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Senior School Parent Information Evening Term 1, 2014 Preparing for exams.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior School Parent Information Evening Term 1, 2014 Preparing for exams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior School Parent Information Evening Term 1, 2014 Preparing for exams

2 What is Study? 2 “When can I get time to study with all this homework” What is homework and what is study? Often teachers will give ‘homework’ which is actually designed to be a part of the process to consolidate what was covered in class that day

3 Effective Study 3 Regular and ongoing throughout the year Well organised Uses effective techniques Personalised Analytical Relates closely to the Course outline

4 Know the content and expectations 4 Course outline Examiners reports SCSA Website

5 Preparing for study 5 Equipment Construct notes with examples Set up your desk and room as though you were sitting exams Seek help from your teacher if you don’t understand something Be positive

6 Study Timetable 6 Should include all other commitments Flexible Realistic 2 to 3 hours per Course per week On the ‘fridge’ for all to see

7 Study Timetable – sample 2

8 Study technique: Study Log 8 Tool to track study and areas of difficulty within a course One for each examinable course Shows the specific sections of the Course have been studied Shows how frequently study has been undertaken

9 How to use a Study Log 9 Write in the date and aspect of the course being studied Tick (√) next to it when you are confident that you know the material Cross (x) when you don’t. Keep crossing for each session spent until you understand and then can tick

10 How to use a Study Log - sample 10 AttemptsMaterial StudiedDate Completed 1 st AprilObjective 2 – Naming the parts of the human skeleton√ 2 nd AprilObjective 3 – Naming the major types of joints in the human skeleton. √ 4 th AprilObjective 4 – Understand the role that the human skeleton plays in the production of red blood cells. X√ 7 th AprilObjective 5 – Describe the role of the skeleton in the functioning of antagonistic muscle sets. XX√ 10 th AprilObjective 6 – Explain how the structure of the bones, joints and muscles work together to enable movement of the human body. XXX√

11 Study techniques 11 Note taking Summarising Testing yourself Use past exams Incorporate learning style

12 Mind Mapping

13 Study Groups

14 Aim for Improvement 14 Acknowledge what you have achieved What do I need to do to improve my performance? Notes Revision Study technique Use of class time

15 Exam Stress 15 Pressure –Self –Others: family, friends, competition –Achieving your destination: getting into university or uncertainty about your destination Lack of preparation –Poor study habits, organisation, time management Negative “self-talk”

16 Strategies to manage Stress 16 Keep normal routines and take breaks Reasonable bed time Eating regularly, a balanced diet and drink water Cut back on coffee and other stimulants Avoid alcohol and drugs Make time for fun and exercise but resist too many commitments

17 Strategies to manage stress 17 Reflect on how you express your feelings - Positive “self-talk” - Journal - Networks Relaxation - Relax before bed - Meditation/breathing exercises

18 Difficulty managing stress 18 If stress is having a significant impact : - D iscuss this with the school (Senior School Coordinator, Deputy, School Psychologist, Chaplain, Nurse) - Make an appointment with your GP These problems are unlikely to go away on their own; the causes need to be addressed and sometimes treated

19 Mobile Phones and ICT 19 Mobile phones, Facebook etc. can be a distraction No role in study Study should reflect exam conditions

20 Parent support 20 Be supportive, constructive and encouraging Be informed (communicate with teachers) Use your own experience – you probably know more than you may think Be engaged – study timetables, study logs, monitor the use of technology

21 Parent support 21 Help set short, medium and long term goals and review them Rewards work – for a short time specifically related to the achievement of set goals A clear career plan can clarify the reason for studying

22 Friday Period 1- Private Study & Guest Speakers 22 Option to work quietly in the Library- self managed Access to teachers- English, Maths and Social Sciences Scheduled Guest speakers from Universities, TAFE and relevant organisations

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