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© 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1 Cognitive Art, Cognitive Science: A Video Case of Teacher Cognition Click.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1 Cognitive Art, Cognitive Science: A Video Case of Teacher Cognition Click."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1 Cognitive Art, Cognitive Science: A Video Case of Teacher Cognition Click to Play Time: 1:10

2 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2 Research Agenda Comparative and developmental case studies of conceptual languages that teachers use to think about and describe videotapes of their teaching.

3 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 3 The question whether what is involved is a seeing or an act of interpreting arises because an interpretation becomes an expression of experience. And the interpretation is not an indirect description; no, it is the primary expression of the experience. –Ludwig Wittgenstein, Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology

4 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 4 Philosophy of Case Development Good video cases for teacher education can be products of legitimate research into teacher and student thinking and development. The video cases achieved through research can be interesting artistic expressions that creatively emphasize the message in research findings.

5 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 5 Research/Case—Development Method Video a significant instructional unit. Teacher conducts Transana analysis. –Selects clips of important experiences. –Annotates clips with personal keywords and comments Analysis of teacher’s Transana data inter- woven with discussions, video production. Consultation/interviews with teacher as story and video progress.

6 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 6

7 7 Desirable Additional Steps Incorporation of contrasting/comparative or elaborated analyses –Example: How African American scholar or peer teacher or learning scientist or conversational analyst or school administrator sees video

8 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 8 Example Case: Huck Finn at West High John Howe: 5th Year Teacher, White Teaching controversial, racially sensitive text in a predominately white 10th grade honors English class. Instructional goals include both literary analysis and increased sensitivity to racial issues.

9 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 9 Top 7 Keywords from Howe’s Transana Analysis Point of View (12 clips) Evaluation (11 clips) Literary Connections (9 clips) Modeling (9 clips) Discussion Builder (7 clips) Focus Provider (7 clips) Student Knowledge Check (7 clips) (Total Concepts: 33)

10 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 10 Point of View (POV) Theories in Education Cognitive Flexibility (Spiro). Perspectivity (Goldman-Segall). Empathy & Perspective as Forms of Understanding (Wiggins & McTighe).

11 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 11 Wittgenstein on POV [I]f I say to someone “Hear it like this”, he must now be able to say: “Yes, now I understand it; now it really makes sense!” –Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology

12 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 12 The Teacher’s POV Concept (A Wittgensteinian Analysis) Study instances of language in use “Criss-cross” (Spiro et al.) the landscape of practice for instances Look for family resemblance among concepts over multiple instances of word use Note how concepts are differently “clothed” in contexts See words as tools, defined by their use

13 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 13 Wittgensteinian Vs. Other Approaches Contrast with traditional cognitive approach –Video analysis not retrospective recall task, but language of reflection (Tochon) –Family resemblance means there is no immutable rule set for coding/defining concepts (Wittgenstein: You will always find a concept that is an exception) Contrast with non-dualist TPD approaches –Schon’s, Tremmel’s views of reflective practice do not require consideration of teachers’ concepts

14 POV Across Contexts: Note Actions and Keyword Combinings Click to Play 4-17 Time: 1:10 Click to Play 1-11 Time: 1:01 Click to Play 1-15 Time: 1:10

15 POV Across Contexts: Note Actions and Keyword Combinings Click to Play 19 Time: 4:25

16 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 16 Clip Annotations Reveal Language of Teacher Action, Cause and Effect Video 1: “[Teacher’s] introduction of Wallace’s quote on the novel’s effect on students’ low self- esteem, etc. Introduces both sides of the argument.” Video 2: “strong reactions brought about by initial discussion questions. Also, shows students’ interest in discussing their own opinions, views, and examples. Power of personal experience.” Video 3: “teacher’s introduction of scholar’s opinion “pain is a part of life” into discussion. Creates good student responses...

17 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 17 Conclusions: Variants and Uses of the Keyword, POV POV as a tool: POV is an instructional goal and result of various teacher actions Meanings of POV vary in terms of –the actions and semantic context of clip itself –the teacher’s conceptual context: what and how many keywords combine with POV POV refers to many voices –Class as a whole, African Americans in favor, African Americans opposed, White male athletes, White male teacher authority, individual students...

18 © 2003 Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison 18 Click to Play Time: 1:00

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