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Research Project By Helen Louise Fay Dandridge. Our Research Our question is… Are girls and boys treated differently in school? This question interested.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Project By Helen Louise Fay Dandridge. Our Research Our question is… Are girls and boys treated differently in school? This question interested."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Project By Helen Louise Fay Dandridge

2 Our Research Our question is… Are girls and boys treated differently in school? This question interested me because I have always wondered what the answer was. It is a very interesting subject because it has been quite hard to gather our information so far ( it has been fun though! ).

3 How we set about this research The way we did this is: –Internet research completed – –a lot of comments written by children on Newsround ( a news show ), a lot of them agreed that they are treated differently –Data collated –Questionnaire produced –Questionnaire sent out to yr5 and yr6 –Results analysed and results typed neatly –Missing Golden Time charts checked for gender differences

4 Analysis Of Results: Q1 : Do you think girls and boys are treated differently at school and how? We found that half agreed and half disagreed in yr 6 We found that equal numbers yes & no 1st question = 12 on each (yr 6) But with the yr 5 slightly more (57%) agreed that boys and girls are treated differently. Some of the reasons by the yr 5’s included are … –Girls being trusted more –Boys getting more attention in P.E. –Girls are less silly and more mature –Girls are better behaved

5 Do boys get punished more than girls? There was no real difference in yr6 views. 86% of yr5 pupils thought that boys get punished more than girls. Some of the reasons they gave were … –Boys are more noisy than girls –Boys have a bigger sense of humour and take it too far sometimes –Boys are more violent than girls –More boys lose golden time than girls –Just because they are boys

6 Do you think boys and girls are treated differently because of their behaviour? 63% of yr6 thought boys were differently because of their behaviour A similar percentage (62%) of yr 5’s agreed These are some of the reasons … –Girls are more mature –Boys don’t cry –Girls are trusted more –Girls are more sensible

7 Do you think your school favours boys or girls and why? Most pupils (75%) in yr 6 thought there was no favouritism between boys and girls 21% thought girls were favoured – 4% thought boys were favoured (yr 6). 62% of yr 5’s thought girls were favoured and only 38% thought there were no favourites. 0% thought that boys were favoured. Similar reasons were given such as girls being more sensible, trustworthy and mature

8 Are girls chosen more often to help with jobs around the school? 80% of yr6 pupils thought girls were chosen more often to help with special jobs But only 50% of yr5 pupils thought this The most common reason given is that are more responsible and the second most was that girls are trusted more

9 Does your school tend to choose girls more often to answer questions in class? Most pupils in yr 5 and 6 disagree (72%)

10 I also did some research and found out that… Number Of … In One Lesson Of English Girls picked to answer : 9 Boys picked to answer : 3 Girls Told Off : 4 Boys Told Off : 19

11 … Number Of … In One Lesson Of Art Girls picked to answer questions : 16 Boys picked to answer questions : 8 Girls Told Off : 11 Boys Told Off : 39 COMMENTS : The teacher was having to repeat instructions to a lot of girls and a few boys.

12 … Number Of … In One Lesson Of Maths Girls picked to answer : 18 Boys picked to answer : 5 Girls Told Off : 5 Boys Told Off : 14

13 Conclusions I have concluded that boys and girls are treated differently, but this may be because of behaviour. Girls are also picked more to answer questions in class, but this may actually may be because girls put their hands up more. There is no way of telling what it is because of. This is the problem. Also, there is more female teachers then male.

14 I Thank You For Watching Presentation By Helen Louise Fay Dandridge

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