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A Sketch of the Battlefield Emily Berry and Morghen Philippi.

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Presentation on theme: "A Sketch of the Battlefield Emily Berry and Morghen Philippi."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Sketch of the Battlefield Emily Berry and Morghen Philippi

2 Definition of Sex ● What is the definition of sex?

3 Definition of Sex Merriam-Webster: the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females

4 Bateman’s Principle Natural selection favors males who eagerly and indiscriminately pursue mates and choosy females ● Polygyny: mating system in which males mate with multiple females ● What support is there for Bateman’s Principle? Why does it “make sense”? What would you say to someone who teaches you the Bateman’s Principle?

5 Polyandry Mating system in which females mate with multiple males ● Why would polyandry evolve?

6 Types of Polyandry ● Convenience polyandry: Instead of expending energy to resist fighting unwanted matings, the females just lay down and take it. ● Fraternal polyandry: Male brothers mate with one female. ● Genetic-benefit polyandry: In female arthropods that can store sperm, the female will mate with multiple males in order to have a diverse sperm pool, and thus more genetic diversity, to fertilise her eggs with. ● Mate-defence polyandry: As in the phalarope, where the female guards her multiple male mates. ● Maternal-benefit polyandry: In which females mate with multiple males due to benefits given by sexually- active males, usually nutrition or protection. ● Serial (sequential) polyandry: In which females form monogamous pairs with multiple males in succession. ● Simultaneous polyandry: Similar to serial polyandry, but forms the pairs at the same time. ● Sperm-replenishment polyandry: In which females mate with multiple males to refill their sperm banks (see genetic-benefit polyandry).

7 Sick of Sex in India ● Mate for 10 weeks

8 Spooked in Gabon ● Spiky penis ●

9 Perplexed in Cloverhill ● Males die after sex

10 Time for a Game! Complete the matches on your worksheet!

11 Matching Game! A.B. C. D. E.G. F. H.

12 So What? ● Why does sexual conflict exist? Shouldn’t males and females want to cooperate? ● How does sexual conflict relate to the Red Queen Hypothesis? ● What factors might promote the evolution of the following mating systems: o polyandry o polygygy o monogamy

13 Exploration Develop a research question regarding sexual conflict and polyandry. ● You have unlimited funds and resources

14 Sources For Worksheet ● /20140908-twisted-world-of-sexual- organs/index.html ● Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation

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