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An Ontological Approach for the Management of Rights Data Dictionaries Roberto García, Jaime Delgado DMAG (Distributed Multimedia Applications Group) Universitat.

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Presentation on theme: "An Ontological Approach for the Management of Rights Data Dictionaries Roberto García, Jaime Delgado DMAG (Distributed Multimedia Applications Group) Universitat."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Ontological Approach for the Management of Rights Data Dictionaries Roberto García, Jaime Delgado DMAG (Distributed Multimedia Applications Group) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

2 Contents Introduction MPEG-21 RDD OWL Mappings RDD Ontology Benefits –Integrity –Consistency –Other Conclusions

3 Introduction. Multimedia Content Identification Description Coding Business Models Distribution / Communication Digital Rights! (IPR, Intellectual Property Rights)

4 Introduction. DMR Issues Protection: Copy protection, Watermarking, … Information representation: – Metadata – Rules (Rights expression language) – Dictionary (Rights Data Dictionary) – Negotiation: Protocol – Agreement: Contract – Control : Passive and active

5 Introduction. DRM Standardistation Information representation: – Metadata – Rules (Rights expression language) – Dictionary (Rights Data Dictionary) Approaches: MPEG-21, ODRL, CreativeCommons, CopyrightOntology,…

6 MPEG-21 RDD Moving Picture Experts Group –MPEG-1: Standard for storage and retrieval of moving pictures and audio on storage media –MPEG-2: Standard for digital television –MPEG-4: Standard for multimedia applications –MPEG-7: Standard for description and search of audio and visual content –MPEG-21: Multimedia Framework

7 MPEG-21 RDD Part 1: Vision, Technologies and Strategy Part 2: Digital Item Declaration Part 3: Digital Item Identification Part 4: Intellectual Property Management and Protection Part 5: Rights Expression Language Part 6: Rights Data Dictionary Part 7: Digital Item Adaptation Part 8: Reference Software Part 9: File Format Part 10: Digital Item Processing Part 11: Evaluation Methods for Persistent Association Technologies Part 12: Test Bed for MPEG-21 Resource Delivery Part 13: Scalable Video Coding Part 14: Conformance Part 15: Event Reporting Part 16: DID binarisation …?

8 MPEG-21 RDD Rights expressions terms definitions. Informal ontology. Set of terms and terms relationships.


10 Term attributes: –Headword: name. –Synonym: alternative names. –Definition –MeaningType: Original, PartlyDerived or Derived. –Comments

11 MPEG-21 RDD Term relations: –Genealogy: inheritance, domain and range… –Types: class membership. –Membership of Sets: set membership. –Family: ActType to Context Model terms. –ContextView: Context Model semantics.

12 MPEG-21 RDD Context Model:

13 OWL Mappings Formalise RDD semantics. OWL Web Ontology. Map terms attributes and relations to OWL constructs.

14 OWL Mappings Predefined in RDFS Schema rdfs:comment Comments New property defined in RDDOnto rddo:meaningType MeaningType Predefined in Dublin Core RDFS dc:description Definition New property defined in RDDOnto rddo:synonym Synonym Predefined in RDF rdf:ID Headword Kind of RDF property RDF Property RDD Attribute

15 OWL Mappings rdfs:memberIsMemberOf rdf:rangeHasRange rdf:domainHasDomain rdf:typeIsA rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subPropertyOf IsTypeOf RDFRDD relation

16 OWL Mappings owl:inverseOfIsReciprocalOf Inverse of rdfs:subClassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf HasType Inverse of owl:oneOfIsAllowedValueOf rddo:isPartOfIsPartOf owl:complementOfIsOpposedTo owl:equivalentClass owl:equivalentProperty owl:sameIndividualAs IsEquivalentTo rddo:hasQualityIs OWLRDD relation

17 RDDOnto Parse RDD FDIS Table 3 Terms Definitions. Apply mappings. Generate OWL Ontology: RDDOnto –Complete: RDDOnto OWL-Full –Constrained: RDDOnto OWL-DL

18 RDDOnto. OWL-Full Classes: 597 Datatype Properties: 3 Object Properties: 245 Annotation Properties: 3 Individuals: 811

19 RDDOnto. OWL-DL Ignore classes as instances. Class to Class relations as AnnotationProperties. –Relations for the Context Model. –Alternative: class Restrictions.

20 RDDOnto Example: Act hierarchy.

21 Benefits. Integrity Integrity problems (undefined terms). –Relationships: HasCoChangedResource, icoInteractor, IsInteractorInContext, IsInteractorWith, IsInteractedWithBy, IsAllowedValueOf and IsDescriptionOf. –Terms: ContextModelTermSet, TS_2, CategorizingEvent, Categorized and RenderedAsFixation. –Spelling errors: PlaceOfCategorizeing, TimeOfCategorizeing and HaIsCategory.

22 Benefits. Consistency Performed by logic reasoning tools (Description Logic reasoners). Check inconsistencies: 320 inconsitencies detected.

23 Benefits. Consistency Inconsistency examples (1/2): –IsAgentActingOn has domain Agent. Its superproperty IsRelativeOf has domain Relative but it is not superclass of Agent –BegetsAgentType has domain AgentType. Its superproperty IsBegetterOf has domain Begetter but it is not superclass of AgentType

24 Benefits. Consistency Inconsistency examples (2/2): –BegetsTimeType has range TimeType. Its superproperty IsRelativeOf has range BegottenTerm but it is not superclass of TimeType –Has has range Haver. Its superproperty IsRelativeOf has range Relative but it is not superclass of Haver

25 Benefits. Other Facilitate MPEG-21 implementation: –Semantic queries. –DL classifiers for license checking. –Ontology integration (RELOntos-RDDOnto). Standard usability: –Graphical views. –Ontology editors. Etc.

26 Conclusions RDDOnto (OWL Ontology for RDD) –2003: Contributed to MPEG, M10423 –Used by DMAG Reference Sotfware –2005: Update RDD FDIS –2005: RDD review and extension

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