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Travel Guidelines Training1 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines TRAVEL CARD PROGRAM.

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1 Travel Guidelines Training1 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines TRAVEL CARD PROGRAM

2 Travel Guidelines Training2 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Travel Cards  The UCM Travel Card will be separate and distinct from the Procurement Card.  Travel Card expenditures will be charged directly to the University. (Not a personal liability card). A UCM Travel Card will be issue to those employees that incur $1,000 or more travel annually. Accounts Payable will pay the cumulative University Travel Card’s expenditures in one payment to the credit card vendor. At the end of each month, employees who have a University Travel Card are required to submit a University Travel Card Voucher with the appropriate receipts to Accounts Payable (per University Travel Guidelines). Only travel related merchant codes will be open on the Travel Card (i.e. airline, lodging, rental cars, restaurants, etc)

3 Travel Guidelines Training3 9/15/2015 Definition of Reimbursable Travel Expenses  Reimbursable travel expenses are those expenses authorized and incurred while transacting official business away from the campus site. Basic reimbursable expenses may include such items as business meals, transportation, lodging, and registration fees for conferences and workshops.  Miscellaneous Reimbursable Expenditures require receipts for expenditures $25 or greater.

4 Non-Reimbursable Expenses  Alcohol.  Charitable or political contributions.  Spousal or companion expenses.  Laundry services.  Mini-bar items.  Movies, golf, other personal entertainment.  Snacks, personal reading material. Note: this list is not all-inclusive. Travel Guidelines Training4 9/15/2015

5 Travel Guidelines Training5 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Components  Lodging  Meals  Transportation (Airfare, Car Rental etc.)  Mileage Reimbursement  Conference Registration Fees  Pre-Authorization  Cash Advances  Travel Card

6 Travel Guidelines Training6 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines LODGING

7 Travel Guidelines Training7 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Lodging 1. Safety of our employees. 2. Federal GSA rates. 3. IRS regulations requiring receipts for lodging expenditures. 4. Tax exempt certificate should be furnished to hotels/motels in Missouri. 5. Hotel internet access fees are reimbursable for University business only.

8 Travel Guidelines Training8 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Lodging UCM Travel Guidelines: 1. UCM Travel Policy reimbursed lodging expenditures at the actual amount. 2. The policy further states that UCM employees should seek lodging rates that are reasonable; using the GSA guidelines as a definition of “reasonable” rates. 3. Itemized receipts must be submitted for lodging to document overnight travel as a true business expense. IRS considers any reimbursement as taxable compensation if not supported with business receipts.

9 Travel Guidelines Training9 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines MEALS

10 Travel Guidelines Training10 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines  There are four types of meal reimbursements: 1. “Overnight Travel” Meals. 2. “Same Day Travel” Meals. 3. “International” Meals. 4. “Business Hospitality” Meals.  Five Considerations in Decision Making: 1. What’s best for our employees and University. 2. Benchmarking of other Universities. 3. IRS Regulations. 4. State Regulations. 5. Auditor’s Recommendations.

11 Travel Guidelines Training11 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Meals for “Overnight Travel” UCM Travel Guidelines  Reimbursement based on lower of actual costs or capped amount of $50 per day as follows except for the below mentioned “high cost” cities: Regular Cap High Cost Cities  Breakfast $10 $14  Lunch 15 20  Dinner 25 30  Total Per Day $50 $64  GSA identified “high cost” cities are Aspen CO, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New Haven, Newport RI, New York City, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Vail, CO, and Washington D.C.  No receipts will be required to be submitted for meals.  Exceptions to the above “capped” amounts for University sponsored events, meetings with donors etc will be granted as shown on slide 16.  International meals will be reimbursed at actual cost.

12 Travel Guidelines Training12 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines “Same Day Travel” UCM Travel Guidelines: If a UCM employee is out of town on University business for six hours or more, the employee is eligible to be reimbursed for one meal at the actual expense up to a capped amount of $15.

13 Travel Guidelines Training13 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines International Travel UCM Travel Guidelines:  Meals for international travel are reimbursed at their actual cost. Since there are no limits on international meal expenses, receipts are required to be submitted.  Contact BTCC prior to international trips or purchases.  Currency Conversion Chart on A.P. Website.

14 Travel Guidelines Training14 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Business Hospitality Meals  Business Hospitality meals are reimbursed at actual cost.  Business Hospitality Meals are defined as: Meals with university guests, consultants, or candidates, with university business being discussed. Meals that are incurred as part of a seminar, conference, or required meeting that is presented by the University.  A restaurant or catering receipt with the following supporting documentation to prove the “business hospitality meal” is a true business expense is required before reimbursement can occur: * Date of the meal. * Name and location of the restaurant. * Meal Amount. * Business purpose of the meal. * # of people served. * Identities of guests.

15 Travel Guidelines Training15 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Alcoholic Beverages  The purchase of alcoholic beverages is non-reimbursable by the University.

