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BioPreferred Champions: Sustainable Operations – Clean Green, Maintain Green, Serve Green 2009 GSA International Products and Services Expo Perry Plumart,

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Presentation on theme: "BioPreferred Champions: Sustainable Operations – Clean Green, Maintain Green, Serve Green 2009 GSA International Products and Services Expo Perry Plumart,"— Presentation transcript:

1 BioPreferred Champions: Sustainable Operations – Clean Green, Maintain Green, Serve Green 2009 GSA International Products and Services Expo Perry Plumart, Green the Capitol Office Liz York, CDC Timothy Trittschuh, VA Carmela Bailey, USDA

2 BioPreferred Champions: Sustainable Operations – Clean Green, Maintain Green, Serve Green Perry Plumart, Green the Capitol Office

3 "The House of Representatives must lead by example, and it is time for Congress to act on its own carbon footprint." -Speaker Nancy Pelosi Green the Capitol

4 Composting at the Capitol Sustainable Food Service

5 Ban Plastics and Styrofoam All Plastic and Styrofoam ® food service items have been replaced with fully compostable items

6 Sustainable Food at the House Created a compostable waste stream for: Food service items Compostable water bottles Food waste from the operations

7 Compostable Service Ware

8 Compostable Water Bottle

9 Compostable Station

10 Pulping The pulping process reduces the weight by 50% by extracting water from the material Reduces the volume of the waste stream by 10 to 1 In 2008, we diverted 880 tons of waste away from landfills

11 Compost Site After the material is pulped it is taken to a compost facility The material becomes compost in 90 days More than 800 tons of landfill waste has been diverted to compost facilities

12 “Today we say that the Capitol will be not just a shining symbol of our democracy, but a symbol of our commitment to the future. Not only by the power of our ideas on energy independence, but by the power of our example, we hope to send a message to the world and to the country.” - Speaker Nancy Pelosi, June 21, 2007 Leading By Example

13 Go Green, Get Healthy! Sustainability at CDC/ATSDR Liz York, AIA, LEED AP Chief Sustainability Officer

14 What’s Sustainability? “Enduring prosperity of all living things” - AIA Committee on the Environment

15 Sustainability Strategy  Vision: a green and healthy CDC  Mission: to promote health and wellbeing, quality of work-life, and environmental stewardship throughout the CDC community

16 Strategic Framework Overarching Goals:  Think – evaluating, considering  Research – benchmarking, surveys  Act – positively change behaviors  Integrate into decision making  Lead – transparency, partnerships

17 Sustainability Partners External Partners High level management support Grassroots Volunteer Work Groups Responsible Offices and Individuals SustainableCDC

18 Sustainability Projects Garden Market Earth Walk, Every Step Counts Green Purchase Training

19 Sustainability Workgroups  Electronics Management  Facilities and Green Space  Food Systems  Green Meetings  Green Purchasing  Recycling  Transportation  Worksite Health and Wellness

20 What is biobased?  Commercial or industrial products (other than food or feed) that are composed in whole or in significant part of biological products or renewable domestic agricultural materials (including plant, animal, and marine materials) or forestry materials.

21 Green Champions  Procurement Policy  Custodial Services  Hand Sanitizer  Facilities  Flex-Fuel Vehicles  Food Service Alternatives  Meetings & Conferences

22 Procurement Policy Policy No.: PGO Advisory 2008-29 Issue Date: 06/04/2008 Supersedes: n/a Procurement Preference for Biobased Products Section 9002 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (FSRIA), as amended, requires that a procurement preference be afforded biobased products identified by the USDA. The policy was established by FAR Case 2004-032, Biobased Products Preference Program, via a final rule published on 11/07/2007, and having an effective date of 12/07/2007 (see attached). The policy can be found at 48 CFR 23.4, Use of Recovered Materials, and it states: Agencies shall assure the use of products containing recovered materials and biobased products to the maximum extent practicable without jeopardizing the intended use of the product while maintaining a satisfactory level of competition at a reasonable price. Such products shall meet the reasonable performance standards of the agency and be acquired competitively, in a cost-effective manner. The solicitation provision can be found at: 48 CFR 52.223-1, Biobased Product Certification.48 CFR 52.223-1, Biobased Product Certification The contract clause can be found at: 48 CFR 52.223-2, Affirmative Procurement of Biobased Products Under Service and Construction Contracts.48 CFR 52.223-2, Affirmative Procurement of Biobased Products Under Service and Construction Contracts Complete information on the federal BioPreferred Program can be found at the USDA website:

23 Custodial Services  Use Butchers G-Force cleaners  GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified  Environmentally Responsible Green Seal certified

24 Hand Sanitizer  Currently exploring  Source material for ethanol should not affect its effectiveness  biobased or otherwise is fine  Cost 28% more

25 Facilities  Biobased dielectric coolant  for use in transformers  Biobased corrosion inhibitor for metal

26 Flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs)  Federal law requires the use of E85 fuel in all flex-fuel vehicles (Ref. EPACT 2005 AND EO 13423)  New 2008 vehicles have a yellow gas cap  A list of E85 fuel stations within driver’s zip code are located in each CDC vehicle.

27 Food Service Alternatives ItemDescriptionCostCompostable/ BiodegradableRecyclable? Styrofoam Derived from petroleum: a non-renewable resourceCups- $23 per 1000NOPossible Plastics Made from petroleum/ natural gas, non- renewable resourceNORecyclable once PaperFrom trees, renewable resource Cups- $42/1000, compostable paper (Biomass Co.) 4oz-20 oz- $90-188/1000some Recyclable 6-12 cycles (Co-op America) PLA Polylactic acid from renewable, carbon- absorbing plants, ie corn starch (in the U.S.) or sugarcanes (rest of world). 7 -20 oz. biopolymer cup (Biomass Co.)- $100-173/ 1000 Must be processed at high temperatures through a commercial compost facility. Placing the cutlery in a compost pile will not allow for the high temperature and it will not biodegrade as stated.No Spudware High-heat tolerant bio-based cutlery. Biodegradable, durable fork, spoon or knife unwrapped $55 /1000 (Biomass Co.) Must be processed at high temperatures through a commercial compost facility. Placing the cutlery in a compost pile will not allow for the high temperature and it will not biodegrade as statedNo BambooRenewable, fast growing plantYes/ BiodegradableLimited reuse Sugarcane Renewable - sugar cane bagasse is the fibrous waste left over after the extraction of the sugar from the caneCommercial compost facility neededN/A

28 Meetings & Conferences  Contract language  The HOTEL recognizes CDC's commitment and supports CDC's efforts to provide a "green" meeting for its attendees. The HOTEL agrees to work collaboratively with CDC (the conference planner) to improve the overall environmental performance and efficiency of the HOTEL.  HOTEL personnel agree to work with CDC and their consultant, _______, to enhance any and all environmental practices performed over the contracted conference dates. CDC agrees to provide expertise and recommendations to the HOTEL on "greening" the facility over the term of this contract. Similarly, The HOTEL agrees to support this commitment internally by engaging and educating all departments of the HOTEL about this commitment.

29 Meetings & Conferences  Contract language (cont.)  In preparing and disseminating communications, marketing and registration materials for [name] conference, the contracted communications provider shall:  Use electronic media as a delivery mechanism wherever possible.  Ensure all printed collateral materials are:  Printed on both sides;  Printed on post-consumer recycled, unbleached paper;  Printed using vegetable or soy based inks;  Reinforce the conference’s greening message in all communications.  Propose additional, innovative ways that the communications and marketing efforts can be performed with minimal environmental impact.

30 USDA Contract Templates

31 Questions?

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