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LDAP Search Criteria Fall 2004 Rev. 2. LDAP Searches Can be performed on Single directory entry Contents of a single container Entire subtree Required.

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Presentation on theme: "LDAP Search Criteria Fall 2004 Rev. 2. LDAP Searches Can be performed on Single directory entry Contents of a single container Entire subtree Required."— Presentation transcript:

1 LDAP Search Criteria Fall 2004 Rev. 2

2 LDAP Searches Can be performed on Single directory entry Contents of a single container Entire subtree Required information is server, port, and starting point for search (search base) Everything else is optional

3 LDAP Search Syntax Nine parts to a LDAP search (we only will talk about 7 in class) [baseObject] [scope] [sizeLimit] [timeLimit] [filter] [attributes]

4 [baseObject] LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) Where to start the search RFC 2253

5 [scope] How far the search will look into the directory baseObject - the DN specified only singleLevel - the immediate subordinates of DN (not including baseObject) wholeSubtree - everything below DN, including baseObject

6 [sizeLimit] Restrict number of entries returned by search results Setting to 0 (zero) means no limitations Valid entries have positive value Note: Most servers restrict returns to ~1500 entries to prevent DOS attacks, no matter what the client specifies

7 [timeLimit] Number of seconds to allow for completion of search Value of 0 (zero) is unlimited time Valid entries have positive value Note: Most servers have a max search timeout value configured to prevent DOS, no matter what the client specifies

8 [filters] The filter gives more specific search requirements The matching rules are used Also can use and (&), or (|), not (!) Equality(=), Less than ( =), Approximate (~=), substring (*) Examples ‘(|(cn=j)(sn=d))’ [or] ‘(!(cn=j*))’ [not] ‘(&(cn=j*)(cn=d*))’ [and]

9 [filters] Examples ‘(cn=jdoe)’ [equality] ‘(cn=*doe*)’ [substring] ‘(sn>=Doe)’ [Greater than] ‘(sn<=Doe)’ [Less than] ‘(sn~=Doe)’ [Approximate]

10 [attributes] Specifies what attributes should be returned to the client NULL and * return all attributes

11 ldapsearch Command line tool with OpenLDAP Usage and manual ‘man ldapsearch’ Example: ldapsearch -h -b "ou=user, o=novell" -x -W '(cn=j*)' cn

12 ldapsearch Common Switches “-h” - hostname or ip address “-b” - search base (where you want to search) “-D” - bind name (login to server) “-x” - simple authentication “-W” - prompt for password “-s” - scope (sub, base, one)

13 ldapsearch ldapsearch [options] [filter [attributes]] [options] -h -b “ou=users,o=novell” -x - [filter] ‘(cn=j*)’ [attributes] cn

14 Example ldapsearch ldapsearch -h -b "ou=user, o=novell" -x -W '(cn=j*)' cn ldapsearch -h -b "ou=user, o=novell" -x -W '(&(cn=j*)(sn=d*))' cn sn ldapsearch -h -b "ou=user, o=novell" -x -W '(&(cn=j*)(sn=d*))' securityEquals ldapsearch -h -b "ou=user, o=novell" -x -W '(sn>=zimmer)' cn sn ldapsearch -h -b "ou=user, o=novell" -x -W '(sn~=Smyth)' cn sn

15 LDAP URLs Originally defined by UMich Original RFC 1959 Current RFC 2255 (updated for LDAPv3)

16 Format of LDAP URL Basic Form ldap://[hostport]/[dn] Six parts of LDAP URL hostport dn attributes scope filter extensions Not all parts are required

17 ldap://[hostport][/dn[?[attributes][?[scope][?[filter][?[extensions]]]]]] ldap:// Scheme prefix Denotes which protocol to use when handling this URL

18 ldap://[hostport][/dn[?[attributes][?[scope][?[filter][?[extensions]]]]]] [hostport] Specifies LDAP server to contact What port to contact the server Default port is 389 Separated from ldap server with a “:”

19 ldap://[hostport][/dn[?[attributes][?[scope][?[filter][?[extensions]]]]]] [/dn] Distinguished name of object to search DN constructed according to RFC 2253 section 3 cn=jdoe,ou=engr,dc=acme,dc=com ldap://,ou=engr,dc=acme,dc=com ldap://,dc=acme,dc=com

20 ldap://[hostport][/dn[?[attributes][?[scope][?[filter][?[extensions]]]]]] [?[attributes]] What attributes should be returned Default (no options) is all attributes ldap://,ou=engr,dc=acme,dc=com?sn ldap://,dc=acme,dc=com?cn

21 ldap://[hostport][/dn[?[attributes][?[scope][?[filter][?[extensions]]]]]] [?[scope]] Range to search in the directory Three options base - specified object only one - single level of directory below specified object sub - entire subtree below specified object ldap://,ou=engr,dc=acme,dc=com?sn?base ldap://,dc=acme,dc=com?cn?sub

22 ldap://[hostport][/dn[?[attributes][?[scope][?[filter][?[extensions]]]]]] [?[filter]] Search filter to apply to search Default (option omitted is ‘(objectClass=*)’ ldap://,dc=acme,dc=com?cn?sub?(cn=jdoe) ldap://,dc=acme,dc=com?cn?sub?(cn=j*)

23 ldap://[hostport][/dn[?[attributes][?[scope][?[filter][?[extensions]]]]]] [?[extensions]] Type=value format Usually used for directory specific operations ldap://,dc=acme,dc=com?cn?sub??foo=bar

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