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Welcome LEAP Math Sessions. Test Specifications Reporting Category% of Total Points Number and Operations55 Fractions30 Measurement, Data, and Geometry15.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome LEAP Math Sessions. Test Specifications Reporting Category% of Total Points Number and Operations55 Fractions30 Measurement, Data, and Geometry15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome LEAP Math Sessions

2 Test Specifications Reporting Category% of Total Points Number and Operations55 Fractions30 Measurement, Data, and Geometry15 Total100 Table below provides test specifications for the multiple-choice subtests of Grade 4 LEAP Mathematics assessments.

3 Expectations Read and write place value in word, standard, and expanded form through 1,000,000. Read, write, compare and order whole numbers using place value concepts, standard notation and models through 1,000,000. Know all basic facts for multiplication and division though 12 X12 and 144 / 12. Model, read and write, compare, order and represent fractions with denominators through twelfths, using pictures, models, and diagrams.

4 Expectations Give decimal equivalents of halves, fourths, and tenths Estimate fractional amounts through twelfths, using pictures, models, and diagrams Solve multiplication and division number sentences including interpreting remainders Multiply 3-digit by 1-digit numbers, 2- digit by 2- digit numbers, and divide 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, with and without remainders

5 Expectations Write number sentences or formulas containing a variable to represent real-life problems Use manipulatives to represent the distributive property over addition to explain multiplying numbers Solve one-step equations with whole number solutions Select and use the appropriate standard units of measure, abbreviations, and tools to measure length and perimeter (i.e., in., cm., ft., yd., mile, m, km)

6 Expectations Area (i.e., square inch, square foot, square centimeter), capacity (i.e. fl. oz., cup, pt., qt., gal., l, ml), weight/ mass (i.e., oz, lb., g, kg, ton,), and volume (i.e., cubic cm cubic in.) Use unit conversions with in the same system to solve real-life problems (e.g., 60 sec. = 1 min., 12 objects = 1 dozen, 12 in. = 1 ft., 100 cm = 1m, 1pt. = 2 cups Draw, identify, and classify angles that are acute, right and obtuse

7 Expectations Analyze, describe, interpret and construct various types of charts and graphs using appropriate titles axis labels, scales, and legends Identify missing elements in a number pattern

8 Phase I Math Session 1 March 19, 2013 3 constructed-response items with calculators 60 minutes Involve a number of separate steps Require application of multiple skills Assess one or more strands Real-life/practical situations

9 Students’ responses are scored for: accuracy of the answer proper operations used appropriate problem-solving approach or strategy Samples: essment/annual-assessments essment/annual-assessments

10 RICE a step by step method to guide your thinking through word problems and constructed responses Steps to RICE: restate; illustrate; compute; explain

11 Phase II Math Sessions 2 & 3 April 8 th – 11 th, 2013 36 multiple-choice items without calculator - 80 minutes 24 multiple-choice items with calculator - 50 minutes Phase I and II together have a total of 63 items to be completed in 190 minutes sment/annual-assessments

12 LEAP Websites LA DOE: Louisiana Pass : Study Island: Mandeville Middle School Student Links: Be sure to see Ms. Pyle in the computer lab!

13 Games and Activities Pay cash for purchases and have your child count out the money and the change. Use an analog (face) clock Play Monopoly, Yahtzee, etc. Use a recipe to cook/measure Sing math facts in the car

14 Thank you for attending

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