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Some impressions from the school visits and the conference -No systematic report 1 st Some general wisdom 2 nd Key analysis questions of the project Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Some impressions from the school visits and the conference -No systematic report 1 st Some general wisdom 2 nd Key analysis questions of the project Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some impressions from the school visits and the conference -No systematic report 1 st Some general wisdom 2 nd Key analysis questions of the project Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

2 Preliminary remark: -# of ELFE case is too small for firm conclusions and policy recommendations building on other studies as well: -IEA SITES: 174 case studies of innovative pedagogical practices supported by ICT (more than 25 countries) -National projects: like Norwegian PILOT project Please notify us! Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

3 Some general wisdom ICT is means, not goal in itself In information/knowledge society Our perception of what is good education has changed (pertains to all components of the T/L process) many schools in project are good examples Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

4 Components of the Teaching/Learning process (ref: Joke Voogt – spider web) Rationale/vision Aims-objectives Content Learning activities Teacher role Materials & resources Grouping Location Time Assessment Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

5 content studentteacher learning process materials & infra structure aims and c n s u l o c o a c h i n g t n e m e g n a a m p l a n n i n t i n g g Learning: interaction between actors and goals of education

6 Innovativeness innovative use of ICT new goals and objectives new pedagogical approaches (e.g. student-centred pedagogy) Maybe we should avoid the term! Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

7 Innovativeness may mean different things dependent on context and choices made, e.g., –existing goals and content, but innovative pedagogy –new goals and content, with new pedagogy (e.g. non-traditional grouping, location, time and/or assessment) –ICT as instrument in solving a problem Important: change is a PROCESS not an EVENT Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

8 8 Overview of pedagogy in the industrial versus the information society – I (Voogt, 2003 ) Aspect Less ('traditional pedagogy') More ('emerging pedagogy) Active Activities prescribed by teacher Activities determined by learners Whole class instruction Small groups Little variation in activities Many different activities Pace determined by the program Pace determined by learners Colla- borative Individual Working in teams Homogeneous groups Heterogeneous groups Everyone for him/herself Supporting each other

9 Overview of pedagogy in the industrial versus the information society – II (Voogt, 2003 ) LessMore Creative Reproductive learning Productive learning Apply known solutions to problems Find new solutions to problems Integrative No link between theory and practice Integrating theory and practice Separate subjects Relations between subjects Discipline-based Thematic Individual teachers Teams of teachers Evaluative Teacher - directed Student - directed Summative Diagnostic

10 Key analysis questions: 1.what difference does the use of ICT make in schools where ICT is intensively used for instructional/pedagogical purposes? Vision on learning & teaching – new goals, e.g., –Student-centred learning –Independent learning –Information skills –Integration of subjects Other use of infrastructure: space, time, etc New possibilities for certain groups of learners: –Remote students –Special education –Low performing learners/schools Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

11 Key analysis questions: 2. To what extent are teachers practices and outcomes changed? -Designer of learning environment -Producing of learning materials -Knowledge managers -Monitoring individual learners (e.g. at a distance) -Multidisciplinary teams -Teacher as counselor -Less traditional teaching Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

12 Key analysis questions: 3. What are perceived advantages and disadvantages of the use of ICT in teaching and learning? + Students become more independent learners, learn to collaborate, taking more responsibility, become more critical, etc + students develop productive skills - Less attention for traditional subject knowldg - Dependence on servers outside school Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

13 Key analysis questions: 4. What factors influence the (implementation of) intensive use of ICT School needs vision on learning & teaching and on role of ICT Knowledge and skills of teachers – role of pedagogical drivers license Infrastructure, e.g. –Hardware –Software and other resources (e.g., library) –Physical environment Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

14 Key analysis questions: 4. What factors influence the (implementation of) intensive use of ICT Leadership –Successful implementation shows a good balance between bottom up and top down –Comprehensive and coherent approach Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

15 Key analysis questions: 5. How are the students influenced by this different way of teaching, both individually and as a collective? -Acquisition of new skills: -independent learning, combined with collaboration -Information handling skills -Communication skills -ICT skills -Increased motivation No hard evidence of improved cognitive gains Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

16 Key analysis questions: 6. What are the possibilities to sustain and to transfer good ICT based teaching/learning practices? School policy documented, e.g., –common vision on T/L, –on ICT, e.g., every student an @ address hardware upgrading –staff development School budget reflects choices BUT: also schools where school policies are not known and not well communicated Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

17 Key analysis questions: 7. To what extent did the institutional discussions on and experiences with use of ICT have contributed to whole school development? -Management structure not much influenced -Connectivity: school connected differently to environment -The use of ICT is linked to other central activities such as the thematic / project oriented work. -Teacher collaboration and teacher – student interaction are affected. Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

18 Key analysis questions: 7 (contd). To what extent did institutional discussions on and experiences with use of ICT have contributed to whole school development? -It also had an impact on decision making structures and physical arrangements. -No clear signals about different involvement of parents, although they have positive attitude. Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

19 Possible themes for web-discussion From Union perspective: How can the teachers benefit from the use of ICT: –a help, not a burden –a tool for inspiration –a tool for professional improvement Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

20 content studentteacher learning process materials & infra structure aims and c n s u l o c o a c h i n g t n e m e g n a a m p l a n n i n t i n g g Themes from pedagogical perspective: Learning: interaction between actors and goals of education

21 Possible themes for web-discussion Characteristics of good education in knowledge society –innovative/integrated curriculum –innovative pedagogy –monitoring and assessing learners progress –use of space and time –what type of matriculation examinations needed? Place of traditional subject knowledge in an integrated curriculum Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

22 Possible themes for web-discussion Balance between student-centredness and teacher-centredness Student – teacher relationships in student-centred pedagogy Role/funtioning of teachers in integrated curriculum Quality of web materials (developing a critical attitude towards external materials) Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

23 Possible themes for web-discussion INSET: place of pedagogy in INSET on ICT (peagogical drivers license) Coaching and guiding of novice users - communities of professionals/practice Relationship between institutional and pedagogical practices and role of ICT ICT and school effectiveness Factors contributing to successful implementation of innovative curriculum at school level Conference 22-23 November2004 ELFE

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