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1 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 1 Advanced databases – Defining and combining.

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1 1 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 1 Advanced databases – Defining and combining heterogeneous databases: Ontology matching Bettina Berendt Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science Last update: 5 November 2007

2 2 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 2 Agenda DBs & ontologies: What‘s new in ontology matching? A classification of schema-based ontology matching Example OLA Example Semantic Integration Through Invariants Evaluating matching Involving the user: Explanations

3 3 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 3 Recap: The match problem for relational databases  Given two schemas S1 and S2, find a mapping between elements of S1 and S2 that correspond semantically to each other

4 4 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 4 Ocean Lake BodyOfWater River Stream Sea NaturallyOccurringWaterSource Recap: The water ontology (and how it would give rise to a match problem) Tributary Brook Rivulet Properties: feedsFrom: River Properties: emptiesInto: BodyOfWater (Functional) (Inverse Functional) (Inverse) Properties: containedIn: BodyOfWater (Transitive) Properties: connectsTo: NaturallyOccurringWaterSource (Symmetric) Ex.: How would this map to the taxonomy: WaterEntity River LakeOrPond OceanOrSea (and their properties)?

5 5 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 5 Motivation: Applications n All of the applications of schema matching n Specific (Semantic-) Web-related applications: l Agent communication l Web Services integration

6 6 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 6 Similarities between (database schemas and ontologies) or (databases and knowledge bases) n Same problems: Match conceptual schemata, map instances n Much overlap in expressivity, including l Objects, l properties, l aggregation, l generalization, l set-valued properties, l constraints n Structural similarities: l Matching structure of relational tables  matching class hierarchies  Can re-use schema matching methods from DB literature

7 7 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 7 Database (schema)s and ontologies: differences n Databases are often created to structure a given set of data, whereas ontologies are created to describe the common structure of a domain (independent of data and applications)  Schema-based (as opposed to instance-based) matching more common. n Ontologies often have richer expressivity  This can be exploited by matching algorithms. n Ontologies are designed to be shared and extended  An interesting type of re-use matching: re-use upper ontology Characteristic #1 Characteristic #2 Charact eristic #3

8 8 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 8 Note: Further differences and their effects (with different effects on the matching problem; not treated in this lecture) n Databases are often created to structure a given set of data, whereas ontologies are created to describe the common structure of a domain (independent of data and applications)  Different primary roles of constraints l In DB: integrity constraints  ensure integrity of the data (= instances) l In ontologies: express meaning, ensure consistency (either of the ontology or of the instances) n Different foci of the processing engines: l SQL engines: answer queries, reason with views, ensure data integrity; l Inference engines: derive new information via automated inference; taxonomic reasoning is key n Database schemas often do not provide explicit semantics for their data (lost after design, not part of the DB spec.)  Ontologies are logical systems that obey formal semantics, e.g., we can interpret ontology definitions as a set of logical axioms

9 9 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 9 Agenda DBs & ontologies: What‘s new in ontology matching? A classification of schema-based ontology matching Example OLA Example Semantic Integration Through Invariants Evaluating matching Involving the user: Explanations

10 10 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 10 The match operator (1): Basics n Match operator: f(o,o‘) = alignment between o and o‘ l for schemas/ontologies o, o‘ n Alignment l a set of mapping elements n Mapping elements l elements of o, elements of o‘, relation & some further info:

11 11 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 11 The match operator (2): Potential extra inputs n r: external resources (thesauri,...) n p: parameters (weights, thresholds,...) n An input alignment A to be completed by the process

12 12 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 12 Recap: Rahm & Bernstein‘s classification of schema matching approaches

13 13 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 13 The methods that are important when the schema is in the foreground (OM characteristic #1)

14 14 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 14 The extension by Shvaiko & Euzenat (2005) [Partial view]

15 15 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 15 A classification of approaches Schema Matching lecture today (characteristic #2) today: explanations

16 16 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 16 Agenda DBs & ontologies: What‘s new in ontology matching? A classification of schema-based ontology matching Example OLA Example Semantic Integration Through Invariants Evaluating matching Involving the user: Explanations

17 17 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 17 Basic ideas n In principle, a fully automatic approach; user can – at most – adapt parameters n input: two ontologies in OWL-Lite n Use a dedicated typed graph representation of the language that concentrates the necessary information for computing the similarity between OWL entities n a similarity measure that encompasses all OWL-Lite features n Basic idea: similarity between two elements depends on their pairwise similarity and that of all adjacent elements n Use the computed measure for generating an alignment n Special provisions for key problems (collection comparison, circularities)

18 18 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 18 OL graphs This ontology (expressed in UML)...... becomes this OL graph:

19 19 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 19 OL graphs n categories of nodes: l class (C) l object (O) l relation (R) l property (P) l property instance (A) l datatype (D) l datavalue (V) l property restriction labels (L) n edges express relationships: l rdfs:subClassOf between two classes or two properties (S) l rdf:type (I) between objects and classes, property instances and properties, values and datatypes l A between classes and properties, objects and property instances l owl:Restriction (R) expressing the restriction on a property in a class l valuation (U) of a property in an individual

20 20 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 20 The similarity measure for a pair of nodes n Anchor pair and contributors define similarity : n x, x‘: nodes n N(x): the set of all relationships in which x participates n Sim is the similarity  [0,1] n Weights are normalized to sum to 1 n F(x) = {x; y;  F} E

