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Two Way ANOVAs Factorial Designs. Factors Same thing as Independent variables. Referred to as factors when there are more than one in a study. Factorial.

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1 Two Way ANOVAs Factorial Designs

2 Factors Same thing as Independent variables. Referred to as factors when there are more than one in a study. Factorial Design – a study in which there are more than two independent variables. In the design each level of each factor is represented at each level of each other factor.

3 Single MarriedDivorced Males Females Are there significant differences in Happiness among single, married and divorced respondents. This is the same as a One-way ANOVA.

4 Single MarriedDivorced Males Females Do the males and the females differ on their Happiness Scores.

5 Single MarriedDivorced Males Single MarriedDivorced Females Is the Pattern of differences in Happiness Ratings the same for males as for females?

6 Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Happiness rating Marital Status SexMeanStd. Deviation N SingleMale4.20001.135310 Female6.60001.173810 Total5.40001.667020 MarriedMale7.70001.494410 Female5.60001.264910 Total6.65001.725220 DivorcedMale4.90001.286710 Female5.00002.211110 Total4.95001.761420 TotalMale5.60001.993130 Female5.73331.700630 Total5.66671.838160 SingleMarriedDivorcedMean Male 4.20 (1.14) Female Total

7 Two Way ANOVA Table SourceSum of Squares doMean SquareFSig. Marital Status31.033215.5177.137.002 Sex1.2671.2671.123.728 Marital Status * Sex50.633225.31711.645.001 Error117.400542.174 Total2127.00060 Main effect of Marital Status. Is it Significant? If yes – interpret Multiple Comparisons.

8 Multiple Comparisons Table (LSDs) Dependent* Variable: Happiness rating Mean Differenc e (I-J) Std. Error Sig. (I) Marriage Status (J) Marriage Status SingleMarried-1.250.466.010 Divorced.450.466.339 MarriedSingle1.250.466.010 Divorced1.700.466.001 DivorcedSingle-.450.466.339 Married-1.700.466.001

9 Two Way ANOVA Table SourceSum of Square s dfMean SquareFSig. Marital Status31.033215.5177.137.002 Sex1.2671.2671.123.728 Marital Status * Sex50.633225.31711.645.001 Error117.400542.174 Total2127.00060 Main effect of Sex. Is it Significant? If yes – look at means to see who is happier.

10 Two Way ANOVA Table SourceSum of Square s dfMean SquareFSig. Marital Status31.033215.5177.137.002 Sex1.2671.2671.123.728 Marital Status * Sex50.633225.31711.645.001 Error117.400542.174 Total2127.00060 Interaction Between Marital Status and Sex. Is it Significant? If yes – Do separate one-way ANOVAs, one for Males and One for Females.

11 Dependent Variable: Happiness rating One Way ANOVA - Males Source Sum of Squares dfMean SquareFSig. Marital Status68.600234.30019.873.001 Error46.600271.726 Total1056.00030 Multiple Comparisons Table (LSD) Dependent Variable: Happiness rating Mean Difference (I-J) Std. ErrorSig. (I) Marriage Status (J) Marriage Status SingleMarried-3.500.588.001 Divorced-.700.588.244 MarriedSingle3.500.588.001 Divorced2.800.588.001 DivorcedSingle.700.588.244 Married-2.800.588.001

12 Females. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Happiness rating SourceSum of Squares dfMean Square FSig. Marital Status 12.51026.2552.297.121 Error70.800262.723 Total1045.00029 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Happiness rating LSD Mean Difference (I-J) Std. ErrorSig. (I) Marriage Status (J) Marriage Status SingleMarried1.0000.7380.187 Divorced1.6000.7582.045 MarriedSingle.7380.187 Divorced.6000.7582.436 DivorcedSingle-1.6000.7582.045 Married -.6000.7582.436

13 When you have a significant Interaction it means the effect of one factor Depends on the level of the second factor.

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