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Paper prepared for the ICSEI conference in Malm ö, January 2012 WIM VAN DE GRIFT MICHELLE HELMS-LORENZ University of Groningen The Netherlands CLASSROOM.

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Presentation on theme: "Paper prepared for the ICSEI conference in Malm ö, January 2012 WIM VAN DE GRIFT MICHELLE HELMS-LORENZ University of Groningen The Netherlands CLASSROOM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paper prepared for the ICSEI conference in Malm ö, January 2012 WIM VAN DE GRIFT MICHELLE HELMS-LORENZ University of Groningen The Netherlands CLASSROOM PRACTICE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS

2 1.Theory and prior empirical research 2.Research questions 3.Sample 4.Method 5.Psychometric quality 6.Results 7.Conclusions AGENDA

3 Linear models: Fuller (1969,1970); Dreyfus & Dreyfus (1986); Berliner (1994, 2001); Steffy & Wolfe (2001) THEORIES OF PROFESSIONEL DEVELOPMENT (1)


5 Parabolic models: Burke, Christensen, Fessler & Price (1987); Lynn (2002); Day (2008); Gonçalves (2009); Van de Grift, Van der Wal & Torenbeek (2011) THEORIES OF PROFESSIONEL DEVELOPMENT (2)


7 PRIOR EMPIRICAL STUDIES Hargreaves (2005); Holloway (2003); Huberman (1989); Rosenholtz & Simpson (1990); Van de Grift, Van der Wal & Torenbeek (2011) found indications that teachers in the middle of their career experience serious problems

8 Lineair or parabolic development? Do teachers have higher teaching qualities the more years of experience they have? or, Do teachers show a dip in teaching abilities around the middle of their career? RESEARCH QUESTIONS

9 Cross sectional research on 1604 teachers in 138 secondary schools 950 teachers licenced for lower secondary education 169 teachers licenced for upper secondary education SAMPLE

10 Independent classroom observations done by specially trained teachers using the ICALT observation instrument Scheffé test on 8 groups of teacher with different job experience METHOD

11 RELIABILITY Creating a safe and stimulating learning climate** Efficient lesorganization43.** Clear and structured instruction73.** Activating lessons72.** Teaching learning strategies62.** Taking individual needs into account in instructions** Student involvement33.0.65.86 # items Msd Cron- bach’ alpha R with student involve ment PSYCHOMETRIC QUALITY

12 MEAN SCORES insufficient sufficient good

13 GENDER good sufficient insufficient.

14 LICENCED FOR LOWER OR UPPER SECOND. EDUCATION good sufficient insufficient.25.22

15 TEACHING SUBJECT good sufficient insufficient

16 SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL good sufficient insufficient

17 YEAR (STUDENT AGE) good suffcient insufficient

18 CLASSROOM SIZE good sufficient insufficient

19 TEACHING EXPERIENCE sufficient insufficient good

20 TEACHING EXP. WITH CORR. sufficient insufficient good

21 RELIABILITY Creating a safe and stimul. learn. climate22.0 Efficient lesorganization14.3 Clear and structured instruction12.6 Activating lessons13.2 Teaching learning strategies21.2 Taking individual needs into account15.8 Average16.5 % TEACHERS WITH 20-30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE STILL SCORING ON THE HIGH SIDE

22 Bèta covariates w. experience climorginsactstraactbet Gender.09*.13*.08.14*.10* Licence.15*.09.15*. Subject-.01.00 -.01.00 Year-.02 -.04.00.05-.04-.06 School level-.01-.02-. Class size.00 -.01.00

23 EXPERIENCED vs NOVICE TEACHERS insufficient sufficient good.


25 80-85% of the teachers with 20-30 years of experience seem to have a serious dip in their teaching abilities Part of the explanation is the relatively large group of male teachers with a licence for lower secondary education only MAIN CONCLUSIONS (1)

26 Before we might hint to longitudinal explanations (mid life crisis) we should explore: * Mobility to other positions like school management, inspector, teacher trainer * Quality of teacher training institutes about 25 years ago (NLO started between 1970-1980) * Dramatic changes in teacher salaries in 1985 (HOS) MAIN CONCLUSIONS (2)

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