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1. Minutes of the Commission 7 Meeting in Paris 2. Workshop on Cadastral Data Modelling 3. Special Issues Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Kraków,

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Presentation on theme: "1. Minutes of the Commission 7 Meeting in Paris 2. Workshop on Cadastral Data Modelling 3. Special Issues Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Kraków,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Minutes of the Commission 7 Meeting in Paris 2. Workshop on Cadastral Data Modelling 3. Special Issues Computers, Environment and Urban Systems Kraków, September 18th 2003 Christiaan Lemmen

2 1. Minutes of the Commission 7 Meeting in Paris

3 Minutes of the Commission 7 Meeting in Paris Chairmans report Activities in 2003/2003 Working Group Reports

4 FIG Good Practises Report Cadastral Template New chair in JWG 3D Cadastres Minutes published at Minutes of the Commission 7 Meeting in Paris

5 2. Workshop on Cadastral Data Modelling

6 Workshop on Cadastral Data Modelling: work in progress by ESRI Administrative BoundariesAdministrative Boundaries AgricultureAgriculture BasemapBasemap Biodiversity/ConservationBiodiversity/Conservation Cadastre 2014Cadastre 2014 Defense/IntelDefense/Intel Energy UtilitiesEnergy Utilities Environmental Regulated FacilitiesEnvironmental Regulated Facilities ForestryForestry GeologyGeology Historic PreservationHistoric Preservation Hydrographic/Navigation (IHO)Hydrographic/Navigation (IHO) Land ParcelsLand Parcels MarineMarine PetroleumPetroleum PipelinePipeline System ArchitectureSystem Architecture TelecommunicationsTelecommunications TransportationTransportation UrbanUrban Water UtilitiesWater Utilities Water Resources (Hydro, Groundwater)Water Resources (Hydro, Groundwater) Land ParcelsLand Parcels MarineMarine PetroleumPetroleum PipelinePipeline System ArchitectureSystem Architecture TelecommunicationsTelecommunications TransportationTransportation UrbanUrban Water UtilitiesWater Utilities Water Resources (Hydro, Groundwater)Water Resources (Hydro, Groundwater)

7 Workshop on Cadastral Data Modelling: based on Cadastre 2014 Legal situation of landLegal situation of land Modeling over mappingModeling over mapping Spatial data handlingSpatial data handling Integration with registerIntegration with register Private sector involvementPrivate sector involvement Cost recoveryCost recovery

8 Datamodel

9 Workshop on Cadastral Data Modelling: Conclusions the approach should be object oriented a spatial representation of (public) restrictions on land has to be included in the model data maintained by different organisations (e.g. cadastre and land registry) have to be integrated in the model all object classes and attributes should be identified maintenance of historical data should be possible implementation of the model could start at the data publication side followed by attention to transactions on land

10 Workshop on Cadastral Data Modelling Papers at

11 3. Special Issues Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

12 Special Issues Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 3 issues on Cadastre, peer reviewed 28 publications, 454 pages

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