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Diabetes Mellitus Zhang Zongji Department of Pathology

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1 Diabetes Mellitus Zhang Zongji Department of Pathology
Kunming Medical College

2 OVERVIEW Characteristic feature is hyperglycemia and glycosuria.
Deficiency in Insulin Disorder of metabolism in glucose, protein and fat Genetic predisposition Environmental insult Target-tissue resistance Chronic Disorder Destruction of pancreatic islet Characteristic feature is hyperglycemia and glycosuria. Injury of many organs occur in long-standing diabetes.

3 World health problem

4 Insulin Beta cell of the pancreatic islet


6 CLACIFICATION Primary diabetes mellitus Secondary diabetes mellitus
Arise from any diseases causing extensive destruction of pancreatic islet Non-Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM Special types of diabetes mellitus Gestational diabetes mellitus

7 Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus IDDM
TYPEⅠor Juvenile-onset diabetes TypeⅠA and TypeⅠB HLA genes Beta cell IDDM insulin virus autoimmunity Genetic Susceptibility:6p21— MHC- Ⅱ( HLA-DP,DQ,DR)

8 Non-Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus NIDDM
TYPEⅡor adult-onset diabetes 90%~95% 两个基本因素 两个基本环节 遗传易感性 多基因变异 PPARγ ARNT PTPN1 B细胞缺陷 胰岛素分泌紊乱 Hyperglycemia 中国人相关基因 胰岛素受体基因 载脂蛋白AI及B基因 葡萄糖激酶(GCK)基因 对胰岛素抵抗性 葡萄糖不适当利用 NIDDM 环境因素 Obesity



11 1. Pancreatic islet Not specific Ⅰ>Ⅱ Leukocytic infiltration(ⅠA)
Reduction in the number and size of islet(Ⅰ) Beta-cell degranulation(ⅠA) Hyaline(Ⅰ) and Amyloid (Ⅱ) replacement of islet

12 Myocadial infarction Vascular system Atherosclerosis
Vessels of all sizes are affected Atherosclerosis Myocadial infarction

13 Gangrene of the lower extremities
World Diabetes Day 2005 focused on diabetes and foot care.

14 Hyaline arteriolosclerosis:Hypertension

15 Diabetes microangiopathy:
Diffuse thickening of basement membranes

16 Diabetic nephropathy Glomerular lesions Renal vascular leisions Pyelonephritis Renal failure

17 Blindness Diabetic ocular complication Retinopathy nonproliferative
Cararact Glaucoma Blindness

18 Diabetic neuropathy and other lesions
Chronic ulcer of leg

19 CLINICAL FEATURES Hyperglycemia and glycosuria “三多一少”: Polyuria
Polyphagia Polydipsia Loss of weight Ketoacidosis Late complication

20 COMPLICATION: Long-Standing Diabetes

21 Atherosclerosis Susceptibility to infections Myocardial infarction Stroke (cerebrovascular accidents) Gangrene of the leg Renal failure Atherosclerotic heart disease CAUSE OF DEATH:

22 November 14 :“World Diabetes Day ”


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