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1 [prop-040] Proposal for APNIC non-member annual service fee Annual Member Meeting 8 Sep 2006 APNIC 22, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Save Vocea.

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Presentation on theme: "1 [prop-040] Proposal for APNIC non-member annual service fee Annual Member Meeting 8 Sep 2006 APNIC 22, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Save Vocea."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 [prop-040] Proposal for APNIC non-member annual service fee Annual Member Meeting 8 Sep 2006 APNIC 22, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Save Vocea

2 2 Motivation Clearer service fee interpretations for future requests Reduce secretariat staff workload administering non-member accounts

3 3 Definition Non-member account –Have allocation from APNIC but not wanting to join as member –Justify historical resource holding, sign statutory declaration and non-member agreement Historical resource –IPv4 space, ASNs originally obtained from registries such as InterNIC, AUNIC, etc. –Registration of these resources now transferred and managed by APNIC –Resource distributed by APNIC before agreement was in place (before 1997)

4 4 Problem Inconsistent fees charged to non- member account holders –Increased staff time administering billing of 500+ accounts (and increasing!!) –Varied interpretations Fee collection –Insufficient penalties to deter defaulters –Time consuming process –Variable bank fees –No reward for early payers

5 5 Existing framework ServiceHistorical resourceAPNIC resource Account maintenance $100/yrFree ASN maintenance $100/yr/maintainer$50/ASN/yr IPv4 address maintenance Free with account maintenance $819.20+ /yr DNS reverse delegation $50/zone file entry* * Never applied

6 6 Proposal: Introduce consistent fees Service Historical resource APNIC resource And.. Account maintenance $50 Waived if settled via credit card MyAPNIC access to all accounts ASN maintenance $50/ASNNo change IPv4 address maintenance (includes DNS reverse delegation) $50/ Assignment No changeNo new assignments or allocations of IP addresses to non- members (withdraw service)

7 7 Proposal - contd Revoke and reclaim resources from defaulters (currently done for members)

8 8 Effect on APNIC No direct effect to existing APNIC members

9 9 Implementation As soon as practically possible after endorsement by the Executive Council Modify fee level specified in current policy for historical Internet resources

10 10 Summary The secretariat seeks community support and endorsement to –Introduce this consistent fee structure incorporating account keeping and per- resource fees for all resources –Revoke and reclaim resources from defaulters who do not pay annual service fee

11 11 Thanks!

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