16 Travel Guidelines Training16 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines TRANSPORTATION

17 Travel Guidelines Training17 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Air Transportation UCM Travel Guidelines:  For out of state travel, commercial airlines is the preferred mode of travel if it is more economical for the University. No cost comparison needs to be submitted with the employee’s travel voucher.  Purchase tickets at least 21 days in advance of trip.  Electronic ticket required or web page confirmation emailed to employee.

18 Travel Guidelines Training18 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Mileage Reimbursement UCM Travel Guidelines:  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rate is currently at 55-1/2 cents per mile.  Mileage computed and reimbursed from and to work site or residence, whichever is less. Cost of driving personal vehicle shall not exceed equivalent cost of most economical means of transportation available.

19 Travel Guidelines Training 19 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Car Rental UCM Travel Guidelines:  Enterprise is the University’s preferred car rental agency and whenever practical should be used. When Enterprise car rental services are not available, employees may use a car rental agency other than Enterprise such as Avis, Budget, Hertz etc.  Gasoline purchases can be charged to the Travel Card.  Rental car comparison on A.P. Website.

20 Travel Guidelines Training20 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Travel Pre-Authorization UCM Travel Guidelines:  All overnight travel will require a “UCM Travel Pre- Authorization” form to be completed by the employee and authorized by the employee’s supervisor at least two weeks prior to the trip being taken.  After the trip is completed, the “UCM Pre- Authorization” form and agenda must be submitted to Accounts Payable with the employee’s travel voucher and receipts to receive reimbursement.

21 Conference Registration Fees If you pay a registration fee with your travel card, it may decline due to the merchant’s category code or MCC. Either contact the BTCC or the fees can also be paid by submitting a “Payment Request Form” to Accounts Payable with the appropriate supporting documentation. Allow enough time for processing by the deadline and allow for “mail time”. Travel Guidelines Training21 9/15/2015

22 Travel Guidelines Training22 9/15/2015 UCM Travel Guidelines Cash Advances UCM Travel Guidelines: University travelers are encouraged to use their UCM Travel Card, however, Athletic and Academic teams will continue to have a need for cash advances in certain circumstances. See UCM Travel Guidelines posted on the Accounts Payable web-site for Cash Advance procedures.

23 Travel Guidelines Training23 9/15/2015 Cardholder & Departmental Penalties  Department Liaison reports infraction  Single abuse – Warning Letter  Second occurrence – Suspended card use minimum 3 billing cycles (90 days)  Third occurrence – card canceled one year.  Department Head may recommend permanent suspension if incident is severe.

24 Travel Guidelines Training24 9/15/2015 Cardholder & Departmental Penalties  Travel Card Envelopes not forwarded by the 10 th of the month twice in one Fiscal Year – Departmental Warning Letter  Repeated Cardholder or departmental abuse - Departmental Warning Letter  If severe enough may be turned over to the Internal Auditor for investigation.

25 Responsibility for the UCM Travel Card  Collect all receipts.  If your card is lost or stolen, call UMB at 1- 800-821-5184 immediately. The card will be canceled and a new one issued. Also, contact the UCM Travel Card coordinator at extension 4684 or extension 4700.  When you end your employment with UCM, turn in your travel card to the Travel Card coordinator in ADM 316. Travel Guidelines Training25 9/15/2015

26 Submission of Travel Envelope  It is recommended that you photocopy the Travel Reimbursement Form and all receipts for your records.  The employee and employee’s supervisor must sign the Travel Expense Envelope prior to submitting to Accounts Payable attesting the expenses are legitimate and in compliance with UCM policy. Travel Guidelines Training26 9/15/2015

27 FORMS TO SUBMIT IN ENVELOPE  Statement  Travel Card Voucher  Travel Pre-Authorization for each overnight trip  Receipts other than individual meals within meal cap unless required by supervisor  Summary receipts for hospitality meals with attendees and business purpose noted  Conference agenda Travel Guidelines Training27 9/15/2015

28 Travel Card Renewal Travel cards will automatically renew. You will receive an email approximately two weeks prior to the expiration date on your card notifying you. You will be asked to bring your current card to exchange for the new card. Travel Guidelines Training28 9/15/2015

29 Travel Card Activity-Disputes  A valuable tool for you to use is found at You can view your account transactions and balance. If you see a charge(s) that you do not recognize or is incorrect, notify UMB or the travel card coordinator immediately. You will need to fill out the “Dispute Form” and send to the coordinator.  If you lose a receipt, fill out the above form. Travel Guidelines Training29 9/15/2015

30 OUT-OF-POCKET TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENTS  If charged on the travel card, do not submit on travel expense voucher form.  Attach receipts (except personal meals).  Attach pre-authorization form for overnight travel.  Attach conference agenda.  Submit to Accounts Payable.  Reimbursement will be an electronic funds transfer to employee’s bank account. Travel Guidelines Training30 9/15/2015

31 Travel Guidelines Training31 9/15/2015 UCM End of Presentation

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