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1 Welcome to B.Ed 3 Students as Developing Professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to B.Ed 3 Students as Developing Professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to B.Ed 3 Students as Developing Professionals

2 Calendar Timetable –Trimester 1 Days on campus: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday –Trimester 2 Days on campus: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday (provisional) School experience –Nursery Weeks 47 - 49 (November 19 – December 7) –Early Years School Weeks 6 – 10 (February 4 – March 8) 2

3 3 BEd 3: SESSION 2013/14:- Semester 1 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Weeks 39-47 9-1010-1111-1212-11-22-33-44-5 Monday 9-11am 1-5pm Lecture Workshops Contexts for Learning Room: GT29 GT 14 & GT 15 Tuesday 9-11am 1-5pm Lecture Humanities 3 Room: LT2 Room: PS3, GT 16 SPS/Placement 3 Weeks 44-46 Room TBC Wed Thursday 9-10am10-12noon 1-3pm 3-5pm LectureWorkshops Maths & Science 3 Section 1: Science, Lab Section 1: Maths GT 15Section 1: Maths GT 14 Section 2: Maths GT 14 Section 2: Science, LabSection 2: Maths GT 15 Section 3: Maths GT 15 Section 3: Maths GT 14Section 3: Science, Lab Fri

4 Course Outline Trimester 1 –Contexts for Learning –Humanities 3 –Maths and Science 3 –School and Professional Studies: Nursery Placement * Trimester 2 –School and Professional Studies: Early Years School Placement –Research Informed Professionalism –Academic Option * (Assessment recorded in Trimester 2) 4

5 ModuleSummative Assessments Contexts for Learning3000 word assignment Mathematics and Science 3examination (Maths) and assignment (Science) Humanities 33000 word assignment Optionvarious Research Informed Professionalism group presentation and paper School and Professional Studies Nursery report (from mentor) Nursery reflective report School experience 5

6 Module Structure 200 effort hours per module = 600 hours per trimester –approximately 40 hours per week (contact and non-contact time) Lecture + workshop/seminar/tutorial + independent study Workshop/seminar/tutorial –collaborative working, discussions, presentations, reflections on reading, analysing theory, lesson planning Independent study –read recommended texts/articles/chapters, re-read and annotate lecture notes/handouts, identify questions, work on assignments 6

7 Academic Options Courses designed to deepen your knowledge of subject area Not necessarily directly related to teaching –Applying Mathematics* –Art and Visual Culture* –Developing Healthy Lifestyles –Equality and Inclusion –Holocaust Studies* –ICT* –Modern Languages Dissertation may be in same field, but not same topic Final class lists will be created at end of October; movement is possible until then. Any option with very low numbers (under 10) may not run. 7

8 Attendance 100% attendance expected (Regulation 5.7.3) If lower than 75% attendance in a module, then withdrawal from placement (fail), withdrawal from the module (University Student Engagement Policy). Procedure –Monitoring Lecturers, module co-ordinators, Year Group Leader –10% absence from module First e-mail –20% absence from module Second e-mail Meeting with Programme Leader –More than 25% absence from module Meeting with Programme Leader No placement. 8

9 Assessment Examination –dates on Moodle –student responsibility to confirm Assignment Submission –Dates of submission should be met –Requests for extensions contact module co-ordinator; provide required evidence –Late submissions (up to one week) 10% late penalty –Failure to submit recorded as fail –Plagiarism refer to handbook –Mitigation refer to Moodle and handbook If you have a final attempt you must contact the module coordinator. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm resit/ resubmission information.

10 Progression Three attempts at academic modules Two attempts at school experience (three attempts at pre-school report) Not able to proceed to the Honours year with credit deficit –Enrol as Assessment Only to pass –Return to B.Ed 4 following academic session 10

11 Professional Conduct On-campus lectures and seminars –timekeeping –participation and concentration –mobile ‘phones On placement –attitude and values –commitment and work ethic –dress code –timekeeping –Communication At all times please be very careful about what is posted on social network sites.. 11

12 Student Officers/Class Representatives Staff Student Liaison Group 2 officers from each section 3 meetings per year Names to me by Friday 27 September 12

13 Communication Moodle –B.Ed Information site –module sites –Check on daily basis Section representatives 13

14 Contact Details Jennifer EllisProgramme 886252 Sue OrrYear Group 886315 Jim MacleanSenior 886234 Mary HunterSchool Experience Secretary School Office 886254 Cheryl MoirStudent 886283 14

15 Catholic Religious Education Distance Learning (CREDL) Glasgow University distance learning Inform Programme Leader and Mary Hunter –aim to allocate placements in RC schools 15

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