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The ICT infrastructure and virtual lab supporting research for Industry and Environment Ing. Silvio Migliori ENEA – UTICT

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Presentation on theme: "The ICT infrastructure and virtual lab supporting research for Industry and Environment Ing. Silvio Migliori ENEA – UTICT"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ICT infrastructure and virtual lab supporting research for Industry and Environment Ing. Silvio Migliori ENEA – UTICT ENEA - National Agency for new technologies, energy and Economic and Sustainable Development ENEA-UTICT Technical Unit for Information Systems and ICT

2 The ICT infrastructure and virtual lab supporting research for Industry and Environment Ing. Silvio Migliori ENEA – UTICT ENEA-UTICT Technical Unit for Information Systems and ICT

3 3 ENEA-UTICT Technical Unit for Information Systems and ICT Laboratories Infrastructure and Network Services Infrastructure for Scientific Computing Information Technologies Management Implementing new projects and Web Applications

4 ENEA GRID CodeApplication field FLUENT, OpenFoamCFD ANSYS,ABAQUS, NASTRAN Structures FLUKA,ERANOSNuclear MCNP, MCNPXNeutronics MpCCIFluid-structure interaction USER codesAny type and platform Web access Softwares Instruments ENEAGRID integrates into a single infrastructure set of computing resources for High Performance Computing (HPC), distributed in the main ENEA Research Centers.

5 CASACCIA FRASCATI S.Teresa Saluggia Ispra BOLOGNA PORTICI TRISAIA BRINDISI Manfredonia ENEA-GRID Computational & 3D Centers (more then 6000 core) 90 >5000 900 200 30 #CPU/Core 45 Summer 2013 4000 core Intell 8 core/soket ENEA-GRID

6 ENEA-GRID: Development Sensor nets ENEA-GRID Born in 1998 with 6 Italian geographic clusters. Main aim: o Give to ENEA researchers a unified environment to use in an easy way heterogeneous computers and applications software; o Build an homogeneous ICT infrastructure but with a distributed and delegated control; o Integrate the ENEA-GRID with National and International GRIDS. Data archives Colleagues & 3D Software catalogs Computers Application Fabric Connectivity Resource Collective User 6


8 ENEA-GRID Potentialities o Running all Software Model for any kind of computer architecture; o Only one installation for each software for all geographical computers; o All authorized users can have access the software from local site; o Any application can share the data in the common geographical file system; o All sensors can share the data easily using the geographical file systems. Sensor nets Computers Portic i ( Roma-1 Bologna EU… BrindisiRoma-2 Trisaia Software catalogs Computers Sensor nets ENEA-GRID Software Model 1 Software Model 2 Software Model 3 Software Model.. Rules Computers 8

9 feature under develops for high resolution of microscope images (TEDAT Project) Site … Site 2 SITE 1 Logical access (AFS) MySQL structure Microscope High definition images CRESCO NX servers with graphic board New ENEA-GRD Java/web technology Low internet bandwidth for high resolution images 3D scenes ENEA-GRID 9

10 CRESCO HPC hall

11 Some CRESCO HPC speed-up Fluent OpenFoam Commercial code Combustion Open Source Processors User Code CPMD Spedup procs

12 DB_1 CPUS ENEA GRID WEB ICA SSH DNA Sequence system ( ABI Prism 3700) Trisaia DB_3 DB_2 Electron Microscope (Brindisi) 300 KeV (sept. 2004) ENEA GRID and experimental facilities Controlled Nuclear Fusion: FTU Frascati Tokamak Upgrade Video Acquisition 12

13 HPC: Application Areas Energy Efficiency Engineering Nuclear Environment and Climate Combustion Materials Science Fluid Dynamics Bioinformatics Critical Infrastructure Cultural Heritage Advanced modeling Engineering is an indispensable tool in the design of innovative Energy Efficiency! 13

14 Results of simulations conducted on CRESCO: Combustible 3D visualization of a methane flame. 3D visualization of the temperature field in a combustor. 14

15 VorticityVorticity Axial Velocity 10 Pa, 20 kHz Using acoustic waves in applications of processes for the stabilization and control of flames. Results of simulations conducted on CRESCO: acoustic waves 15

16 Results of simulations conducted on CRESCO : organic-inorganic Molecular Dynamics Photovoltaic applications: organic solar cells Polymer solar cells are considered to be a potential candidate to solve the problem of the growing need of renewable, cost-effective energy sources. The maximum open circuit voltage for polymer solar cells is related to the difference between the HOMO of the electron donor and the LUMO of the electron acceptor. We implemented a theoretical approach to design fullerene derivatives to be used as electron acceptor in polymer solar cells. We calculated the LUMO levels of fullerene derivatives successfully used as electron acceptors and we correlated the obtained values with the Voc of the corresponding device. 16

17 Results of simulations conducted on CRESCO: Environment and Climate Computational domain of the climate model Protheus. 3D visualization of Mediterranean Climate data. 17

18 Fluid Dynamics of Cresco HPC System: Energy Efficiency in Buildings Benchmark 3D room Energy efficiency in building 18

19 Laser scanning Juvanum by HDS3000 19 Scan 16.589.664 points Valori di XYZ reflectance and color Acquisition GPS VISUALIZATION OF A SET OF MILLIONS OF POINTS OSG viewer: Currently there are commercial software capable to display a large amount of data in “near realtime”, but we were oriented to an “open source” solution using our ENEA-GRID, the OpenSceneGraph libraries and the powerful viewer. Distances evaluation: Integrating the ANN library in the OSG viewer code, it was possible to impolement a tool for evaluating distances between points in the 3D scene. Visualization of 3D laser scanner data from an archaeological site 19

20 FARO - Fast Access to Remote Objects Graphics terminal Frontend all O.S. FARO WEB access to data, applications and virtual machines created by an integration of NX applications and Java.

21 ENEA-GRID & CRESCO ACCESS FARO for Industry (Virtual LAB) Graphics terminal Frontend all O.S. SOFTWARE FARO for Virtual LAB (Gateway)

22 22 Cloud Computing: OpenNebula OpenNebula: pool of technologies and instruments able to export services in the net. Typical Services: Storage/Archiving; Data elaboration; Remote Software; Virtualization. Advantages for users: Ubiquitous data and resources access; Device independance; User-friendly interface and simple usage; Saving of HW and SW cost andaintenance operations.

23 OpenNebula and ENEA-GRID Accessibility integrated with FARO List of virtual machines available 23


25 ICT platform integration Smart Village o Interface smart village o Data fusion and decision- making systems o Integrated database 25

26 Thanks for your attention Ing. Silvio Migliori ENEA – UTICT / 26

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