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GCSE PE The Muscular System

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1 GCSE PE The Muscular System

2 Muscles and Movement. Aims:
To know the different muscle types in our body. To understand the different types of muscular contractions. To know the roles of the different muscles during a sporting action.

3 Starter Activity Label the diagram of the synovial joint and self mark your paper

4 What are the 3 Different types of muscle found within our body?
Skeletal – Voluntary Cardiac – Involuntary Smooth – Involuntary This topic focuses upon voluntary skeletal muscle.

5 Voluntary Muscles Also known as Skeletal Muscles
Attached to the skeleton and help to make the body shape. They cause movement and are controlled by ourselves. Basically moves when we tell it to… Attached to bones by TENDONS

6 Involuntary Also known as SMOOTH
Found in the walls of the BLOOD VESSELS and the in the GUT. They stretch Work automatically and is not under our conscious control

7 CARDIAC This muscle only found in the HEART.
Its job is to PUMP BLOOD round the body. It adjusts it’s speed as a needed and works AUTOMATICALLY at all times

8 Muscle Game Stick the labels onto your partner ( however some of them need to be stuck on by themselves 

9 Add the muscles names to your diagram
Bicep Hamstrings Tricep Gluteals Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi Pectorals External Obliqies Trapezius Abdominals Gastrocnemius Quadriceps


11 Muscles work by CONTRACTION and RELAXATION

12 How muscles work Muscle work in PAIRS Whilst ONE CONTRACTS

13 ANTAGONISTICALLY The AGONIST ( PRIME MOVER) is the muscle doing the work. The ANTAGONIST is the muscle that REALXES to let movement take effect.

14 The SYNERGISTS The SYNERGISTS are muscles that assist in the action of the PRIME MOVER. They STABILISE THE JOINT, preventing undesirable movement.

15 How the Muscles Move Muscles are attached to two different bones by tendons. When the muscle contracts only one bone moves. The place where the muscle is attached to the stationary bone is called the ORIGIN. The place where the muscle is attached to the moving bone is called the INSERTION. ORIGIN INSERTION

16 Agonist muscle: Directly responsible for the movement at a joint. E. g
Agonist muscle: Directly responsible for the movement at a joint. E.g. Biceps. Antagonist: Opposing action to that of the agonist. E.g. Triceps. Fixator: Allows the agonist to work effectively by stabilising the origin of the agonist. E.g. deltoid. For the bicep curl exercise, which muscles form the; agonist, antagonist and fixator? (flexion of the elbow)

17 Task. With a partner; act out a number of different sporting actions. E.g. kicking a ball, chest pass etc. Draw a diagram of this action. Identify the : Agonist, Antagonist and Fixator muscles involved with this movement.

18 Isotonic Isometric The two main types of muscular contraction
Movement occurs. No movement. Eccentric = lengthening. Concentric = shortening.

19 The role of muscle contractions.
Isotonic – concentric contraction occurs in agonist muscles. Isotonic – eccentric contraction occurs in antagonist muscles. Isometric contraction occurs in fixator muscles which stabilise joints aiding muscle movement.

20 What are the 3 different types of muscle?
What is the difference between the origin and the insertion? Name 3 different activities that would require a high percentage of fast twitch fibres. Name 2 different antagonistic pairs of muscles and the movements they make.

21 Homework Learn the different muscles within the body.
I will be testing you next lesson. Visit wiki-spaces for your homework.

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