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Heating foil Ecofilm C Installation guide. ECOFILM C - OPTION For ceiling heating by heating foil ECOFILM C we offer following types : width (mm) output.

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Presentation on theme: "Heating foil Ecofilm C Installation guide. ECOFILM C - OPTION For ceiling heating by heating foil ECOFILM C we offer following types : width (mm) output."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heating foil Ecofilm C Installation guide

2 ECOFILM C - OPTION For ceiling heating by heating foil ECOFILM C we offer following types : width (mm) output (W/m 2 ) C 414 400140 C 420 400 200 C 620 600 200 C 614 600 140

3 Accessories for ECOFILM C Installation connecting wires crimping tools polyester insulation tape plastic covers crimp conectors


5 LAYOUT of Ecofilm C installation Before installation user should have to prepare simple laying plan of ECOFILM C for given room, which will show accurate position of heating foil laying and supply conductors in ceiling. ECOFILM C

6 Heating foil preparation (cutting and insulation) Prepare ECOFILM C in requested lengths according to layout. Heating foil Ecofilm C is possible to cut. Foil cutting must be provided along the longitudinal axis. 2 possible variants of longitudinal cutting axis: a/ 1st variant of longitudinal axis - each 320mm is wider cutting line (is enough to insulate only uncovered edges of both copper tapes by means of polyester insulating tape – width 25 mm) b/ 2nd variant of longitudinal axis - each 10mm is thin cutting line (is necessary to insulate whole uncovered shear edge by means of insulation tape of width 25 mm and then 35 mm wide insulation tape. 1 st variant2 nd variant

7 Fixation and pressing of crimp connectors Crimp connection is placed in the centre of copper tape and its oblique part is subsequently closed by fingers pressure. Final perfect provision of crimp connection position will be provided by means of crimping tool. Crimp connectors must be carefully and perfectly fixed !

8 Crimp connector must be covered by plastic cover. Covering of crimp connectors

9 Important information for ECOFILM C installation planning: The heating film should be a minimum of 50 mm from all air pipes, wooden beams, and lighting supports. The film should be at least 200 mm from electricity boxes. It should be at least 25 mm from all connection leads and other electrical circuits. Its own connection lead should be at least 50 mm from load-bearing beams. Only a person with proper qualifications should connect the connection cables into an already-prepared electrical box. When the film is connected in subcircuits, the current value should not exceed 10 Amps !!! The maximum acceptable thickness for the lower ceiling plasterboard is 16 mm. Materials that easily absorb moisture should not be used for the lower ceiling. No air space should be between the heating film and the thermal insulation (mineral wool or fiberglass). The standard ceiling heating system is not recommended for warehouses or other areas where very high ventilation rates can be present.The solution for such areas may be the use of ceiling mounted radiant heating pannels ECOSUN

10 Installation Warning !!! to lay upon itself in 2 and more layers and overlap each other ECOFILM C is forbidden:  to lay beneath cellulose-based materials and flammable materials used as insulation. to cut or damage black carbon heating element

11 ECOFILM C INSTALLATION STEP 1 Check the dimensions of each joist before ECOFILM C laying, including the distances between them, and measure their distances from objects with high heat resistance. According to accessability of ceiling construction is possible to install Ecofilm C from above or from below.

12 ECOFILM C INSTALLATION STEP 2 According to accessability of ceiling construction is possible to install Ecofilm C from above or from below. Affix the heating film in the corners formed by the joists (bars) using nails. Unwind about 1 m of the length of the film. After unwinding it, pull it taut, flatten it, and to keep it from crumpling later in the process, affix it using nails or clasps down the lengthwise side, first at a distance of about 15 cm from the corners, and then roughly every 40 cm. If the ceiling uses metal joists, affix the heating film to these, using either double-sided tape or flush-headed screws. Installation „from above“ – wooden joist Installation „from below“ – metal joist

13 ECOFILM C INSTALLATION STEP 2 Finish mounting the whole strip of film, and all the other strips of film, in a similar manner. For ceilings with a wooden construction, the affixing of the film at the edges should be within 15 cm of the corner. You must insulate cables that pass through any metal construction with rubber or another smooth, non-conductive material. We strongly recommend that you fully mount the ceiling heating system in one room before you start installing it in another. When installing the ceiling heating system, you must ensure that it is at least: 50 mm from heated-air pipes, wooden beams, and supports for lighting fixtures, and 200 mm from electric lighting fixtures and electricity boxes. Keep the film at least 25 mm away from cold connection cables and secondary electric circuits (except for the current-flow direction of their interconnection, if appropriate). The cold connection cable must be at least 50 mm from the supporting beam.

14 ECOFILM C INSTALLATION STEP 3 After ECOFILM C laying PUT THE HEATING SYSTEM INTO TEST OPERATION Do this after completing the wiring and before installing the thermal insulation and covering up the ceiling construction. Measure, with a precise ohmmeter, the resistance of the heating circuit in each room before connecting its thermostat. The resistance value must be in the range from -5 % to +10 %.Finish mounting the whole strip of film, and all the other strips of film, in a similar manner. Record the measured resistance in the certificate regarding testing during installation. !!! WARNING: When the film is connected in subcircuits, the current value should not exceed 10 Amps !!!

15 ECOFILM C INSTALLATION STEP 4 INSTALL THERMAL INSULATION if all measurings are correct (Remark: For installation „from below“ is necessary to install thermal insulation before Ecofilm C laying). Lay the insulation onto the heating film without bends, wrinkles, or folds. There may be no air pockets between the heating film and the thermal insulation. We recommend that you use fiberglass insulation or mineral wool not covered with a film or paper. We further recommend a thickness of 7.5 to 10 cm in the inter-ceiling space and 15 in the intermediate. We strongly urge you not to use insulation based on cellulose or other flammable materials!!! Fill up all free spaces, e.g. in cases where the film is affixed to loadbearing joists (bars), with thermal insulation.

16 ECOFILM C INSTALLATION STEP 5 Before final plasterboard ceiling desk laying provide el.measurings of ECOFILM C again. If all measurings are correct you can cover up the ceiling space by plasterboard desks. We recommend that you use plasterboard 16 mm thick. We strongly urge you not to use a thicker material, nor one that easily absorbs moisture. The details on handling of thermal insulation, fastening of ceiling panels, and surface of ceiling panels are part of the project documentation (if any) regarding construction. The contractor for the construction part handles the installation of insulation and the panels (lower ceiling).

17 Temperature controls For the air temperature regulation heated by heating foil Ecofilm C is possible use following regulators : Fenix TS 101, Eco M/z or Eberle Instat 2 Fenix Therm 100 Eco M/z1 Eberle Instat 2

18 ECOFILM C Modern effective system of radiant ceiling heating

19 YOUR RIGHT PARTNER IN ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS Contact us : FENIX Trading s.r.o. Slezska 2 79001 Jesenik, Czech Rep. Tel/Fax: +420 584 495 304/303 E-mail: Web:

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