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Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 1 Issue.

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Presentation on theme: "Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 1 Issue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julington Creek NEWSLETTER News about the collective work at the Julington Creek church of Christ and updates on individuals and families. Volume 1 Issue 3July 8, 2012 WORDS OF WISDOM OUR SHEPHERDS: Pete Martindale & Steve McCain EVANGELIST: Denny Freeman You have one mouth and two ears. Use them proportionately. The Changeless Gospel In A Changing World More and more people today are claiming that the Bible is outdated and that people must adopt an entirely new way of approaching the scriptures. Some say that tolerance should be the litmus test of Bible interpretation. That means that there should be universal acceptance of all religious thoughts, beliefs and behavior. This is the attitude that seeks to please people for the sake of pleasing them – regardless of any moral or doctrinal implications. This attitude does not ask “What is God telling us through His word?” but rather, “How can we please most of the people most of the time?” All this is nothing new. People asked Isaiah “Speak to us pleasant words; prophesy illusions” in Isaiah 30:10. Shortly thereafter, the nation of Israel was destroyed. In 5:20 Isaiah said “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light, and light for darkness.” Talk about an inside-out, upside down world! Just like today’s. When Jonah went to Nineveh he boldly told the people to repent or be overthrown (Jon. 3:4). That was the clear, unvarnished message God had for them. One brother actually had the nerve to suggest that had Jonah preached a more positive message instead of a negative one, Nineveh’s repentance would have been more genuine and longer-lasting! That impugns the very wisdom of God, for Jonah only said what God told him to say. Let’s keep saying what God has told us to say – with love, to be sure (Eph. 4:15) – but people need to hear the clear words of God, not the clap-trap that comes from many pulpits today. dlf 2 Inmates Baptized: John Johnson and David Lubin obeyed their Savior in baptism last Sunday afternoon at Lawtey CI.

2 CONTACT US Julington Creek Church Of Christ 1630 State Road 13 N. St. Johns, FL 32259 Phone: 904-230-3332 Or, Denny Freeman @ 904-703-2277 Email: Website: GATHERING TIMES SUNDAY Bible Classes --------------- 9:30 AM Morning Worship --------- 10:30 AM Evening Worship ---------- 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY Bible Classes --------------- 7:00 PM WE LOVE VISITORS! Our church: C. V. Alexander – Currently confined to home. Carnealia Bowman – recovering from eye surgery. Ed Culver – recovering from hand surgery. Myrtle Culver – At Regents Park; room #107. David Evors – Cancer tests are clear; still doing other testing. Cindy Lindsey – Chemo treatments. Carol Martindale – Chemo treatments; one more to go. Ellie Taylor – Will have surgery after further consultations. Betty Toohey – recovering from surgery. Relatives & Friends: Martha Harris – Nita McCain’s sister in Memphis, TN. Lydia & Rachel – Daughter & grand-daughter of Eddie Goff. Eleanor Hale, our Shelly’s friend, that God will help her marriage. Peggy Kennedy, David Evors’ sister, suffered a stroke and is in Baptist Hospital. Prayers WEDNESDAY NITE SUMMER BIBLE CLASS: Those men who want to teach a class during the summer, please sign up on sheet posted in foyer. We look forward to good participation. New address for Jason James: 3846 Mandarin Woods N., Jax, 32223. Shelly Rogers will be leaving us in October. She will return to the gulf coast area. Kathy Nelson is in Memphis this weekend attending the funeral of her nephew. SUNDAY SERMONS: AM – The Parable of the Sower PM – What Is The Church Of Christ Part 2 Worship Service July schedule is on table in foyer. NEWS

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