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HERI Faculty Survey 2004-2005 Selected IVCC Results Office of Institutional Research.

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1 HERI Faculty Survey 2004-2005 Selected IVCC Results Office of Institutional Research

2 HERI Based in the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles Sixth in a series of national faculty surveys Conducted every 3 yrs since 1989-1990 2004-2005 = 1 st IVCC Faculty Participation

3 Higher Education Research Institute 421 Colleges & Universities participated “faculty member” = any full-time employee of an accredited college or university who spends at least part of his/her time teaching undergraduates Data reported separately for men & women faculty

4 2004-2005 HERI Faculty Survey Includes new items relating to remedial & developmental education, community service & spirituality 41 Public 2-Yr Colleges in the norm group; 2678 faculty 35% participation rate required to be counted in the norm group IVCC had 51/82 = 62% survey participation rate; 23 men & 28 women

5 Survey Focus Demographics How faculty members spend their time How they interact with their students Their preferred methods of teaching Their perceptions of institutional climate Their primary sources of stress and satisfaction.

6 Age of IVCC Faculty: Women v Men

7 Age of Faculty: IVCC v Public 2YR

8 Children Under 18: by Gender and Institution

9 Highest Degree Earned: IVCC v Public 2YR

10 Goals for Undergraduate Education (“Very Important” or “Essential”) IVCCWomenMen Public-2YR Develop ability to think critically98.096.4100.098.5 Help master knowledge in a discipline86.389.382.692.1 Prepare for employment after college84.389.378.383.1 Promote ability to write effectively 74.578.669.682.8 Develop moral character62.077.8 43.566.6

11 Goals for Undergraduate Education (“Very Important” or “Essential”) IVCCWomenMen Public- 2YR Enhance students' self-understanding58.0 70.443.5 66.3 Prepare students for responsible citizenship56.063.047.866.2 Develop creative capacities52.946.460.966.0 Enhance students' knowledge of and appreciation for other racial/ethnic groups 51.071.426.164.4 Instill a basic appreciation of the liberal arts45.142.947.849.3

12 Goals for Undergraduate Education (“Very Important” or “Essential”) IVCCWomenMen Public- 2YR Instill commitment to community service41.257.121.744.1 Help students develop personal values 38.0 42.931.8 60.1 Prepare for graduate or advanced education 37.3 32.143.5 52.8 Provide for students' emotional development37.350.021.747.3 Facilitate search for meaning/purpose in life33.339.326.140.0 Enhance spiritual development15.714.317.4 24.0

13 Underprepared Students Faculty Views on Underprepared Students (percentages) Agree "somewhat" or "strongly"IVCCWomenMen Public 2-YR Faculty feel that most students are well-prepared academically Most of the students I teach lack the basic skills for college level work 52.053.650.0 65.4

14 Approaches to Teaching Faculty Approaches to Teaching and Evaluation (percentages) Teaching/evaluation method used in "most" or "all" classes IVCCWomenMen Public 2-YR Class discussion88.092.981.883.7 Extensive lecturing60.050.072.754.7 Multiple choice mid-term and/or final exams56.067.940.949.0 Reflective writing/journaling36.050.018.2 19.6

15 Clock Hours per Week: Scheduled Teaching

16 Clock Hours per Week: Preparing to Teach

17 Clock Hours per Week: Committee Work + Meetings

18 Stress Factors: Women v Men

19 Stress Factors: IVCC v Public 2YR

20 Sources of Stress: Women v Men

21 Sources of Stress: IVCC v Public 2YR

22 Personal Sources of Stress

23 Professional Sources of Stress

24 “To a Great Extent”

25 Job Aspects: “very satisfactory” or “satisfactory”

26 Faculty Relationship w/ Administration

27 Subtle Discrimination e.g. prejudice, racism, sexism (Factors noted as a source of stress for you during the last 2 years)

28 Mentoring

29 It’s the Teaching

30 Faculty Development

31 Priority Issues

32 Courses Taught Past 2 Yrs: Women v Men

33 So Where Do We Go From Here? To Infinity and Beyond…………………..

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