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Duke University SDN Approaches and Uses GENI CIO Workshop – July 12, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Duke University SDN Approaches and Uses GENI CIO Workshop – July 12, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duke University SDN Approaches and Uses GENI CIO Workshop – July 12, 2012

2 Duke Network – Current State Dukes existing infrastructure has a great deal of flexibility – Campus core is 20Gbps today (40Gbps soon) – External connectivity is 20Gbps today – Extensive wireless (~3200 802.11n APs) + Wired – Utilizes MPLS/VRF (VPN Routing and Forwarding) technologies throughout the campus (multi bldg depts, etc) More than 65 VPNs operating today, from PCI to e-PHI Custom firewalls can be deployed for any VRF – IPS/IDS operating at network Interchange Layer Inspects traffic in/out of Duke and VRF-to-VRF

3 Duke Network – Current Operation MCNC (Commodity + I-2/NLR) Campus Backbone Interchange Layer Duke Shared Cluster Resource Physics Department Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy

4 Duke Network – Current Operation MCNC (Commodity + I-2/NLR) Campus Backbone Interchange Layer Duke Shared Cluster Resource Physics Department Current Cross-domain Data Flow Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy

5 Duke Network – Limitations VRFs (VPNs) are configured by central IT – Wed like to give scientists more control and flexibility to create their own private VPNs with their collaborators on the campus network IPS/IDS can add latency and complexity – Wed like known (safe) transmissions on campus to proceed without exhaustive security checks External big data collaborations are the norm – Wed like to enable faster transmissions + more flexibility to access resources (cycles, storage) outside of Duke (without clogging the core network)

6 Duke Network – SDN Approach Leverage existing enterprise infrastructure and provide a bridge mechanism to enable SDN at theedge and take advantage of VRF capabilities where SDN is not yet deployed (in the core) – Retain the rock solid nature of the production network, WITHOUT creating a totally separate and independent physical research network Extend Exo-GENI access via SDN capabilities Enable regular traffic routes + HOV/express routes with planned points of ingress/egress – Enable scientists to opt-in to SDN connectivity as well as Exo-GENI capability Give scientists easy access to virtual slices (network, computation, storage) whether at Duke or beyond

7 Duke Network – Current Operation MCNC (Commodity + I-2/NLR) Campus Backbone Interchange Layer Duke Shared Cluster Resource Physics Department Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy Duke CS – Exo-Geni Research RENCIs Breakable Experimental Network (BEN) SDN Enabled Only for ExoGENI Research Project in CS, with Direct Connection by- passing Duke Network

8 Duke Network – Future Operation MCNC (Commodity + I-2/NLR) Campus Backbone Interchange Layer Duke Shared Cluster Resource Physics Department Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy Duke CS – Exo-Geni Research RENCIs Breakable Experimental Network (BEN) SDN Capability Added to Edge Sites with Know Use Cases: Physics (DYNES and big data transfers externally), IGSP (research with ePHI implications)

9 Duke Network – Future Operation MCNC (Commodity + I-2/NLR) Campus Backbone Interchange Layer Duke Shared Cluster Resource Physics Department Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy Duke CS – Exo-Geni Research RENCIs Breakable Experimental Network (BEN) Future Cross-domain Data Flow: SDN-Mediated + Prepositioned-VRFs to Enable Shortest Path, bypass Interchange Pre-positioned VRF Segment

10 Prepositioned VRFs Prepositioned VRFs can be used to connect an SDN edge endpoint with know collaboration sites in the core (non-SDN) network – Traffic routes around campus interchange layer Avoids IPS/IDS checks – faster transmission of big data for researchers Point-to-point routes mean less traffic in the core - benefits other university users – Benefit to the SDN users: potentially higher bandwidth, lower latency paths

11 Expressway Links Med-/Long-term SDN connections between known (frequently accessed) end-points – Establishes direct traffic routes Benefits are even greater than prepositioned VRF (even more direct), but less scalable since SDN required on both sides and fiber capacity needed between end-points – Enables ExoGENI experimentation and access to compute, storage and network slices beyond Duke to other SDN-enabled sites & ExoGENI racks

12 Duke Network – Future Operation MCNC (Commodity + I-2/NLR) Campus Backbone Interchange Layer Duke Shared Cluster Resource Physics Department Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy Duke CS – Exo-Geni Research RENCIs Breakable Experimental Network (BEN) Future External Data Flow: SDN-MediatedExpressway Links: Enable Layer2 Transport and ExoGENI Resource Access I-2/ION

13 External Data Flow SDN-enabled edge points can connect through a (pre-established) set of VPNs in the campus core (Layer 3) to reach external destinations Where Expressway Links exist and connect to ExoGENI, SDN-enabled edge points can connect via BEN-ExoGENI (Layer 2) to reach external destinations

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