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Written work in which a writer presents a case for or against a particular position.

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Presentation on theme: "Written work in which a writer presents a case for or against a particular position."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written work in which a writer presents a case for or against a particular position

2 Persuasion…the art of getting what you want! Why write persuasively? Give an opinion Sell an idea Sell a product Influence the reader Sell yourself!

3 What are some forms of persuasive writing? Newspaper editorials (op-ed pieces) Magazine commentary pages Advertisements Campaign speeches Book reviews Essays

4 What are the components of a persuasive essay? an issue with more than one side (topic) a clear statement of the writer’s position (thesis) clear organization that builds towards a conclusion evidence supporting the writer’s position

5 Evidence?! Arguments Statistics Expert opinions Personal observations Quotations/Direct References

6 What is the difference between a fact and opinion? FactOpinion Things known for certain to have happened Things known for certain to be true Things known for certain to exist Things believed to have happened Things believed to be true Things believed to exist Can be proven by a reliable, trusty source! Can NOT be proven true or false!

7 Fact or opinion? Pigs are really cute animals. The school year should be extended. Homework every night should be mandatory. All polar bears are left-handed. College athletes should be paid. I watched the hockey game on Sunday. I don’t like reality-based TV. I watch basketball, but I don’t consider sports to be reality TV.

8 Persuasive Techniques Keep audience in mind. WHO are you trying to persuade? Inform. Use research to back up your opinions. Use statistics or an expert opinion. Accentuate the positive. Appeal to emotions. Use humor or a real life story to connect with the reader.

9 Extra Credit Homework Bring in an example of persuasive writing. Be ready to tell the class: Where it came from (magazine, online, etc) How you knew it was persuasive What the author’s position is Do you think it is a convincing argument? Why or why not? This assignment can be done anytime up through next Friday, March 9.

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