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Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education Springer International Handbooks of Education, Vol. 20 Joke Voogt & Gerald Knezek (Eds.)

2 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Leading questions Aim synthesize research on ICT in education from a broad international perspective Leading questions What is the potential of ICT to improve primary and secondary education? How can the implementation of ICT in educational practice be supported? Target group Researchers, policy makers and professionals

3 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Contributions of: 3 advisors 11 sections 15 section editors 76 chapters 136 authors from 23 countries

4 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie

5 Conceptual framework

6 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Sect. 3: IT and the learning process, Kwok Wing Lai, New Zealand Sect. 7: IT and distance learning in K-12 education, Roemen Nikolov & Iliana Nikolova, Bulgaria Sect. 9: Emerging technologies for education, Cathleen Norris & Elliott Soloway, USA Potential of IT

7 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Implementation Factors impacting the learning process: Sect. 2: IT and curriculum processes, Joke Voogt, Netherlands Sect. 4: IT competencies and attitudes, Gerald Knezek & Rhonda Christensen, USA Sect. 5: IT, pedagogical innovations and teacher learning, Nancy Law, Hong Kong School environment factors Sect. 6: IT and schools, Sara Dexter, USA Societal environment factors Sect. 8: IT and the digital divide, Paul Resta, USA & Thérèsa Laferrière, Canada Sect. 11: International and regional programs and policies, Jef Moonen, Netherlands

8 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Overarching chapters Sect. 1: Education in the information society, Ron Anderson, USA Sect. 10 Methods for researching IT in Education, Margaret Cox, UK

9 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Teacher learning and Teacher leadership in the Handbook What do teachers need to know: Thomas & Knezek: Standards for teachers Kirschner et al.: Benchmarks for Teacher Education programs in the pedagogigal use of ICT Koehler & Mishra (2006): The TPCK framework What contributes to teachers technology integration Knezek & Christensen: Will, Skill Tool model for Technology Integration Beyond pedagogical knowledge Riel & Becker: Characteristics of Teacher Leaders for ICT Voogt: Challenges in coping with an ICT-enhanced curriculum

10 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Standards for teachers (Thomas & Knezek) Teachers should be competent with respect to: Technology operations and concepts Planning and designing ICT-rich learning environments and experiences Integrate ICT in Teaching, Learning and the curriculum Integrate ICT in Assessment and evaluation Use ICT for own Productivity and professional practice Be aware of Social, ethical, legal and human issues International Society for Technology in Education

11 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie 9 Benchmarks for Teacher Education (Kirschner et al.) What Personal ICT competencies ICT as a mind tool Social aspects of ICT-use in education Adopting ICT in Teaching How Combining institutional learning and workplace learning Communities of Practice Embedding learning in a (personalized) ICT-rich learning environment Start with structured experiences Integration in other content domains

12 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie The TPCK Framework (Koehler & Mishra, 2006) Technological Content Knowledge Technological Pedagogical Knowledge Pedagogical Content Knowledge TPCK = Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

13 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Will, Skill Tool model (Knezek & Christensen) Enhancing an educators will, skill, and access to technology tools will in turn lead to higher stages of classroom technology integration. Achievement Up to 90% explained variance appr. 10% explained variance

14 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Will, Skill or Tool. Which is most important? Answer: It depends on the Stage of Adoption of the TeachersStage of Adoption For USA: Skill is the strongest predictor (Explains 50% of Variance in Integration) (vs. 10% for Mexico) For Mexico: Tool is the strongest predictor (Explains 80% of Variance in Integration (vs. 30% for Texas)

15 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie How to move to the next Stage of Adoption? Lower Stage populations need Skills/ Tools to move from: Awareness (stage 1) to Understanding the process Stage 2) and Applying the process (Stage 3) Higher Stage Populations need more Will (not more Skill): e.g. Stage 6 vs. Stage 5 Teachers: Creatively adapt technology to new contexts Have little greater skill than Stage 5 peers Have much stronger will than Stage 5 peers Appear to have the traits of Teacher Leaders (Riel & Becker, 2008) and to possess Personal Entrepreneurship (Drent, 2005)

16 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Characteristics of teacher leaders (Riel & Becker) Levels of professional engagement: Learning from practice: favouring innovation and divergent thinking Local collaboration: moving from private teaching to shared professional commitments in the workplace Professional networking: Access to important sources/ideas through teacher networks Participation in knowledge building

17 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Constructivist pedagogy – professional engagement Professional Engagement % Direct Instruction % 2nd Quartile % 3rd Quartile % Knowl edge Constr uction % Total Teacher Leaders2162557100 Teacher Professionals 11202347100 Interactive Teachers 16222933100 Private Practice33282316100 All Teachers2425 26100

18 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie ICT: Teacher leaders - Private practice teachers Teacher leaders use computers more frequently for instruction Teacher leaders use computers more for professional purposes Teacher leaders use more sophisticated software applications Electronic mail, multimedia authoring software and presentation software

19 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Challenges to cope with (Voogt) Difficult to prove evidence of learning with ICT on student learning outcomes Focus on other goals Implementation conditions are not optimal Lack of coherent actions in curriculum implementation No balance in the curricular spiderwebcurricular spiderweb Curriculum challenges in the 21st century Contradictory messages from policy makers: Life long learning competencies vs emphasis on basic skills

20 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Thank you!

21 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie How to measure technology integration? Stages of Adoption Six Stages 1.Awareness 2.Learning the Process 3.Understanding and application of the process 4.Familiarity and confidence 5.Adaptation to other contexts 6.Creative applications to new contexts

22 Universiteit Twente Vakgroep Curriculumontwerp & Onderwijsinnovatie Rationale goals content teacher roles assessment learning activities time location grouping materials & resources

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