil industry Government NGOs Others Action Plan for Clean Fuels & Vehicles

13 Walkability surveys Walkability surveys assess the quality of pedestrian infrastructure and supporting policies: –Field Walkability Survey: state of the pedestrian facilities –Pedestrian Interview Survey: pedestrian needs and preferences –Government/Stakeholder Survey: the policies, roles and responsibilities of government and stakeholders 13 Results survey in Karachi, Pakistan Field walkability survey: Karachi Road best infrastructure Pedestrian interview survey: greater demand for walking on Tariq Road Source: Assessing Walkability in Karachi. Arif Parvez in cooperation with CAI-Asia Center (2009).

14 Clean Fleet Management Toolkit Developed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and TNT in 2006. Field tested by TNT Turkey and humanitarian aid fleets The toolkit contains a number of tools that help fleet managers to evaluate the impacts of their fleets on the environment and human health, and with minimal information and inputs, develop practical strategies and scenarios for corrective and cost-effective action Activities in Asia: Asia launch at BAQ 2008 Training in Philippines Case studies with Philippines companies 14

15 Green Freight China Pilot project in Guangzhou: 2-18% fuel savings from tire and aerodynamics technology packages Study tour to USA Green Freight program for Guangdong Province & China –Technologies & logistics –Financing –Green Freight Partnership (shippers, carriers, suppliers, government, NGOs, other) –Information, training, marketing 15

16 Scaling up to 2,500 cities: Network of City Networks CAI-Asia Center Cities Development Initiative for Asia CITYNET Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative Global City Indicators Facility International Centre for Sustainable Cities Kitakyushu Initiative United Cities and Local Governments 16

17 9/15/2015 17 Sophie Punte Glynda Bathan Bert Fabian Unit 3510, 35 th floor Robinsons-Equitable Tower ADB Avenue, Pasig City Metro Manila 1605 Philippines CAI-Asia Center

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