21 21 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 21 The set of similarities assigns a URI reference to each node from C  O  R  P  D  A

22 22 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 22 Example (partial view) When thresholding by 0.5 minimal similarity, only Human – Person is returned

23 23 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 23 Agenda DBs & ontologies: What‘s new in ontology matching? A classification of schema-based ontology matching Example OLA Example Semantic Integration Through Invariants Evaluating matching Involving the user: Explanations

24 24 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 24 Basic idea n A methodology for responding to Characteristic #2: l Different application ontologies are not created independently of each other, but as extensions of a core ontology n In principle, a highly interactive (semi-automated) method: users are asked to describe the axiomatic properties of their ontologies

25 25 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 25 Example: PSL core – axiomatizing a set of intuitive semantic primitives for describing the fundamental concepts of manufacturing processes Primitive Lexicon: n Relations: l (object ?x) l (activity ?a) l (activity_occurrence ?occ) l (timepoint ?t) l (before ?t1 ?t2) l (occurrence_of ?occ ?a) l (participates_in ?x ?occ ?t) n Functions: l (beginof ?occ) l (endof ?occ) n... Axiom 1 The before relation only holds between timepoints. (forall (?t1 ?t2) (if(before ?t1 ?t2) (and (timepoint ?t1) (timepoint ?t2)))) Axiom 2 The before relation is a total ordering. (forall (?t1 ?t2) (if(and (timepoint ?t1) (timepoint ?t2)) (or (= ?t1 ?t2) (before ?t1 ?t2) (before ?t2 ?t1))))... Process Specification Language PSL: Core

26 26 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 26 Basic idea: ontologies extend PSL

27 27 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 27 Definitional extensions n Preserving semantics is equivalent to preserving models of the axioms. l preserving models = isomorphism n classify models by using invariants (properties of models that are preserved by isomorphism). l automorphism groups, endomorphism semigroups n Classes of activities and objects are specified using these invariants.

28 28 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 28 Example: Markovian activities = activities whose preconditions depend only on the state prior to the occurrences Defined by class (3) : NB: class (4): there are additional nonmarkovian constraints on the legal occurrences of the activity

29 29 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 29 Twenty questions Application ontology designers are asked questions about their classes (e.g., myclass) in order to map these classes to PSL, e.g.: Answer 1  translation definition Answers 1 and 2  translation definition

30 30 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 30 Ontology mappings n Ontology designers of different extensions of PSL are asked these questions. n Classes from different extensions of PSL can be mapped to each other if they preserve the same invariants.

31 31 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 31 Agenda DBs & ontologies: What‘s new in ontology matching? A classification of schema-based ontology matching Example OLA Example Semantic Integration Through Invariants Evaluating matching Involving the user: Explanations

32 32 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 32 The Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative

33 33 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 33 (How did OLA score?)

34 34 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 34 Agenda DBs & ontologies: What‘s new in ontology matching? A classification of schema-based ontology matching Example OLA Example Semantic Integration Through Invariants Evaluating matching Involving the user: Explanations

35 35 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 35 Example ontologies  To be matched by S-Match with the help of (among others) WordNet

36 36 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 36 Explanations – level 1: explanations in English

37 37 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 37 Explanations – level 2: source metadata information

38 38 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 38 Miscellaneous (discussion points from last week)

39 39 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 39 Large ontologies in the life sciences (examples)

40 40 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 40 Different languages have different (lexicalized) concept boundaries Older brother Younger brother Older sister Younger sister

41 41 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 41 Next lecture DBs & ontologies: What‘s new in ontology matching? A classification of schema-based ontology matching Example OLA Example Semantic Integration Through Invariants Evaluating matching Involving the user: Explanations Ontology Evolution

42 42 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 42 References / background reading; acknowledgements n Overviews: P. Shvaiko, J. Euzenat: A Survey of Schema-based Matching Approaches. Journal on Data Semantics, 2005. M. Uschold and M. Grüninger. Ontologies and semantics for seamless connectivity. SIGMOD Record, 33(3), 2004. N. Noy: Semantic Integration: A Survey of Ontology-based Approaches. SIGMOD Record, 33(3), 2004. n OLA: J. Euzenat, P. Valtchev Similarity-based ontology alignment in OWL-lite In Proceedings of ECAI, 2004. n Invariants: M. Grüninger and J. Kopena. Semantic integration through invariants. In A. Doan, A. Halevy, and N. Noy, editors, Workshop on Semantic Integration at ISWC-2003, Sanibel Island, FL, 2003. n Explanations in S-Match: Pavel Shvaiko, Fausto Giunchiglia, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva & Deborah L. McGuinness (2005). Web Explanations for Semantic Heterogeneity Discovery. In The Semantic Web: Research and Applications. Springer: LNCS 3532.

43 43 Berendt: Advanced databases, winter term 2007/08, 43 Acknowledgements n pp. 26-27 taken from: Michael Gruninger (undated). Using Model-Theoretic Invariants for Semantic Integration. ance_Metrics/PerMIS_2004/Proceedings/Gruninger.pdf n p. 39 taken from: Toralf Kirsten, Andreas Thor, & Erhard Rahm (2007). Instance-based matching of large life science ontologies. In Data Integration in the Life Sciences (pp. 172-187). Springer: LNCS 4544. n p. 40 taken from: P. Koch (2005). Vorlesung: Probleme der romanischen Wortbildung. http://homepages.uni- e%20Semantik.pdf

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