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Progress Report Yoonsang Lee, Movement Research Lab., Seoul National University.

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Presentation on theme: "Progress Report Yoonsang Lee, Movement Research Lab., Seoul National University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progress Report Yoonsang Lee, Movement Research Lab., Seoul National University

2 Previous Result

3 Today Tracking simulation human model reference trajectory compute muscle activation forward dynamics simulation

4 Reference Motion

5 Test Model Modified version of “BothLegs“ model 21 dof 93 muscles BothLegs

6 Simulation (with fixed pelvis)

7 0.2x speed

8 Muscle-level PD control Use difference between length information of each muscle reference motion (t=0.884s)simulation (t=0.884s)

9 Muscle-level PD control, of reference motion are kinematically determined We can get, from simulation state

10 Simulation with Contact

11 0.2x Speed

12 Discussion Excitation & activation Agonist / antagonist Feedforward term Computation time

13 Next Try more simple model (gait2354) Motion data generation –bvh -> mot More stable tracking

14 Thank you

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